The same One who counts your tears holds the pieces of your life tenderly as they are falling apart. You run haphazardly to pick up the scattered remnants but find your Father has already gathered them into His arms. You are loved and cherished by the Remnant-Keeper who fiercely protects your heart.

Make Way for Remnants

Fall provides a beautiful backdrop for gathering up the pieces of your life that scatter to the wind. The hope of your tomorrow is not lost like the leaves that blow to the ground. God makes way for the remnants that you work to put back together in those seasons where life doesn’t always make sense.

The word “remnant” showed up as I was reading in the Book of Isaiah recently. Isaiah 11:11 says,

In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean.

God is gathering the people of Israel. These words speak of what is currently happening but also point to the future. It is a reminder that God never forsakes us even after we turn away. God desires to bring us back into His family as if we never left.

What does Fall have to do with it?

It is now the month of November and the beauty of the Fall colors is quickly fading. The brilliance of the yellows, oranges, and reds remained muted this year and many leaves fell quickly instead of the usual slow dance to the earth.

Several windy and rainy days scattered the leaves as if they lost control. Hope seems missing as I look out over the landscape before me. But isn’t it just like God to leave the metaphor unfinished so we can fill in the blank?

Autumn is the hush before winter. ~ French Proverb

Autumn is a time of letting go.

The colors of Fall look like an open box of crayons.

Autumn is a time of change and unknowns.

This year my thoughts circle back to how the leaves scatter in Fall. It is symbolic to me that in this season of letting go, change, and mystery God remains steadfast. His desire is to scoop up the broken fragments and restore them. He is our Remnant-Keeper and Soul-Restorer. God shows us the beauty of change and how letting go will lead us closer when we release the remnants to Him.

God Will Make a Way

Let’s circle back to the promise made in Isaiah 11:11. God is gathering His people. The remnants of His people are not left to wander but are drawn into His fold. The same happens with the broken parts of our lives that don’t make any sense. God tenderly scoops up the brokenness and somehow makes sense of it all.

He will make a highway for the remnant of his people,
    the remnant coming from Assyria,
just as he did for Israel long ago
    when they returned from Egypt.
Isaiah 11:16 NLT

Knowing that God will make a way for you and me feels like enough. He clears a path just because He loves us. When our lives fall around us like a tree releasing its leaves to the ground, God is right there ready to find what we didn’t know was lost.

The gifts of the Remnant-Keeper look like:

Never forsaking us.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
    along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
I will turn the darkness into light before them
    and make the rough places smooth.
These are the things I will do;
    I will not forsake them.
Isaiah 42:16

Making a way.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;

 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Picking up our remnants.

But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. Genesis 45:7

And putting us together again.

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. Romans 3:23-24 NLT

The Remnant-Keeper never forsakes us, makes a way when we are unsure, picks up our broken pieces and puts us together again. #newpost #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X

God invites you and me to release our brokenness in an act of brave faith and surrender. Just when we believe life is too much, God loves the remnants of our hearts into wholeness. I stand in awe of my God who is my Remnant-Keeper, Soul-Restorer, and Constant-Deliverer.


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