Becoming More

I am not… the woman I see in the mirror each morning- tired, new laugh lines feathering around my eyes, lacking motivation for the day! I am a beautiful child of God! 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new...

When Winter Bumps Into Fall

  Move Over Monday!!!!   The Fall colors were vivid and brilliant a week ago and sent me a message of renewed hope. The weather chills overnight but warms up as the day progresses. The sunshine provides the perfect backdrop for the yellows, oranges and deep...

Moving Out of the Shadows

Where are you headed today? Are your steps hesitant or are they sure and strong? Are you moving forward or do you feel stuck? I see a path in sight – simple, straightforward, free from obstruction. Walking forward on this path will be uncomplicated. Go ahead-see...

Move Over Mondays!!! Part 1

  Thank you for stopping by today! Move over Mondays starts today and is a place to come for some quick encouragement to start your week. I hope it blesses you!  When Life Feels Hard When your life is moving ahead without you and you struggle to keep up –...

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Mary Geisen
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