Today we begin the third week of Advent. Taking time to pause in this busy season is never easy, but giving yourself the gift of Jesus is worth it. I love having you on this sacred journey with me. God’s invitation to pause, be still, listen, and wait well for the arrival of Jesus is His gift for you and me this season.

Before we move on, let’s take a few minutes to remember what God has taught us in the first two weeks. Embracing stillness made room in our hearts for Jesus to sit with us in the quiet. Choosing sacred intentionality provided us opportunities to dive deeper into God’s Word. Let’s answer these questions before we move on.

Do you feel yourself breathing more easily? Has the rhythm of your heart slowed down? What is God saying to you?

What is heart work?

God meets us in the stillness and cherishes one-on-one time with us. All of this leads to the sacred heart work we will work on this week. Heart-stretching moments are real. They are hard, but on the other side, they produce deep gratitude and even deeper love.

The choice to make our hearts stronger and at the same time more pliable is one that God allows us to decide on for ourselves. Sacred heart work involves saying “yes” to God while surrendering those things we hold onto more than what is deemed necessary. The initial release looks like one where we are still holding on for dear life. But the final surrender is where God is standing and waiting for us. Each time you feel your heart stretching beyond what you think is possible, God is standing next to you holding your hand and cheering you on.

Last week, we chose to intentionally invite Jesus into our day. Reading through Luke 1 and the beginning of Luke 2 brought the backstory of Jesus’ birth to life. It pointed me to a deeper understanding of the importance God places on the details of our lives. I learned again that God cares more about me than I ever will. This is my “why” for digging deeper into Advent and living my life in a posture of receiving, waiting well, and listening for what’s next. Advent does not end until Jesus comes again. We are living as Advent people and this week we will dig into the sacred heart work we need to continue to prepare the space for Jesus’ arrival.

Choosing intentionality leads to heart work. Jesus invites us to sit with Him and grow deeper into a relationship. The key to getting there requires a daily surrendering of whatever we grip more tightly than Jesus. In this holiday season, I grip the idea of busyness as if I cannot live without it. What captures your focus? That is the place where surrender enters.

Let’s imagine going one step deeper this week. If you desire space in your heart to receive the gift of Jesus, what work can you do to make it look more inviting? What will you let go of and how will you spend your days this week?

Verse of the Week

I am asking myself the same questions because I find surrender is ongoing and I have never fully arrived until God has all of me. To help us this week, I listed several passages for you to read and learn from. The themes of perseverance, letting go of preconceived ideas and trusting God shine in these stories. You choose what speaks most to you. After reading the story, spend time reflecting on and answering these two questions.

1. What is God saying to you?

2. What are you going to do about it?

(Passages to read this week or feel free to choose your own.)

Luke 7:36-50 – The story of the woman with the alabaster jar of oil. 

Joshua 6 – The story of the fall of Jericho.

Let God lead you in this exercise. I have found these are two of the most powerful questions we can ask and let God answer. 

The third week of Advent is all about sacred heart work–making room, preparing, listening for God's voice, and surrendering what we grip more tightly than Jesus. Join me on the journey. #ASacredPause #sacredheartwork #Adventweekthree… Share on X

I would love for you to email me what you are learning or feel free to share in the comments.

Catch up on Weeks One and Two by clicking the links below.

Advent Week One – Sacred Stillness

Advent Week Two – Sacred Intentionality

Middle Photo by Aung Soe Min on Unsplash


Most Heavenly Father – Your ways are true and just. Your heart is loving and pure. Show me your love this week as I open my heart to the work that you will do in me. Keep my eyes focused on surrendering myself to you daily. When my eyes stray, point me back to you with truth and grace. Instill perseverance in me to allow your heart work in me to expand and grow. Open my ears to listen, my heart to receive, and my voice to share your love. Thank you for the hope that is found in you. I love and praise you. Amen.


An Accounting of Our Hearts

Sanctuary – The Home in my Heart – Guest Post

Advent for Everyone: A Journey with the Apostles by N.T. Wright




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