Soul Searching

He was next in the lunch line waiting patiently for his turn to travel down the silver line and pick up his tray of school lunch goodness Peering up into my eyes, his gaze pierced down into my deepest depths He locked his unwavering eyes on mine – brown on brown...

Five Minute Friday- Close

It’s Five Minute Friday and I am joining Lisa-Jo Baker and other FMF girls to write flat out for five minutes. No editing, no polishing, and then linking up together. I am loving this challenge! I hope you enjoy it too! Check out what Five Minute Friday is all about...

Coffee Cravings – Blessed

Predawn stillness magnifies the silence in the air Light remains hidden under the blanket of darkness outside 5:00 AM is like this – peaceful silence, a world waiting for the wakeup call that begins with a glimmer of sun painted across the sky I unwrap myself...

When Your Heart is Burdened

Some weeks are just like this, I remind myself. Life weighs you down and you are weary from the toil that it takes on your heart, mind and body. You question the enormity of the burden that carves away at your exterior and wounds your heart. Exhaustion settles into...

A Wink and a Nod

You know that moment that makes your day? … that moment that changes your grumpiness into happiness? … that moment that shifts your attitude from one side to the other? For me, all it took was a wink and a nod! Big, brown expressive eyes peered at me through the...

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Mary Geisen
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