A Season of Change

A Season of Change

It is always a sweet blessing to introduce you to new writers each month. Today I welcome Tara Ulrich to this space to share her story. Tara and I have never met in person, but the connection we have runs deep through years of Five Minute Friday and just supporting...
My un-Bucket List

My un-Bucket List

Dear Friends, Each time I introduce you to a featured writer, I get goosebumps from the words you are about to read. I am blessed to know and share this space with many I call friends but also those I only know online, who are writers who want to encourage and point...
How to Learn from an Arctic Tern

How to Learn from an Arctic Tern

I went looking for a falcated duck but found a bigger treasure in a lesson learned from an arctic tern. People Over Ducks I pulled off the road and joined the line of cars huddled around the edge of a marshy area. According to my intel, someone had seen the rare...

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