by mgeisen | Aug 20, 2019 | spirituality
I went looking for a falcated duck but found a bigger treasure in a lesson learned from an arctic tern. People Over Ducks I pulled off the road and joined the line of cars huddled around the edge of a marshy area. According to my intel, someone had seen the rare...
by mgeisen | Feb 13, 2016 | spirituality
How would you feel if you woke up each morning knowing you are loved? How would you feel if you found love in every detail of your life? How would you feel if quiet moments with God were filled with whispers of unfailing love? We have been told in Jeremiah that God...
by mgeisen | Aug 11, 2014 | spirituality
Many times when we think of encouragement, we think big and bold! Big and booming… Cheerleader exuberance… Name in lights… Instant happiness… but that is not what encouragement is all about! Subtle, unassuming, pure and authentic are the real...
by mgeisen | Jun 16, 2014 | spirituality
One of the greatest compliments you can receive is to see the reflection of yourself in someone else. The reflection that mirrors your life is God-focused. The reflection that empowers others to be the best they can be! This reflection enables others to live their...