A whisper flitted in as I was reading God’s word the other morning. Words that spoke volumes to me of worth, love, and a deep sense of caring. Words that I have read many times before, but at this moment they soothed my anxious heart and calmed my uncertainties.

God knows what we need just when we need it and blesses us with this gift at just the right time. The other morning during my quiet time with Him, He heard the deep longings and struggles in my heart and His words filled the space with delight, erasing the doubt.

For the Lord your God is living among you.
He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17 NLT

delight-sabbath off

God is with us, He delights in us and He calms all our fears. This truth should be enough, but if I am truthful, I forget and when I do I am left with doubts. God desires to fill the cavities of our unbelief with His truth. We just need to accept the gift of grace that He freely extends to us.

On any given day, I find myself holding tightly to my broken reality, afraid to let go, somehow believing this is my only choice. It leaves me gasping until I find an outlet for the shattered pieces.

God delights in taking our broken reality – making it whole. He delights in who we are, who we are becoming and loves when we crave closeness to Him. God takes our reality and makes it His reality laced with love, grace and redemption.

[Tweet “God’s reality sees beyond the path – connecting beginning to end. “]

God takes each broken shard and carries it as His burden, healing the doubt, hurt, unworthiness and desire to break free into His certainty.

God takes our doubt and replaces it with confirmation of purpose.

Our unworthiness becomes beautiful validation in the eyes of God.

Our hurt is released and God washes it away with His gift of grace.

When we crave a relationship with God, He provides a freedom in Him that speaks of unending love, delight and grace.

As I prayed the other morning and allowed God’s words to become my words, I learned that my worth, purpose and freedom are found in God. He is the reality I seek and His delight is what I want to hear.

How does knowing God delights in you help you to connect your reality to God’s reality? 

Blessings of grace along the way,


Linking with the lovely Lisha @ Give Me Grace 




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