A little over three years ago, when I opened up this corner of my world, I knew two things for certain. One was that God nudged me to follow Him into this world of writing. The other was these written words would be laced with grace to encourage, heal and deepen our relationships with God. And now three years later, I have learned over and over how God takes our vulnerability to open up pieces of ourselves to welcome grace. We all walk a passage through grace as we live our daily lives and there are times we do it alone, while other times we share the journey with community. You all are the beautiful community who faithfully joins me here each week and your presence strengthens and inspires me when you share your own stories and beautiful insight.

passage through grace

[Tweet “God takes our vulnerability to open our hearts to welcome in His grace. “]

Passage Through Grace evolved in late Fall as a whisper waiting to blossom into words and conversation. The name of my blog was a gift from God even before I wrote my first word. I remember asking my sons, who both had a blog, for some advice as to how to get started. They willingly helped me, but next steps involved an invitation from God to begin and leave the rest up to Him. The timing was all God’s and the words began to spill out as I looked at ordinary life moments square in the face. The beautiful story of this space is wrapped up in the trust that the words will come and how God gifts us with grace as we face the struggles that shape and mold us along the way.

The reason for the sentimentality is the awe I feel for this amazing gift of grace. Today I am celebrating grateful grace-the beautiful union of grace and thankfulness. My story would not exist if it wasn’t for grace. My healing would be stagnant if not for redemptive grace. My relationships would not grow without life-giving grace. The words on this page would be just that-words on a page if not for God breathing life into the moments I share and the stories that seem to come from nowhere. God is the Keeper of our stories and graciously reveals our futures in His timing as He gently walks us through our past to heal and walk into the future.

I am learning through my own stories and all of you, who share so transparently with me, that my own passage through grace is sweeter because I have you journeying with me. So today I want to thank each of you for strengthening my journey by choosing to walk with me. This grace-filled community blesses and allows me to continue to share my ordinary stories each week.

The long corridor we walk down as we traverse this life is our own personal passage through grace. There are times we may not see the end of the passageway. It could be due to a lack of vision, a clouded view or seeking worldly views rather than God’s own beautiful plan. I have experienced the journey of a long passageway with no end in sight. But I can assure you that in those seasons, there is grace in every step and a light waiting to break forth as we continue to surrender ourselves to God.

[Tweet “Our life looks like a long corridor, blessed by God as our own personal passage through grace.”]

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8

Thank you again for walking with me, encouraging me along the way and showing me more of who God is through your own lovely words and prayers. May God continue to show us the way through our own passage through grace and embrace us with the strength of His love and grace along the way. The gift of grace is a treasure to unwrap, embrace and share with others. Thank you for sharing it with me.

Blessings of grace along the way,


Blessed to be linking up with these fabulous ladies!





and Dawn for Grace Moments







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