by mgeisen | Jan 13, 2019 | spirituality
I was always one step away. Standing nearby but never quite fitting in. Second choice with a desire for the top spot. Looking from the outside in and wondering when the door would open for me. This was my perspective, especially in my high school years. Someone else...
by mgeisen | Jan 6, 2019 | spirituality
Promises abound. Hope fills my heart with a renewed sense of purpose. An expectant outlook marks the first few days of the new year. I embrace peaceful beginnings as I slide into the new year knowing chaos may steal the calm at any given moment. Peace transcends all...
by mgeisen | Apr 15, 2018 | spirituality
A week ago as I was journaling, the words blessed assurance found their way onto the page. I must admit that those weren’t the first words that spilled out. Words like “broken heart, bleeding out and brokenness” came first. God is so good not to...
by mgeisen | Mar 25, 2018 | spirituality
He rubbed the silky edge, thumb moving back and forth, and curled up in bed. The white blanket, printed with primary colors, eventually took its spot next to his head as he fell asleep. Toddlers are creatures of habit and the security blanket became part of the...
by mgeisen | Mar 18, 2018 | spirituality
I stood on the sidelines of the asphalt court, baked by the hot summer sun. The volley of balls back and forth across the net mesmerized me. I ran to collect scattered balls and threw them back to my mom when she signaled for one. The release of the ball at the right...