Treasures and Trinkets

Treasures and Trinkets

Growing up I stored treasures and trinkets in hiding places in my bedroom. When you are surrounded by four brothers, (literally-two older and two younger), my bedroom was my sacred haven. I was blessed to have a room to myself being the only girl. I took full...
Play On Friends… Play On

Play On Friends… Play On

You know those times that you go shopping and you find the perfect pair of jeans? They fit just right and in that moment you want to buy every other pair in your size? This is much like using the gifts that we have been blessed with by God. Each time we are engaged in...

In a Blink

While driving to school this time of year, I’m treated to a beautiful light show. The glow of reds, to pinks, to orange fading into yellow brightens my rear view mirror each morning. The light show is a glimpse of what the day might bring. But as the car speeds...

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