As I’m sitting here typing out these words to share with you all, the rain is pounding against the windows with no intention of letting up anytime soon. Spring is announcing its arrival with flooding rains, which is typical for Ohio. I’m praying it brings us a step closer to the beautiful greens and pops of color I love this time of year.
March is a month of unpredictable weather, which also mirrors the ups and downs of life. It’s a time of awakening and a stretching of my winter weary bones as I look forward to new beginnings. Spring exhibits a slow growth around here, but one day I’ll wake up and all the potential I dreamed about will be on display.
I usually outline these monthly musing posts with “what I am learning, loving, and leaning into”. I’m going to jump right into what I am loving and focus on two things for the rest of this post.
The biggest and best thing that happened in March was becoming a grandma for the first time. So many of you experienced grandparents have told me time and time again of the pure love you feel for a grandchild. You told me it is like no other and now I know. Sweet, baby Jack stole my heart the minute I laid my eyes on him. To see the love of our Father expand to include a mom and dad for their child and then watch the circle grow even larger for Mimi love, aunt and uncle love, etc. It’s beyond anything I have ever experienced.

The other thing I am loving is the new book, The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman. This beauty released today and Emily wrote the book for anyone faced with decision fatigue. I’m raising my hand over here because even though I am retired, I find I still face thousands of decisions everyday. You, too??
In honor of this new book from one of my favorite authors, I want to devote a bit of this post to give you a glimpse of what you will find inside the book.
Eighteen months ago, Emily P. Freeman began a podcast called The Next Right Thing. At the time, she found a deep love in sharing her words via the podcast medium and her short, ten to fifteen minute podcasts, were quickly downloaded by over two million people. Her voice alone provides a respite for your busy day and the “short and to the point” podcasts leave the listener with a simple next step and a place for their soul to breathe.
Fast forward and the popular podcast has now become a book, with a companion course, called Discern + Decide. This book is my favorite of all the books Emily has written because of her willingness to provide specific and attainable next steps all the while walking alongside us in the process.

I spend too much time worrying if I am making the right decision, when instead, I should be laying the decision down before God. There are many moments in the book where I stopped reading and ended up re-reading a line over and over. We can let go of the worry of making the right decision when we believe the truth of these words:
If God has something to tell you, and you continue to place yourself before him, he won’t let you miss it.
I’m convinced God is less interested in where we end up than he is in who we are becoming.
I’m going to give you all a minute or two to read those two quotes and absorb the truth that God will always care more about us and who we are than the process we drag ourselves through when making a decision. Always!
Each chapter in The Next Right Thing is a call to simply “do the next right thing”. You will find a real-life example that Emily faced in her beautiful storytelling style along with a prayer and a practice at the end of each chapter. I found the outline allowed me to read one chapter at a time, set the book down and return to it later without losing my way.
I am well on my way to looking at how I make decisions and revising this process by asking some key questions and laying it before God first. It will take some practice on my part, but I am learning how to replace the worry that surrounds every decision with the truth that the voice of God is always better than the critics.
This final quote sums up the focus of The Next Right Thing:
Join us at #TellHisStory for my monthly musings and a book review and giveaway. You don't want to miss it. Share on XOur next right thing will often be to wait. Give time to allow the clutter to clear. Create space for your soul to breathe. Make room for desire to show up at the table. Begin to name the unnamed things. Wait. Listen. Repeat.
You can begin your own journey to overcoming decision fatigue today by ordering, The Next Right Thing, on Amazon. Click HERE to go directly to Amazon to purchase your own book. Also, one lucky person, who comments below, will have a chance to win The Next Right Thing. I have one beautiful hardcover copy of The Next Right Thing to give away to one of you. Leave a comment below by this Sunday at midnight for a chance to win.
Good luck to all!

***Affiliate links are used in this post. A very small portion of each sale comes back to me to help me keep this website going.
