Monthly Musings ~ September 2018

Monthly Musings ~ September 2018

Hello friends, As this post reaches you today, it is already two days into October. Summer is officially over and Fall has arrived. September is a memory and I have no idea where the time went. How about you? What I love most about sharing these monthly posts is the...
I Love You, Summer!

I Love You, Summer!

I was reluctant to write these words because saying goodbye to summer is hard to do. I am hanging on to the last remnants and refusing to let go. A rush of summer memories clouds my vision and I let the feelings wash over me one last time. Oh summer, I have basked in...

When Winter Bumps Into Fall

  Move Over Monday!!!!   The Fall colors were vivid and brilliant a week ago and sent me a message of renewed hope. The weather chills overnight but warms up as the day progresses. The sunshine provides the perfect backdrop for the yellows, oranges and deep...

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