by mgeisen | Jan 12, 2021 | spirituality
The last few days of 2020 passed very quickly and the memories of the holidays faded out as the curtain closed on the year. My thoughts now begin to run haphazardly and I am left thinking that 2020 was a cruel joke. The hopes and dreams that lived in my heart as the...
by mgeisen | Jul 7, 2020 | spirituality
I have a habit of listening to podcasts as I am driving. I rotate through four to five favorite podcasts in my attempt to stay on top of all of them. On this particular day, Emily P. Freeman’s podcast, The Next Right Thing, was next in the lineup. I began...
by mgeisen | Jun 23, 2014 | spirituality
Summer vacation has begun… Promises and dreams of lazy days, fun with friends and family time. Schedules are forgotten – instead pool time, barbecues, suntan lotion, lightening bugs and a day of play are the only agenda items that should be on the minds of...