The same One who counts your tears holds the pieces of your life tenderly as they are falling apart. You run haphazardly to pick up the scattered remnants but find your Father has already gathered them into His arms. You are loved and cherished by the Remnant-Keeper who fiercely protects your heart.
Make Way for Remnants
Fall provides a beautiful backdrop for gathering up the pieces of your life that scatter to the wind. The hope of your tomorrow is not lost like the leaves that blow to the ground. God makes way for the remnants that you work to put back together in those seasons where life doesn’t always make sense.
The word “remnant” showed up as I was reading in the Book of Isaiah recently. Isaiah 11:11 says,
In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean.
God is gathering the people of Israel. These words speak of what is currently happening but also point to the future. It is a reminder that God never forsakes us even after we turn away. God desires to bring us back into His family as if we never left.
What does Fall have to do with it?

It is now the month of November and the beauty of the Fall colors is quickly fading. The brilliance of the yellows, oranges, and reds remained muted this year and many leaves fell quickly instead of the usual slow dance to the earth.
Several windy and rainy days scattered the leaves as if they lost control. Hope seems missing as I look out over the landscape before me. But isn’t it just like God to leave the metaphor unfinished so we can fill in the blank?
Autumn is the hush before winter. ~ French Proverb
Autumn is a time of letting go.
The colors of Fall look like an open box of crayons.
Autumn is a time of change and unknowns.
This year my thoughts circle back to how the leaves scatter in Fall. It is symbolic to me that in this season of letting go, change, and mystery God remains steadfast. His desire is to scoop up the broken fragments and restore them. He is our Remnant-Keeper and Soul-Restorer. God shows us the beauty of change and how letting go will lead us closer when we release the remnants to Him.
God Will Make a Way
Let’s circle back to the promise made in Isaiah 11:11. God is gathering His people. The remnants of His people are not left to wander but are drawn into His fold. The same happens with the broken parts of our lives that don’t make any sense. God tenderly scoops up the brokenness and somehow makes sense of it all.
He will make a highway for the remnant of his people,
the remnant coming from Assyria,
just as he did for Israel long ago
when they returned from Egypt. Isaiah 11:16 NLT
Knowing that God will make a way for you and me feels like enough. He clears a path just because He loves us. When our lives fall around us like a tree releasing its leaves to the ground, God is right there ready to find what we didn’t know was lost.

The gifts of the Remnant-Keeper look like:
Never forsaking us.
I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
I will turn the darkness into light before them
and make the rough places smooth.
These are the things I will do;
I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16
Making a way.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Picking up our remnants.
But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. Genesis 45:7
And putting us together again.
The Remnant-Keeper never forsakes us, makes a way when we are unsure, picks up our broken pieces and puts us together again. #newpost #TellHisStory #linkup Share on XFor everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. Romans 3:23-24 NLT

God invites you and me to release our brokenness in an act of brave faith and surrender. Just when we believe life is too much, God loves the remnants of our hearts into wholeness. I stand in awe of my God who is my Remnant-Keeper, Soul-Restorer, and Constant-Deliverer.

