Dear Friends,
Each time I introduce you to a featured writer, I get goosebumps from the words you are about to read. I am blessed to know and share this space with many I call friends but also those I only know online, who are writers who want to encourage and point you to Jesus.
Today, my friend Susan Shipe is here to share her “un-Bucket” list. Leave it to Susan to not only come up with a catchy title but leave me thinking of my “BIG” birthday next year. Please welcome Susan and share some love in the comments and over at her site, Hope Heart Home.
Join Susan Shipe, the featured writer at #TellHisStory this week, and find out what an "un-bucket" list is. #newpost #featuredwriter Share on X
Do you have a bucket list? I used to until it felt like I was crossing things off waiting to die. And, that just didn’t feel right! So, I’ve decided to have an un-bucket list! The things I don’t want to do!
60-something for one more year!
My birthday is in October and I will be 60-something for one more year (you can figure that out!). What do I want my life to be – to look like as I approach the daunting number of 70.
I do not embrace getting old. Not one tiny bit. My mom, who passed away at 86 years old in October 2012, used to say to my sister and I, “I hate getting old.”
I understand now.
I don’t relish getting old.
But, it is inevitable and no matter what I do… face cream, body wraps, daily walks, healthy food… the clock does not stop ticking. We are born to grow old. Yes, I smile as I write that!
What does the Bible say?
My very favorite prayer and one I pray over myself is from Psalm 128, a song of Ascents. As the Jewish people would make their annual trip to Jerusalem they sang prayers as they went “up to Jerusalem!” Here’s my favorite:
The Lord bless you out of Zion, and may you see the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life. Yes! May you see your children’s children! Peace be upon Israel! Psalm 128.5-6
The older I get and the older our grandchildren get I now say “my grandchildren’s children!” The Lord and I chuckle over that!
A few more aging scriptures
Even to your old age I will be the same; and, even to your graying years I will bear you! I have done it and I will carry you. I will bear you and I will deliver you. Isaiah 46.4
They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing…Psalm 92.14
Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength fails.Psalm 71.9
So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90.12
My un-bucket list
Some of the things on my ‘bucket’ list included: zip-lining and going to Alaska. I have done those things and both were exhilarating and adventurous! My un-bucket list includes:
- to never be whiny and complaining
- to never be unkind or unappreciative
- to never put my needs before another’s real needs
- to not be quick to judge
- to not be open to new ideas and new concepts
In other words I want to live the rest of my days not complaining, always being kind, always being grateful, always being giving and generous, non-judgmental, and always open to being adventurous and listening to new ideas. My un-bucket list!
Everything else will fall in place!
If God wants and approves my desire to whitewater raft – so be it! Crazy, right? But I do think it would be great fun. No greater than #2.5 rapids!!!
This promise I’m holding on to
If you walk in My ways, keeping My statutes and commandments, as your father David walked, then I will prolong your days. 1 Kings 3.14
Do you have a bucket list? An un-bucket list? Do share in the comments!
"Do you have a bucket list or how about an un-bucket list? Com'on over and see what's on mine! #bgbg2" #TellHisStory Share on X
Susan Chamberlain Shipe, a writer since the age of eight when she and her neighborhood friend wrote, edited, published, and distributed The Manor News. Things have changed since publishing with the five and dime stamp lettering set! Today, Susan enjoys blogging, writing short devotions and short stories from her empty-nest downtown flat in Statesville, North Carolina, which she shares with her husband of thirty plus years, Lowell. Susan can be found musing several times a week at
Love the “in-bucket” list! I don’t have a personal bucket list yet. I am healing my husband through his as he deals with cancer. I will join you in creating an “un-bucket” list though and not whining will be on mine too!
Susan’s writing – her style and her words – are also so enjoyable to read! Great un-bucket list! Yes, everything else will fall into place:)
Jennifer Smith, you sweet thing! Thank you!
Hi Susan, I am right there with you! lol. Just the other day I thought to myself, “I am basically kicking and screaming into older age” as I will be 60 next year.
I love the idea of an unbucket list. Thanks for spurring us on to Christ-like behavior in growing old gracefully.
Karen, I may not be kicking and screaming but am trying to avoid the “do you want some cheese with that WHINE?” Ya know?!
I love your wisdom here, Susan. There are things that I want to give up in my “older” years too, which are today. 🙂
Lisa, I think we need to. I believe that is part of the wisdom of getting ‘older’.
I love this idea!
Lauren, I’m going to live this list. Or, at least try to.
I love the idea of an un-bucket list, Susan! I had the opportunity be around quite a few elderly people in the last couple of years, and the ones with sweet spirits always made a lasting impression. There’s no better time than the present to start laying the groundwork for being full of joy at 80 or 90!
80 or 90. Then I’m barely a kid! Thanks for the encouragement Lois!
I love your un-bucket list, Susan. It’s a wonderful idea to focus on love and kindness. Thank you for these inspiring reflections. Love and blessings to you and Mary!
Trudy, my granddaughter always says, “Work hard and be kind.”
All the way with you on the UN-bucket list, Susan!
I kinda thought you would be Debby Hudson!!!
I recommend whitewater rafting! Maybe you’d like to take a trip back to Alaska to do so? My experience is limited to the Yukon for whitewater rafting, but it’s an adventure you can experience in many places along the Rocky Mountain range. In all our seasons of life are adventures awaiting, aren’t there?
Lynn, highly doubt we will ever return to Alaska – that was a road trip of our lifetime! It was in Canada and Idaho when the white water began calling my name! I’m thinking small whitewater, like in NC!!!! Thanks for commenting and oh yes! Adventure awaits.
