Hello friends,
As this post reaches you today, it is already two days into October. Summer is officially over and Fall has arrived. September is a memory and I have no idea where the time went. How about you?
What I love most about sharing these monthly posts is the chance to look back as a way to move forward. I’m left with the gift of memories as well as deep gratitude for the fingerprints of God’s Hands in every detail.
September played out like this:
Hot, humid, sunshiny days
Rainy days that seemed to never end
A shift into Fall-like temperatures
Family time
And good news
September was good and oh so challenging. This is what I am learning, loving and leaning into:
I am learning:
That waiting isn’t for the faint of heart. Waiting seasons refine us as well as provide new perspective. It is only a deep reliance on God that brings us through to what He already planned just for us. We can trust that God is always present and working in the waiting. And what is waiting on the other side is the goodness of the Lord.
My love of summer is still there, but the last blast of hot and humid days about did me in. Ugh! Can you relate to what I’m saying?
And I am learning that any change in seasons whether physical, spiritual, mental, or emotional is a sweet respite from the challenges of the previous season. What looks overwhelming in one season may now seem manageable. The feelings of anxiousness or grief are replaced by a cleansing grace that could only come from God. In Psalm 74, we read these words of tribute to God:
You own the day, you own the night;
you put stars and sun in place.
You laid out the four corners of earth,
shaped the seasons of summer and winter. Psalm 74:17 MSG
God is in everything and we need not struggle to find Him even in our difficult seasons.
I am loving:
That I am going to be a grandma! Coming in March 2019!
The chance to work part-time at my local library.
Anytime with family. It is a gift when my out of town family comes to visit.
The thought of wearing fuzzy socks, yoga pants, and wrapping up in super-soft blankets.
I am leaning into:
The grace of my Father who wipes the slate clean and allows me to start new each day.
All I am going to learn in Priscilla Shirer’s Bible study, One in a Million.
Intentionality. Where do I see God each day? Will I notice? And if I do, how will I help others see His beauty?
The gift of friendships and how they span over years.
And finally, capturing the changing seasons in photos as a way of preservation, but also the chance to share God’s magnificence with others.
[Tweet “And just like that…September is a memory and October is here. Join me for my monthly musings.”]
So sweet friends,
Where does this new season and month find you? What are you learning, loving, and leaning into you? Please share in the comments. We grow so much when we share a piece of ourselves with others in community.
As October stretches before us, let’s reach for the beauty of what’s ahead and rest in the peace that God has it all under control.
Here’s to shorter days, cooler temps, and the changing color of leaves!
Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Waiting is so difficult so hearing words of wisdom on how to do it better is always welcome, Mary! “It is only a deep reliance on God that brings us through to what He already planned just for us.” Amen.
Congrats on the new little one on the way!!! Fun times ahead!
My words of wisdom are only because of God and the many lessons He keeps sending my way to learn more about waiting. I bet you have experienced something similar in an area that God has more to teach you.
I see how much fun you are having with your granddaughter. I can’t wait for March for the new little one to arrive.
Congratulations, grandma! laurensparks.net
Thank you, Lauren!!!
Congratulations on becoming a grandma….so exciting! And such a cute photo:) You are going to be so blessed with your upcoming Bible study. I love Bible studies but I have to say “One in a Million” impacted me more than any other study I have ever done!! Looking forward to the cozy comfort of fall clothes, too!! 🙂
Thank you, Jennifer! My son and wife love posing for pictures! I love hearing your vote of confidence for One in a Million. We just started last week and I know I am going to love it. So blessed to have you as part of this community.
What a fun picture that you captured of the new parents! Yes, resting in the peace that God has all under control is what I want to do and can do with God. Lately I’ve been captured by the phrase “doing life WITH God.” I am loving and leaning in to that truth. We’re never alone as we navigate through all our seasons. And I want those truths to be more than just words…
My son and DIL love posing for pictures and sometimes the goofier the better. What a great way to look at life “doing life with God”. I ask God what He has for me each day when I wake up. It is a loaded question, but I hope it puts my heart more in sync with God’s. I pray God’s truths become our heart’s cry.
I love reading your monthly musings, but I have to say this one was surely one of the most fun–Congratulations! I am so excited for you to be a Grandma. It’s really a huge blessing to get to share in the lives of those little ones. Many blessings to you!
It is so fun to share such sweet news. I watch people like you and other friends who are already grandparents and I see such joy. I cannot wait for the gift and blessing of a grandchild. Thank you for sharing in my good news.
Mary, I love this open, honest, transparent post…especially this quote, “The grace of my Father who wipes the slate clean and allows me to start new each day.” How grateful I am for just that! My children used to say, “Mommy, can we erase the chalkboard?” as a way of starting over after a difficult time…the answer was always “yes!” It just comes naturally, after all, His mercies are new every morning–great is His faithfulness! Many blessings to you!
