“Meet me in the garden”, said the Voice.

Anticipation filled the air while lack of motivation seemed to overtake any forward progress. Time passed and little movement occurred toward getting ready.

The Voice again whispered, “I am in the garden. Where are you”?

Comfort and rest lay on the couch as well as my body, but the Voice would not stop beckoning.

The sun sat high in the sky by the time I finally got into my car to drive to the garden. I double checked to make sure I had my water bottle, sunscreen, ear buds, phone and towel.

As I pulled through the entrance, I visibly sighed. The Voice caught the sigh and these words floated back, “I am so glad you are here.”

This past week has been challenging. I let so many things turn me away from the Voice and caught lie after lie like my life depended on it. God did not give up on me. Over and over He called to me and beckoned me to pull close. God wanted nothing more than to embrace me in His grace, love and peace. I wanted that too, but didn’t realize how much until I chose to walk in the garden with Him.

I have a favorite spot where I walk and it never fails that time there becomes a sweet respite with God. He never hurries me and remains patient as I work out whatever is keeping me from Him. The biggest hurdle is getting myself out the door. Once I am there, I find God was waiting for me just as I imagined. He never doubted I would show up even when I let life drag me in the wrong direction.

God desires time with us and when we choose to spend our day with Him, we discover:

Time to savor sweet grace.

Rest in His truth.

Comfort in the familiarity of the surroundings and our relationship with God.

Gentle soul rhythms of love and peace.

A deep exhale of the lies we were holding onto as God’s truth fills the empty space.

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When I chose to visit God in the garden, I chose truth over the ugliness that tried to pull me away. I allowed myself to enter into sacred communion with the One who knows me best. He cherishes me-the good, bad and the ugly. When I try to rewrite His plan, He gently takes the pen in His Hand and shows me how much better His story for me is. God pulls me into the light of His provision and love and never lets go.

But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God. John 3:21

As we begin a new week, we have the choice to choose God each day. We can let the lies fill our minds or we can hold onto the hope of the One who is Truth. I am praying for each of you as you begin and end your week with God. May He show you beauty in the garden or in your favorite meeting place. Allow His gentle soul rhythms to become your own.

Sabbath Blessings,









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