by mgeisen | Mar 31, 2020 | spirituality
Today is our last week for the Enneagram series. Thank you for sticking with me. I hope you learned a lot about yourself and your people. I am thrilled to welcome Lisa Burgess, Lisa Notes as she unpacks her life as an Enneagram Five- The Investigator. Show her some...
by mgeisen | Mar 24, 2020 | spirituality
Today we welcome Wren Robbins, Friends of a Feather podcast host, lover of the Enneagram and a blogger. She writes and shares the ins and outs of the life of an Enneagram Six. Please welcome her and let her know if you know any sixes in the comments. Finding out my...
by mgeisen | Mar 17, 2020 | spirituality
Today we enter the Thinking Triad with our last three numbers of the Enneagram. Join me in welcoming, Lynn Simpson, an Enneagram Seven, a gifted photographer, and lover of so many different things. Just thinking about the enthusiasm of sevens can make me tired. Can...
by mgeisen | Mar 3, 2020 | spirituality
Today the Enneagram series continues with the Enneagram Nine – The Peacemaker. Ruthie Gray dives deep into how she finally discovered she was a Type Nine as well as what this looks like in her life. I’m thrilled to have Ruthie here this week writing and...
by mgeisen | Feb 25, 2020 | spirituality
I am thrilled to have Stacey Pardoe here today to give us a glimpse into the life of an Enneagram One. This begins our foray into the Gut/Anger Triad. Stacey is one of those people whose writing draws you in from the first word. Enjoy her words and leave her some love...