Living a New Different (not a new normal)

Living a New Different (not a new normal)

Restrictions are lifting in my state. The common reactions are euphoria, guarded optimism, or fear of leaving the house too soon. I fall somewhere between guarded optimism and fear. What about you? Maybe, I am too cautious. Maybe, I want to see how things pan out...
Advent Week Three ~ Sacred Heart Work

Advent Week Three ~ Sacred Heart Work

Today we begin the third week of Advent. Taking time to pause in this busy season is never easy, but giving yourself the gift of Jesus is worth it. I love having you on this sacred journey with me. God’s invitation to pause, be still, listen, and wait well for the...
God Writes the Best Love Notes

God Writes the Best Love Notes

Handwritten Notes Birthday gifts come and go, but with it came the expectation of a thank you. Aunts and Uncles slipped a $5 bill into a birthday card each year and within the week, I wrote a thank you note to that aunt and uncle in my best penmanship. Handwritten...

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