by mgeisen | Oct 14, 2017 | spirituality
When I was nine, I remember watching our new house surface from a plot of land. My brothers, especially Matt, loved the trucks, diggers, front loaders and whatever else was used to create a home from scratch. From one deep hole in the ground came this beautiful two...
by mgeisen | Oct 7, 2017 | spirituality
It starts with an “I’m fine”. A small smile that doesn’t reach your eyes is next. A quick change in conversation to deflect the attention away from yourself follows. Each small act takes you one step closer to burying the real you. For too many...
by mgeisen | Sep 23, 2017 | spirituality
Every other summer for most of my adult life, I packed the car until the seams burst with beach paraphernalia. I dreamed about this beloved vacation as summer approached each year. There were times this included beach toys and all things boys treasured. Each trip...
by mgeisen | Jul 8, 2017 | spirituality
Spring is one of my favorite seasons. I love the warmer days and cool evenings. There is a moment when the temperature is just right. Then it’s time to fling open wide all the windows in the house. It’s a time for embracing not only the newness of the...
by mgeisen | Jul 2, 2017 | spirituality
One man’s junk is another man’s treasure! Fullness of gratitude creates blessed abundance. It is only with deep love that we live a life of abundance. Each phrase depicts abundant life. But which one describes you? Which one can you live out as you seek...