Reading your post today felt like reading a love letter from God. Thank you. laurensparks.net
Mary, thank you for reminding us of these wonderful aspects of God’s character. I’m thankful that we can trust Him to do His restoring and delivering work in His perfect time and using His wise methods. Happy Fall!
Happy Fall which in my neck of the woods looks more like winter. God is always in the business of putting us back together again and for that I am grateful.
Yes & amen! Great analogy Mary!
Thank you! May this week bring you sweet moments of knowing with God.
This is lovely, Mary. It is comforting in my current season of uncertainty as in my mind we should be on a different road! But submitting, and trusting is the right route even though the scenery may not look quite look like I want it too (and even can bring fear if I let it in).But you’ve reminded me He’s prepares us for what is ahead. Amen!
God does prepare the way and it is a lesson I am learning at an even deeper level in this season of life. Trusting Him in the process is the part I need to continue to work on. Praying as you say “yes” you find it easier and easier to let go and follow Him.
I’m so glad God makes a way for us when we feel lost in the forest. He is a good, good Father indeed!
And as He makes a way, He holds out His hands so we can grab ahold and not get lost. He is a good Father who loves us dearly.
Thank you so much for this hope-filled message, Mary. I needed this reminder today. Already this first paragraph comforts me, “The same One who counts your tears holds the pieces of your life tenderly as they are falling apart. You run haphazardly to pick up the scattered remnants but find your Father has already gathered them into His arms. You are loved and cherished by the Remnant-Keeper who fiercely protects your heart.” The picture of running frantically to gather up the remnants of our broken hearts and then to find our Father already has them brings tears to my eyes. I too often forget how fiercely He protects our hearts. Thank you for encouraging my heart today! Love and blessings to you!
Thank you for sharing how these words touched you. Isn’t it just like the Father to take care of us even when we are not aware of His love?? God is our Protector and Heart-restorer. Such a gift!
Love this post, Mary! I’m deep into a study of hesed (God’s covenant loyal love) and this fits in so well. He can redeem us even when we are scattered. I also love the idea, there is always a remnant. For so long, our church was just a remnant of what once was, but now we are branching out!
I first learned about the concept of “hesed” when I read Francine Rivers series, The Mark of the Lion. I have been fascinated with it ever since.The church is changing and slowly we are making our way back.
What a beautiful post – and so appropriate this morning as the winds are whipping outside and the even the straggling leaves are torn from the trees and all of the seem scattered. I love the image of God still in control. Aware of where each one is – and able to gather all together as He sees fit. So many beautiful lessons in nature!
Fall, where I live, was very short. We already had our first snow and the leaves have said “goodbye.” As much as I love Fall, I am learning that beauty is fleeting but God never is.
What a God we serve. “God loves the remnants of our hearts into wholeness.” You piece was beautiful and reminds me that God is gathering all things together. How glorious that day will be.
This is the time of year for the theme of gathering. I find I am grateful for the comfort of the Father who does not leave our broken pieces scattered but makes us whole.
So beautiful and comforting, Mary. Love this line, “God desires to bring us back into His family as if we never left.” So thankful He never forsakes us, always makes a way, and continues to pick up our remnants!
I find the more I read God’s word the more He speaks to me. It is comforting and allows me to understand and see His truth in a deeper way.
Dear Mary,
Thank you for these sweet words of encouragement today. This touched my heart so deeply: “God loves the remnants of our hearts into wholeness.” It is truly the way He works, restoring all of those places that have felt so lost to us. May I continue to release more of my own control over to Him. Blessings to you!
I’m so glad these words encouraged you today. The more I dig into the word remnant the more I understand God’s deep love for me. I pray you feel God’s healing and restoration in your own life.
Amen! I’m not very good at letting go—I like control—but it gets in the way with my relationship with God—the one who knows my future and wants the best for me. Thank you for this beautiful reminder that I CAN let go, because letting go means letting God direct, and he has my best interests at heart.
Control is one of those words and things I tend to take to heart. I wish I didn’t as you said, but it’s a good thing that God wants the best for me in spite of the times I try to take over.
God’s promises of restoration and hope through the writing of Isaiah were spoken into such loss. It’s encouraging to read them with my own record of unfaithfulness in mind. There is no one beyond God’s power to redeem, and he’s in charge of all the scattered pieces.
Thank you, Mary.
Isaiah speaks so profoundly to me in this season of life. It’s not that I am going through a lot of loss or that I am stubborn but the message of hope and God’s faithfulness fills my soul. I always love the tidbits you share here. Thanks for being such a faithful member of the community.
Beautifully written, Mary. Your words reminded me of another Mary I am currently reading, Mary Oliver. She has some beautiful words to say about the significance of fall too!
I have not read Mary Oliver. Sounds like I should check her out. Thank you for being here, Laurie!
This was so good to read this morning, Mary. The Lord spoke to me powerfully as well through Isaiah 11 a few weeks ago, about the word “remnant!” So now I’m hearing his voice again. Blessings on your ministry, friend.
I love knowing that God has been teaching both of us through Isaiah. That is no mistake. May we hear God’s message and the truth He is trying to teach us.
Knowing God is steadfast has been a sweet consolation and a powerful comfort during those heartbreaking seasons of loss.
I am so grateful He never changes. What music to our souls …
I wish you didn’t know loss as well as you do. What you continue to show me is how you embrace your grief with such grace and dignity. Thank you for your example and thank you God for never changing.
Our church just read through Isaiah together, and now we’re in Jeremiah. Though God had to deal firmly with the people’s sins, He was always faithful to His covenant, and always left a remnant. I’m so thankful He is still gathering up remnants today!
I imagine your churchwide reading of Isaiah was powerful and insightful. I am learning that God is just but faithful. He is not harsh but honest in his dealings. And He does gather the remnants and never forsakes us. Thank you for sharing.
Your words bring a much needed exhale to my soul today! Sometimes I get so busy trying, striving (even though I know better!) But God doesn’t call us to be whole on our own. He doesn’t call us to have it all figured out. He simply promises to be enough.
“God invites you and me to release our brokenness in an act of brave faith and surrender. Just when we believe life is too much, God loves the remnants of our hearts into wholeness. I stand in awe of my God who is my Remnant-Keeper, Soul-Restorer, and Constant-Deliverer.”
You hit on something that I remind myself of often. We don’t have to have it all figured out. That is so comforting to me as a person who loves to plan out every detail. I pray you find God to be your enough on the good and bad days and everything in between.
Mary. this is such a beautiful post. I’m so thankful God is in the middle of our brokenness. I loved what you said here:
“God tenderly scoops up the brokenness and somehow makes sense of it all.”
He doesn’t fix us to just the way we were before the brokenness. He “fixes” us so that He shines more brightly through us because we know more of His faithfulness, more of His love, and He can reflect through us.
This is a great post to read first thing in the morning. Thank you for sharing your gentle insights!
Your insight moved me. You are right in saying that we are not fixed to the way we were before our brokenness. I believe we are a new and improved version because God was in the process. I’m so glad you found these words first thing to give your day a little boost.
He’s always there; our constant deliverer! And He knows what He’s doing. We only need to trust Him. Thanks for this reminder, Mary. Many blessings to you!
Yes, He is! I pray we are able to trust God in all parts of our lives. Thank you for being here.