As I’m sitting here typing out these words to share with you all, the rain is pounding against the windows with no intention of letting up anytime soon. Spring is announcing its arrival with flooding rains, which is typical for Ohio. I’m praying it brings us a step closer to the beautiful greens and pops of color I love this time of year.

March is a month of unpredictable weather, which also mirrors the ups and downs of life. It’s a time of awakening and a stretching of my winter weary bones as I look forward to new beginnings. Spring exhibits a slow growth around here, but one day I’ll wake up and all the potential I dreamed about will be on display.

I usually outline these monthly musing posts with “what I am learning, loving, and leaning into”. I’m going to jump right into what I am loving and focus on two things for the rest of this post.

The biggest and best thing that happened in March was becoming a grandma for the first time. So many of you experienced grandparents have told me time and time again of the pure love you feel for a grandchild. You told me it is like no other and now I know. Sweet, baby Jack stole my heart the minute I laid my eyes on him. To see the love of our Father expand to include a mom and dad for their child and then watch the circle grow even larger for Mimi love, aunt and uncle love, etc. It’s beyond anything I have ever experienced.

I could go on and on and who is to say at some point I won’t, but for now I am ecstatic to be in the grandparent club.

The other thing I am loving is the new book, The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman. This beauty released today and Emily wrote the book for anyone faced with decision fatigue. I’m raising my hand over here because even though I am retired, I find I still face thousands of decisions everyday. You, too??

In honor of this new book from one of my favorite authors, I want to devote a bit of this post to give you a glimpse of what you will find inside the book.

Eighteen months ago, Emily P. Freeman began a podcast called The Next Right Thing. At the time, she found a deep love in sharing her words via the podcast medium and her short, ten to fifteen minute podcasts, were quickly downloaded by over two million people. Her voice alone provides a respite for your busy day and the “short and to the point” podcasts leave the listener with a simple next step and a place for their soul to breathe.

Fast forward and the popular podcast has now become a book, with a companion course, called Discern + Decide. This book is my favorite of all the books Emily has written because of her willingness to provide specific and attainable next steps all the while walking alongside us in the process.

I spend too much time worrying if I am making the right decision, when instead, I should be laying the decision down before God. There are many moments in the book where I stopped reading and ended up re-reading a line over and over. We can let go of the worry of making the right decision when we believe the truth of these words:

If God has something to tell you, and you continue to place yourself before him, he won’t let you miss it.

I’m convinced God is less interested in where we end up than he is in who we are becoming.

I’m going to give you all a minute or two to read those two quotes and absorb the truth that God will always care more about us and who we are than the process we drag ourselves through when making a decision. Always!

Each chapter in The Next Right Thing is a call to simply “do the next right thing”. You will find a real-life example that Emily faced in her beautiful storytelling style along with a prayer and a practice at the end of each chapter. I found the outline allowed me to read one chapter at a time, set the book down and return to it later without losing my way.

I am well on my way to looking at how I make decisions and revising this process by asking some key questions and laying it before God first. It will take some practice on my part, but I am learning how to replace the worry that surrounds every decision with the truth that the voice of God is always better than the critics.

This final quote sums up the focus of The Next Right Thing:

Our next right thing will often be to wait. Give time to allow the clutter to clear. Create space for your soul to breathe. Make room for desire to show up at the table. Begin to name the unnamed things. Wait. Listen. Repeat.

Join us at #TellHisStory for my monthly musings and a book review and giveaway. You don't want to miss it. Share on X

You can begin your own journey to overcoming decision fatigue today by ordering, The Next Right Thing, on Amazon. Click HERE to go directly to Amazon to purchase your own book. Also, one lucky person, who comments below, will have a chance to win The Next Right Thing. I have one beautiful hardcover copy of The Next Right Thing to give away to one of you. Leave a comment below by this Sunday at midnight for a chance to win.

Good luck to all!

***Affiliate links are used in this post. A very small portion of each sale comes back to me to help me keep this website going.

***Also, the contest for the book is for residents of the U.S. only. Thank you for understanding.

#TellHisStory Link Up
Each week we gather here as storytellers, word weavers, and encouragers to make His name known. Our story is God’s story and this small corner of the blogging world, where we come together each Tuesday, needs you. This is a place where poetry, snapshots, prayers, and stories find a safe spot to nod in agreement that what we have to say matters.
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***Hey community! I’m coming with an update about purchasing your own copy of The Next Right Thing. Emily P. Freeman announced today that she is extending the preorder bonuses through this Friday, April 5. This includes a free audiobook with Emily reading 🙂 and her Discern + Decide course. I can’t say enough about this book, but seriously these bonuses are worth way more than the price of one book. Click HERE to get your copy and help out a friend (ME)! Then head HERE to claim your bonuses.

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