Because He Lives…The Weekend Brew

Because He Lives…The Weekend Brew

I imagine the path to the cross over 2000 years ago. The path of sacrifice, redemption and glory. The footsteps stirring up the dusty road, the sun’s glare casting a shadow of a cross across the path, beads of sweat dropping like pearls as dust scatters with...
Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?

Just a few days ago I joined the Five Minute Friday community and wrote about the word “Break”. You can read that post here. In the process, I am learning that five minutes is not enough to explore the word “break” and God’s ideas for...


I imagine surrender as… The free fall moment when you are suspended between the high dive and the waiting water below The arms of your young sons stretched wide as they race toward you on chubby legs to receive your embrace The unconditional love of your parents...

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