This is a great post, Susan! I love the idea of an un-bucket list and of focusing more on our character than things we want to accomplish. I heard a sermon a few years ago that really stuck with me which was all about how we should think about the kind of old person we want to be and start practicing now!
Lesley! So, is that what I’m doing? Practicing!!!!! Yes, Lord. Old is just a state of mind, right?
Love the unbucket list!! At the top of mine is to never forget the opportunity of growing old is a gift to be thankful for.
Julie, you are so, so right. We are blessed!
Susan, this is such a refreshing, fun, and insightful post. I’ve never had a bucket list, but have done a few things with my friend, Elaine, so she could cross off something on her list. These were very low-key and non-adventourous items so they fit me perfectly. Like seeing a certain orchestra or symphony. 🙂 I, too, struggle with the aging process, but the Lord showed me a few years ago, I do not want the alternative to celebrating another birthday. I do want to see my grandchildren grow up, and I do want to follow Christ AND the Lord’s commands to prolong my days. And I thought about how people are searching for the fountain of youth. Yet, we have found the fountain of living water that never runs dry. Love everything on your un-bucket list. So, me too!
Karen, drinking deeply from that fountain of living water – His well is deep, you know!!!
Thanks for sharing these great verses! They give us something to work toward. And a very happy birthday to you, Susan! God bless!
Connie, there were so many great scripture verses on aging – I wanted to include them all!
Dear Susan,
I love these verses and thoughts. Clinging to Him through these years, even as my one-year-away-from-a-big-one Birthday is approaching this week! He is so very good to carry us through it all. An un-bucket list that is so good! Blessings and hugs to you!
The Word always nails it, doesn’t It? Thanks BettieG. And, I do hope you have a pain-free and rich in blessings birthday celebration! Love you.
Okay, so I have struggled a bit with getting older but have recently had a change of thought. Or should I say, I am working on it? I am trying to replace those negative thoughts about aging to recognize what an honor it is to be growing older.
As I watch those around me struggling with cancer, it reminds me what a privilege it is to be here still. It makes me excited to see what God has in mind.
I love your list. Thank you for this inspiration this morning.
Maree Dee, always with a ton of gratitude. I am blessed to be the age I am and to enjoy good health every day. I have my aches and pains, but overall, graciously blessed!
What a refreshing take on growing older! I felt the same way as you about the bucket list. There are still things on my mind I dream of experiencing someday, but I like your idea of an un-bucket list. Rather than focusing on moments and experiences, you’re talking about “being” – who do I want to BE for the rest of my days? Thanks for this, Susan! And thanks for having her, Mary!
Jana, I like the way you said that. Just “being.” I want to be being kind!
Hey Susan, I’m living this post and I’m loving your list. I do have an unbuckled list, though I’ve never called it that…but now I will. 😊 And I love what’s on your list. And I love the scriptures you shared about aging. What don’t I love about this post? LOL! 💕 Thank you for sharing.
Tiffiney – you are kind! Why have a bucket list? Let’s just live our days our good, good Father has blessed us with! Live them well.
Happy almost 70! I had to chuckle…only you would have the creativity to come up with the “un-bucket” list. I am encouraged that God did wondrous things through Biblical characters who were octogenarians. There’s still time for us!! I wholeheartedly agree on spending more time praising and thanking God then complaining or whining about what isn’t. I also challenge myself, each day, to say something kind or encouraging to those who cross my path. I know that I can’t accomplish any of my “un-bucket” list items in my own power so I have to call on His each and every day. What a delight to read your post here this am.!
Blessings sweet friend,
Bev xx
I mean, RIGHT??? xo Thanks, Bev for your encouragement.
Susan, it is a delight to read your words here. I love the idea of an “unbucket” list, and what you have on yours.
And though I feel like my mommy-late-in-life boys keep my spirit and young, my body reminds me that it is aging. I so appreciate the Scriptures you shared, friend.
This is a beautiful post.
Jeanne, you are lovely and young! I’m still waiting to read that fiction book too!
I love how honestly you share, Susan! (Thanks for having her, Mary!)
I don’t have an official bucket list. Right now my mental one looks more like things I want our family to do before the kids graduate. I want to take them to see Niagara Falls and we are planning a trip out west to see Yellowstone. We also are looking to do a mission trip as a family. (If anyone knows of good family opportunities for missions, let me know!)
Now, Rebecca, THAT is what I call a to-do list — and those are fabulous trips to plan. I love what someone said somewhere, “We only have 18 summers with our kids…” Man, doesn’t that make you want to do something!!!
I love this idea, Susan! What we resolve not to do is just as important as what we resolve TO do.
Absolutely, Barb! Hearts of wisdom for our Father. ♥
And may I plant the idea that Maine has some very lovely whitewater rafting opportunities?
2.5’s or less? Go with me?
I don’t know the numbers, but will check.
White water is no where near my bucket or my list..
I’m not real brave but I’ll do rapids grade 2.
While my “big” birthday is still a few years away, I join you in embracing your un-bucket list. It really is a list for us all, no matter our age. I am so grateful for His promise to give us fruitful lives for all of our years. Praying we would bear more fruit in our remaining years than we have thus far! Thank you, Susan and Mary, for sharing your words so faithfully and blessing many. xo
You know, Jo’, we are in some heavy-duty seed-sowing years. Our precious grandchildren have pliable and fertile soil, every seed sown is vitally important. Love you and your heart. xo