This. has. been. a. week!

A week of raw…

A week of ache…

A week of emptiness…

A week for tears.

A beautiful, wise grace-filled woman recently described tears as love. In the brokenness of life, when tears flow without end, God gathers our tears as little love notes to share with others when needed.

Tears-kara tippett2

Kara Tippetts, from Mundane Faithfulness, knows that our tears reflect love and even in pain, even in dying, even in fear-we need to love. She wrote …

“That these tears are evidence of knowing love. And is their anything more important than knowing love? So weep, count your tears, look at your swollen face and know it is the fruit of love. It hurts like hell, but that pain from love- well it may be beauty at it’s purest.”

Losing a loved one leaves you empty. Knowing your time is limited leaves you wanting all life has to give. Kara lives a life of love, sharing and receiving, as she bravely shares her story. Read more here of this amazing woman, who is teaching me what it means to live well, share our stories and extend grace with each gift of a new day.

My tears flow for the loss of my mom, but knowing that each tear is a drop of love to be shared in relationships with others is a promise of all God holds in His heart. He is waiting for us, each of us, to share Him, to share love and to be brave in our own stories of grace.

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Jesus was blessed by a beautiful gift of tears, poured out as a love note for Him.

As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. Luke 7:38

Love never ends. Let’s be that gift today!



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