Your kind words fill my soul. Thank you. I love your story of how your children learned the example of starting new each day by erasing the chalkboard. What a sweet memory. Blessed to have you as part of this community.
I can’t believe it’s already October and before we know it November, which I am really looking forward to… especially since I get to see some of my favorite people!!! I am so excited your going to be a grandma and YAY for working part-time and the library – I must’ve missed that before. I love reading your monthly musings.
I love having you here, Debbie! Such a treat to share parts of my story with all of you. As for November- I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU! 🙂
Congratulations on becoming a grandma. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures and your story.
Thank you and you’re welcome! I’m blessed you stopped by and joined in the conversation.
Leaning into a new season with you, Mary. Thanks for sharing a part of your life with us and this great picture of your family. Congrats on being a grandma! May God bless you!
Love that we are leaning into this season together! I pray this small glimpse brightened you day. It certainly brings me joy!
Congratulations on becoming a Grandma!!!
Thank you, Tammy! I am so excited!
I always love reading about what you’re learning, loving and leaning into, Mary. 🙂 And I love your reminder at the end to “reach for the beauty of what’s ahead and rest in the peace that God has it all under control.” Yes, that’s so important, isn’t it? Embracing the truth that God is in control gives comfort! Love and hugs to you!
Thank you, Trudy! I am resting in knowing that God always has it under control even when I forget He is right there. It is a joy to have you here. Love you, friend!
Congratulations on becoming a grandmother! That’s a great picture!
I felt much the same way with the end-of-summer heat and humidity. Even when it was not so hot, the humidity was still high. It’s a little cooler this week, so I am looking forward to those crisp breezes soon. Sometimes I am reluctant to let summer go, but other times I look forward to aspects of fall: coolness, beautiful colors, oven meals that I don’t make in the summer, caramel corn and apple cider. I suppose it’s that way with any season change – there are always good things to look forward to.
Thank you, Barbara! The picture is so fun!
I love summer, but once I get a taste of fall I’m ready to move on. I think it’s good to look forward, but we learn so much when we let the memories of the past teach us as we embrace the new season.
I feel like October is over already, too! I’m sitting at a coffee shop at the entrance to Zion National Park enjoying a few hours away from the students :). I’m thankful that I’ve gotten to know students in new ways and different contexts (and that they laught at my corny jokes). God is good!
October just began so let’s not wish it away. I would love to hear more about your outdoor school with your students. And who wouldn’t laugh at your corny jokes! 😉
I know that sonogram picture is much too small for me to make anything out, but it almost looks like she’s having twins, Mary! That’s probably not the case, right? Well, if it is, double congratulations are in order! And I do love the approaching fall season! It’s still much too hot here in my neck of the woods. I’m ready to sit by a fire pit and roast marshmallows! Instead, I’m the “hot flashing” fire melting in a puddle of sweat! Lol! #manohmenapause
It is only one baby! And speaking of Fall, somehow it got confused around here. The temps jumped back up to the summer range this week. I laughed out loud at your menopause comment. I know that flashing feeling all too well. Thank you for being here! 🙂
Beautiful pics and so good to get to know you more through your sharing here!
Writing this monthly post is one of my favorite things to do. I also love reading other people’s monthly musings. I pray you find the beginning of this new season to be refreshing and restorative.
Oh this, yes, Mary — ‘The thought of wearing fuzzy socks, yoga pants, and wrapping up in super-soft blankets.’
I’m in on anything cushy, stretchy, and comfy.
I bet you already have indulged in the fuzzy socks and super-soft blankets. For some reason, we have turned the corner back to summer temperatures again. I pray you find many fall days to enjoy all the above comforts.
Good morning dear Mary. This post blessed me. Yes, seems each month holds within it, waiting and freshness. Congratulations to your daughter, her husband and to you! A new baby, a new life changes us all. I am still processing through all that took place in my soul at the retreat. More coming this week on the blog. For today, I thank you again for the reminder to link up. I will do so 🙂
Thank you for these sweet words. I am beyond excited for the baby to be and for my son and daughter-in-law. I can’t wait to read about your retreat. I’m praying God blessed that space and those women.
That picture of your son and his wife . . .
I’m just gonna say that I think our homes may have been quite similar a few years back with boy mayhem and plenty of goofy laughter.
Happy Happy Happy for you, Mary! The grandmothering gig is just the best–and it’s also a sharp growth edge, because it keeps me sliding into selfishness.
Thanks Michele!! I hear the best things about grandmothering. I can’t wait!
As for silly laughter- there was lots when my sons were growing up, but when we get together we can’t help but still have fun!