***Also, the contest for the book is for residents of the U.S. only. Thank you for understanding.
***Hey community! I’m coming with an update about purchasing your own copy of The Next Right Thing. Emily P. Freeman announced today that she is extending the preorder bonuses through this Friday, April 5. This includes a free audiobook with Emily reading 🙂 and her Discern + Decide course. I can’t say enough about this book, but seriously these bonuses are worth way more than the price of one book. Click HERE to get your copy and help out a friend (ME)! Then head HERE to claim your bonuses.
I knew you would LOVE being a grandma! It is such a blessing to watch as our kids become parents…and we get to share our wisdom, send up prayers, and just love them as we come alongside them. ❤️ Congratulations, sweet friend!
I do love being a grandma. Thank you for sharing your grandma wisdom. Love you friend!
The book looks really good — we are in a season of waiting and decision making and the encouragement to just do the next right thing is a good one for my heart today.
I’m not familiar with Emily, but am going to check out her podcast!
I hope you had a chance to check out Emily’s podcast. Her book is very good and has given me new perspective in my own decision making process. Thank you for stopping by.
Congratulations!!!! Jack is adorable, handsome, beautiful, and what a gift. Enjoy him!
I agree that he is all of those things. He is a gift like no other. Thank you for being here.
Good morning, Mary. Sweet baby Jack blessed me as I read your post. Though my TBR pile has grown beyond what I can do, I am adding this book to my list. And thank you for letting us know Emily has a podcast. I did not know. May God bless the work of your hands today dear sister.
Awww! I love knowing this. I know you will be blessed by Emily’s book and/or podcast. Her voice alone is so soothing to listen to. Blessings on the rest of your week.
Super big congrats re: becoming a grandma, Mary! The look on your face in the picture with baby Jack is worth a thousand words about how you feel about this new role!! (The book sounds great too, by the way.)
Thank you! I am over the moon with this new role. I am looking forward to many Jack and Mimi moments. I think you would really like The Next Right Thing. It is one of my favorite reads this year.
The joy is just radiating on your face, Mimi! Jack is so beautiful! I know you’re going to be an awesome grandmother and influence in his life, Mary. I became a grandmother for the first time last year and have had SO much fun! Welcome to the club. 🙂
I have seen some of the fun you have had as a grandma through your pictures. I am thrilled to be part of the club. It is like no other!
Oh, a hundred congratulations on being Mimi to baby Jack! What a blessing, thrill and pure joy! I hope you continue to soak in every “new” thing about being a grandma!!
I am planning on soaking in every minute I can. Thank you for being here, Jennifer!
Dear Mary,
I’ve been on a blogging break, as I am resting here, but I just had to pop in and say how much I am thrilled over your new gift of a Grandson! He is adorable, and you have captured that first time Grandma-Love perfectly. It’s amazing to me that it has happened every time, with each new little Grand added into the family. Congratulations, and may you be blessed in your new season of loving!
I am so glad you are resting. I am praying that you continue to feel better and for wisdom for the doctors. I appreciate you taking a few minutes to stop in here to congratulate me from one grandma to another. You are a blessing!
Congrats on your sweet grandson! How exciting. I’m heading over to Amazon to check out the book. Are there discussion questions at the end of the book? Looking for something for a group this summer.
Thank you! It is the best feeling in the world. I hope I answered your questions earlier about the book. 🙂
Congrats, Grandma! And the book sounds great. laurensparks.net
Thank you, Lauren! The book is great and I think you would love it.
A real baby and Emily’s book baby! TWO AWESOME’S to celebrate
Lots of babies!!! And such fun things to celebrate!
Love those cute pics. Grandmas are such a gift 😉. Oh how precious those moments were with my Mum cuddling our girls right after they were born. My sisters never had that. My youngest sister is now expecting her second child and my heart aches for her. May God bless your precious time with that cute bundle of joy.
I love that you have that beautiful memory of your mom with your daughters. I can imagine what a gift that is for you. Thank you for speaking such beautiful affirmation over my new role. 🙂
Baby Jack is so precious! Congrats!
