by mgeisen | Mar 4, 2018 | spirituality
The conversation hummed non-stop in the local restaurant. Voices mingled with the background music and TVs spouting news or sports. Table tops displayed meals shared by couples, friends, and families. As I sat across from my friend, I realized how easy friendship is...
by mgeisen | Feb 20, 2018 | spirituality
This is my year of surrender. A daily refining of my identity to become the best “me” God created. Letting go to receive the precious grace God holds out freely. A journey of laying down self to make space for the new creation God promises. The process...
by mgeisen | Feb 6, 2018 | spirituality
Recently as I was driving in the car, listening to one of my favorite podcasts, my heart almost seemed to stop beating. I”m in the zone listening and watching the road. In the next second, I hear the words, “we focus on self-preservation over...
by mgeisen | Jan 9, 2018 | spirituality
Before I succumbed to the nasty flu bug that will take down even the strongest among us, God began stirring together a list of possible words for this year. He always does it in the gentlest of ways and never allows the word to shine brightly in neon for me to see. I...
by mgeisen | Nov 17, 2015 | spirituality
A common thread weaves its way through my heart in the space of waiting. One that is not yet familiar, but needs to become the thread that binds me closer with God. A fabric with two threads manifests itself in the recesses of my mind. The faint fibers of these...