You are entering the first week of Advent. Already your breath is uneven and scattered as your to-do list for the holidays looms large. Your heart is racing and you cannot even imagine making it through four more weeks at the pace you are going.
As you draw in your next shaky breath, you know that survival will not happen without change. The holiday deadline is still circled boldly on your calendar, but this year you desire something more than just making it to the finish line. A fleeting thought that sounds like sacred stillness fills your mind.
You reach for hope and the idea that someone once shared with you that involves quieting your mind. You wonder if hope is attainable and in your wondering, your breathing slows down just a notch.
Hope is Possible
Let me assure you, friend, that there is such a thing as hope. You see a little over four years ago, I began my own journey to find hope and in the process found stillness. My own Advent celebrations looked like a short pause each Sunday of Advent by lighting a candle and saying a prayer. I began to question this practice and decided diving deeper was the way to go. I began extending the practice of preparation and waiting into the weeks between each of those Sundays. Monday through Friday never looked so good. I looked forward to the time in-between because in the sacred pause I found God.
I not only found hope during the season of Advent but found that in the waiting and preparing, God was never far away. When I struggled to make sense of how busy coincided with stillness, God was waiting there in the middle. When I pushed against slowing down, God gave me reasons to listen and hear His voice in the chaos. And when I let quiet fill even five minutes of my day, I found Hope and His name is Jesus.
Verse of the Week

Let’s begin Week One by putting aside our agendas for at least five minutes each day. Breathe in some deep cleansing breaths and blow them out slowly. Read through the verse of the week daily with intentionality and hope knowing that God will speak to you in the process.
Deep breathing and intentionally focusing on the quiet frees up space for you to hear and listen. The beauty is how God is in the inhale and exhale. There is no agenda during this time. Let it be what it needs to be.
Give yourself grace when your mind wanders and starts again. There is not only a verse to pray, but I have included a poem, a prayer, and resources.
I am praying for you as you slow down and accept the invitation for stillness. May you feel a sense of renewed hope and the underlying peace of God. Please email me with any questions or prayer requests.
In the Stillness
At first light, my eyes flutter open
I fight against dawn’s rays and roll over
The sun’s milky beam finds its way between the blinds
And I curl up closer and cocoon myself under the blankets.
First light, new day, a quiet awakening
In the stillness, I lay neither ready or prepared for what’s to come that day.
I’m a creature of habit and each new beginning requires a gentle start and time to prepare
I believe a slow transition into the new day is always better
I hold tight to the tradition of allowing myself to ease into whatever the day holds – busyness will come soon enough.
My thoughts begin to form in the stillness
The quiet fills my heart with God’s peace
I embrace the peace and permit the memories of yesterday to connect with all that will happen today.
In the stillness, I find God, hold His truth, and open myself to reaching for the day.
Click HERE for the In the Stillness printable.
For more guidance
1. Breathe in for five counts, breathe out for six.
2. Center your mind with a “Breath Prayer” such as “Lord, have mercy” when you inhale and “Christ, have mercy” when you exhale.
3. Read the verse of the day or the poem and invite God to be with you.
4. Listen and know God is with you.
5. Journal anything you learn during this time if this is something you like to do.
6. Thank God for His presence in the sacred stillness.
Today begins the first week of Advent. Join me for Week One – Sacred Stillness over on the blog. #ASacredPause #Adventseries #weekone Share on XPrayer
Father God,
I am grateful that in my busy schedule you still desire to show up, every minute of every day. My striving overwhelms me even on my good days but you reassure me that your expectations are not found in to-do lists. You created me to love and that is enough. As this season of Advent begins and the holidays loom large, show me the way to sacred stillness. Lead me in a daily time of quiet that reveals peace and hope. When I struggle and my breathing becomes ragged with unrest, point me to your Word and the peace that is beyond my understanding. I thank you, God, for your patience and desire to show me that in you there is so much more. I love and praise you, Lord. Amen.
Many blessings as you seek sacred stillness.

***Tis the season for sharing, giving, and receiving. If you know of some other friends who would enjoy this series, please share and invite them to join us. 🙂
Such a beautiful word about Advent. It is so hard to stay still and breathe. I get too busy with life and drama.
It is hard to claim stillness but it is so worth it. Thank you for stopping by.
Mary, this is EXACTLY what I needed this morning. I’m making a deliberate effort to slow down and find Christ in the still moments of this busy season, but after yesterday, all I can say is that I need help! You were that gift of help to me this morning! Thank you, dear friend! I’m all in for this journey with you . . .
I love how our hearts and words are connected this Advent season. What a gift it is to invite God into our midst and seek Him instead of embracing the busy that threatens to overwhelm us. I am blessed to have you along for the journey.
His Name is Jesus. And, He changes everything! Beautiful.
Yes and Amen. I pray you find the peace and hope of Jesus this Advent season.
Beautiful, Mary! I am learning the art of stillness ;). It doesn’t come naturally for me! Thank you for the suggestions.
I am praying for you as you seek God in your quiet moments. May His presence fill you with all you need to slow down.
Beautiful! The sun is just coming up as I leave for work, so I do anything possible to bring light into the house and Light into my life :). Thank you for the reminder to breathe and enjoy the stillness.
A sunrise is a perfect way to begin the day. It holds the promise and peace of Jesus. Blessings to you this Advent season.
Ahhh, Mary. Your place right here provides space to breathe. I love how you said: “When I struggled to make sense of how busy coincided with stillness, God was waiting there in the middle.”
I think I’ve tried for years to eliminate busy so I can be still. But, in this season of life, I’ve discovered this is really impossible. I love the truth that God resides right there between busy and still. I just need to slow down enough to see Him and sit with Him for a bit.
I hope this Advent season is your most intimate one yet with our Savior!
I love knowing my place is a space to breathe. Thank you for sharing that. I imagine if you thought about your life right now you might see that stillness isn’t impossible but it looks different. It’s easier for me to say now that I am through my teenage years with my sons.
I pray you find God where you least expect Him and when you do you find a place of deep inhale and exhale. Happy Advent and time of anticipation and preparation.
Your prayer, dear Mary … oh so meaningful, powerful, exactly what I needed on this exhausting day.
Thank you, God, for breathing words that speak to others. May your peace and hope strengthen Linda throughout the week.
Such beautiful thoughts here, Mary! And I love the Scripture for this week. To combine God’s strength with His peace is such a blessed pondering. May I pause to breathe with Him this week.
Standing with you in prayer, Bettie, as we breathe in God’s peace to begin and end our day. May we know God’s strength is all we need. Blessings on your week.
Breathing in…Jesus, You bring peace to my heart and may I be an instrument of your peace…
Breathing in – sweet peace, exhaling feelings of overwhelm. My mantra today and every day (I hope). Standing with you as we seek God’s peace and hope this Advent.
It’s so counter-intuitive to slow down at this frantic-paced season of the year, and yet it’s just what our heart needs in order to enter into the true celebration.
This year, I’m paying attention early in the morning to the arrival of the light. This morning, it’s just an orange strip at the horizon, heating up an overcast sky. Funny how just the discipline of noticing can change the beginning of a day.
It is counter-intuitive to slow down but until I did I realized that my focus and ability to enjoy the season of Jesus’ birth was off. I love the idea of focusing on the morning’s first light. Such a gentle way to ease into the day and quiet time with God.
Lovely post Mary!
I love centering myself with breath and breath prayers.
Yoga and my FitBit have taught me how to better use my breath.
Relaxing is key to wellness and health.
Breath prayers are so simple yet so freeing. Your focus on wellness is a benefit this holiday season. Thank you for joining in.