Thank you! He is a gift!
Oh, Mary! How wonderful! Congratulations on becoming a Mimi. I am a Mimi to 3 wonderful little boys. Your little guy is adorable. Love the photo of you looking at him. Enjoy him! Blessings to your family.
I am finding that being a grandparent is an honor and a gift. Thank you for the kind words about Baby Jack.
What a sweetie! Congratulations, Mimi. 🙂 Thanks also for sharing the book review. It looks like a very practical help as we move through life’s decision-making moments. God bless.
Congratulations, Mary! Jack is gorgeous, and I love the photo of you both together! Thanks for sharing about the book too. I tend to overthink decisions so this sounds like it would be helpful.
Thank you, Lesley! The book is a gem. It truly will help you focus on what is most important which is not just the decision.
This sounds like exactly what I need! Its so easy to get overwhelmed with life and decisions!
I’m heading to Amazon now!
It’s now on my list of favorite books. Thanks for being here.
Congrats on that grandbaby! So special, and wonderful you had time to enjoy him!
Isn’t Emily’s book great?! I loved it (posted about it today too!)
Congratulations!!! He is a cutie!
Indeed! I know I loved my children, but my grandchildren feel like a whole other level! 🙂
Thank you, Karen! I am ready for this whole new level.
What a cutie! Love the pics and so delighted you are having this wondrous first experience. Savor every minute because the shock for me is how much faster they seem to grow up than our own children did. Our six grandchildren range in age from 14 to 24 now and we rejoice in this season while reflecting on certain stores we no longer shop in for them and how much more complicated it is to find a date to see them with their own busy lives. (We have to make a plan since they all live hundreds of miles away.)
The book sounds like a goody! Thanks for sharing about it.
Yes, retirees have a great many decisions to make as well….I so agree!
I am planning on enjoying this! My grandson lives a 100 miles away now so it is tricky to figure out the timing. I am sure the times you are with your grandchildren are so sweet. I can’t imagine Baby Jack being 14 years old. Thank you you for your sweet encouragement.
Congrats, MiMi! Now you know it’s true … grandkids are the best. Love that pic of Jack sleeping. I’m pretty partial to the name Jack, having both a cousin and a fictional character I created named Jack. (Plus “J” names are the best! LOL)
I’m waiting impatiently for my Amazon pkg to be delivered today containing The Next Right Thing. Can. Not. Wait!
Let’s hear it for “J” names!!! My dad’s name was Jack so this name has very special meaning for me. Can’t wait to hear what you think of The Next Right Thing.
Congrats on becoming a grandmother. It is such a beautiful process to watch your children become parents.
I have been listening to the podcast and so excited about the Emily’s book. I agree. The decision is not always the most important thing. And I have come to realize that though I make a decision, that doesn’t mean I will follow through or finish the task. The decision is just the first part.
Thank you! It is a beautiful process to see my son holding his son. I listen to the podcast too and fell in love with the simple, short messages with such great takeaways. The book is better but still the same format. Thanks for being here.
So excited for you to have a precious grandson! Grandkids are THE BEST (don’t tell my children–they might get jealous 😉 ). Emily’s book sounds wonderful–I suffer from decision fatigue at times!
Ha ha! I have heard for years that grandkids are the best. Can’t wait to enjoy more of Baby Jack. I am sure you will love Emily’s book. There is such great content in an easy to read format. Thanks for stopping by.
First I just want to pinch the adorable cheeks of your grandbaby! Congrats Grandma! How fun and what a beautiful season of life to be in with squishy baby toes and gurgly giggles. 🙂 Also…decision fatigue. I LIVE THERE. I need this book lol I like the wisdom you shared about it’s more about what we are becoming than the destination. I will have to keep that in mind as I navigate my crazy life! It’s easy to just get stuck. That’s where I feel like I live. Stucksville. 😉 xoxo
I know, right?? Thank you and I’m looking forward to this sweet season. And I would say we all need this book. I hope you win the book, but if not please know I highly recommend the book as one that will help anyone facing any kind of decisions.
