Tell His Story: A Story of God’s Faithfulness

Tell His Story: A Story of God’s Faithfulness

God has been so gracious to provide opportunities in my writing life to meet other writers in real life. Dr. Michelle Bengtson is one of those people I met when we both attended the same writing conference. Her warmth and encouraging spirit is always present and her...
First Impression Specialist ~ Featured Writer

First Impression Specialist ~ Featured Writer

Photo by Roy Davis It is always such a pleasure to introduce you to a new featured writer each month and today is no exception. Joan Davis, writes at Hope Secure. She and I met through a group called The Consilium and led several groups together for the members of...
The Adventure of Saying “Yes” ~ Guest Post

The Adventure of Saying “Yes” ~ Guest Post

One of my new favorite things is introducing this wonderful community to new writers. It is a delight to share the words of Lesley Crawford today. She is a faithful member of this community even though she might be new to you. How I wish I knew her in real life...
The Call to Lay Your Isaac Down

The Call to Lay Your Isaac Down

There are times when you connect with another writer and in the process discover all the things you have in common. Linda Stoll is one of those people. Even though our friendship spans across internet miles, we find how God continues to lead us on similar paths. It is...

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