Today we continue our journey into 2016. A look at God’s word against the backdrop of photos, a sprinkling of words and encouragement as we pause on this Sabbath day. A time to pause as the new week begins and enjoy an offering of hope. Today’s Sabbath offering looks at the word hope – my one word for 2016.

sabbath offerings hope

Hope is…

a whispered promise from God

the brilliant blue sky highlighting the muted browns and beiges of winter

looking ahead with bright eyes because moving forward gives us a vision of hope

frosty crystals creating a sparkly sheen on the grass

the truth that God is who He says He is yesterday, today and tomorrow!

hope-frost on grass

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

I’m looking forward in 2016. I’m filled with hope and promise for all that God will bring. For it is in forward thinking that we move beyond the past. It is in letting ourselves dream that God opens the doors of possibilities. It is in walking through the doors of hope that we cross the threshold of faith and when we walk in faith, God takes care of the rest.

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May we walk through open doors, hope for what is yet to come and believe that God will always show the way!


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