Oh Grandma … this is the very best season ever! I am so excited for you all! Sweet baby Jack is gorgeous … and it’s OBVIOUS that he’s completely captivated by his incredible Grandma.
xo xo
God is so good!
And yes, please to The Next Right Thing! It’s my next Book Club volume and I couldn’t be more excited!
He is rather captivated by me, isn’t he?? God is good all the time. I love that you are reading The Next Right Thing and offering it for your next book club. Perfect choice!
Congratulations on becoming a grandma! What a joy it is to welcome a new sweet life into your heart and family! Blessings!
I am loving this new Mimi gig. Now I just need to get them to move back home. 🙂
Congratulations on becoming a grandmother for the first time! It’s a blessing and truly changed my life. Do the next right thing, be obedient and wait. Oh boy! Did I need those words of encouragement today! Thank God for His daily mercy and bread!
I’m amazed at the gift of love that comes from a grandchild. I’m so glad you found those words encouraging. Emily Freeman’s whole book is filled with nuggets of truth and it is so good. Thankful to have you hear.
Ohhh so sweet!! Love the picture of you and your grandson, beautiful!!
I have been looking at the book, it does look good!!
He is a sweetheart for sure. I hope you get the book. It has already made a difference in how I look at making decisions.
Good Morning Mary,
Baby Jack is just beautiful! I continue to be amazed at how deeply I love each one of our granddaughters. God swells our hearts to love each one. Enjoy every moment, friend!
Thank you for sharing The Next Right Thing. I have been wondering if it was a book I should (**needed**) to read and now know I should.
I will enjoy every moment. You will love The Next Right Thing. If you buy this week, you can still get in on the preorder bonuses. 🙂
What a sweet little one! Congratulations on becoming a grandmother! There’s truly nothing like it.
I have some decisions coming up in the next several month. I’m leaning heavily on the proverb that God directs our steps and asking Him fervently to do so..
That’s what I’m learning! 🙂 The Next Right Thing is a great resource for helping in making decisions. Emily has such a gift for connecting story with the practical and she does this throughout her book. If you listen to podcasts, I recommend The Next Right Thing. It will give you an idea what the book is all about.
I spent most of yesterday with my two grandloves, and my cup overflows.
I love the pictures you shared here, and I can hardly wait to hear more Mimi and Jack stories.
Oh how fun! It is such a beautiful gift to see the legacy of love continue. I can’t wait to have more Mimi and Jack stories to tell. 🙂
Awww, Mary. Baby Jack is so adorable! Your love is evident in your photos and your words. It will be fun to read more of your grandson as he grows. 🙂 And the book by Emily Freeman sounds like such a good one. I like that description, “Decision Fatigue.” I get it. Thanks for sharing the quotes. They both spoke to my heart. I sometimes forget that God is more interested in us and who we’re becoming than in the processes we walk through.
I’m going to look up her podcast. Thanks for sharing!
I pray someday you experience grandma love too. There is nothing like it.
I can see you really loving The Next Right Thing. And the podcast will give you a taste and peek to what to expect in the book. Both are so good. Read my update about getting the preorder bonuses through this Friday if you buy a book. Emily extended it through the end of the week. Hope you win the book!
You look like you are over the moon in love, and little Jack looks like a little cherub. So happy you are able to soak in this precious time!! Love the look on his face in the one picture – adorable. The two quotes you posted give m peace in knowing that God will enable me to discern the right path if I am dependent upon Him. He can be persistent in His nudging. Even if I go down the wrong path, He is certainly able to redeem and use that to build my character. I thing everyone could benefit from Emily’s book 🙂
Blessings Mimi,
Bev xo
I am over the moon for Baby Jack. It is all such a gift.
And the whole book is filled with quotes and affirmations. I highly recommend it. If you didn’t see my update, when you buy the book this week you can claim the preorder bonuses. You have through Friday. It is worth it. However, I do hope you win the book. 🙂