I tell everyone my favorite season is summer and it is. There is nothing like it in my eyes until we begin the transition into a new season. The slow slide of one season into the next is a gift to behold every single time. We see the beauty of the previous season give a nod to the upcoming one. I notice this in the display of colors that mark each season.

September was filled with family time, celebrating my daughter-in-law’s birthday, Jack and Mimi days, lots of walking, reading, and of course, writing. God blessed every minute and showed me how living in the present keeps us centered on Him. I love sharing the lessons that each month teaches, so follow along to see what’s new.

Something Learned in September

God has a way of repeating lessons that we need to learn. I am an anxious person by nature and can let my mind wander to places that leave me more anxious. It’s as if the idea is in my mind so it must be true. Has that ever happened to you? After several unsuspecting rabbit trails and nights where I turn on worship music in order to fall asleep, I could hear God saying, “Trust me.”

I tell my kids all the time that God’s timing is perfect, but forget that the same applies to me too. I share with friends and family members that they need to trust God and find myself needing the lesson even more than they do. God is always faithful, always on time, and more patient than I have ever been. He is our Life-Giver, Promise-Keeper, Grace-Bearer, and Loving Father.

Something Loved

I captured lots of beauty in September on my walks. One of my favorites was a day last week when I captured the sunrise. Check out the photos.

My other love was Jack and Mimi days. How could you not love that face??

Something Read in September (A Book Review)

Reading feeds my soul. I talked about this last week on Instagram and also announced my new book, The Advent Narrative: The Life You Didn’t Know You Were Already Living, coming in November. I love to read but the other side of reading is writing and there is a member of our community who wrote a book this year that I want to tell you more about.

Debbie W. Wilson wrote Little Faith Big God: Grace to Grow When Your Faith Feels Small and graciously sent me a copy for me to read and review. The title alone draws me in and feels like the perfect description of me and my life. It is a “But God” moment and I haven’t even told you anything about the book.

Debbie takes the stories of the believers named in Hebrews 11 and dives deep to help the reader understand God’s call on their lives, the challenges they faced, and the faith they lived out. She formatted the book into an eight-week layout with five days of reading and questions for each week. The book is rich in content, history, and a way for the reader to go further with each of the well-thought-out questions at the end of each day.

One of the quotes that stopped me in my tracks was at the beginning of the book. She writes:

Little faith in a big God blossoms into courage to sustain us through every trial and setback.

God takes our small faith and uses it for His kingdom by giving us the courage we need to do His work. How does that make you feel?

More About the Book

Ms. Wilson takes the reader through the stories of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, the Patriarchs, and Samson. I was especially taken with Abraham. I relate to Abraham and find his story is one that feels connected to my own.

Here are some of my takeaways.

  • Abraham stayed focused on God, whom he called “friend.” He didn’t waste time worrying where God was leading him but stayed the course.
  • “Faith journeys often include small beginnings with unknown endings. What would Abraham have missed if he’d stayed planted until God answered all his questions? What will you and I miss if we delay obedience until sight replaces faith? Faith gave Abraham assurance of what he could not see. It will do the same for you and me.”
  • Abraham wasn’t perfect. The difference between me and him is the obedience he modeled to follow God’s call. I lack the consistency of Abraham but I continue to grow in faith with each “yes.”
  • Abraham was overwhelmed just like us. God knew this but also saw his determination as he lived out his life in a foreign land.
  • “Faith is not desperate. It doesn’t rush God in order to relieve my doubts.” Abraham and Sarah wanted children but God waited until they were in old age to give them their son, Isaac.

Debbie Wilson shares wisdom, her own faith, and God’s Word to help her readers grow in their own faith. Get your copy of the book HERE.

It's time to say "goodbye" to September and welcome October. Join me for my monthly musings and some fun news about my new book, #TheAdventNarrative. #newpost #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X

Something Ahead

This will be my Facebook cover. Isn’t it lovely?

I announced that I have a new book coming out in November. These last few months have gone by quickly and the book will be here before you know it. I did an IGTV on Instagram last week and shared more about the book and what you can expect. Check it out here.

What’s next for my book and how can you help?

The book launches on November 10 on Amazon. Before that date, you are invited to join the launch team to share the word about my book. Your help and your voice is important in the launch of a book. When you share with your people, the news goes farther and wider. Be on the lookout for a signup for the launch team coming October 14. You all are my people and I would be honored to have you walk alongside me as we share together about Advent and becoming an Advent people right here and right now.

If you don’t already follow me on Facebook and Instagram, click HERE and HERE, so you don’t miss out on any of the news. By subscribing to the blog, you will also stay up-to-date.

Finally, and most importantly, please pray that the final details fall into place. Pray for the right people to hear and receive this message. God is so good and has blessed me abundantly with these words that are now ready to soar.

Blessings on your week!

#TellHisStory Link Up
Each week we gather here as storytellers, word weavers, and encouragers to make His name known. Our story is God’s story and this small corner of the blogging world, where we come together each Tuesday, needs you. This is a place where poetry, snapshots, prayers, and stories find a safe spot to nod in agreement that what we have to say matters.
I am glad you are here and would love to have you join the #TellHisStory community. Add your own encouraging post through the link below. Spread some love by visiting your neighbor and leave your own encouragement. Add the #TellHisStory button to your post so others can join in on the fun. Click HERE to get the button.

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