by mgeisen | May 30, 2015 | spirituality
I’m trying on grace for size these days. Grace in the everyday ordinary, in the unexpected and in the interactions with those I do life with daily. Grace that comes in all sizes, shapes and is our gift from God without any strings attached. Grace that fits all...
by mgeisen | May 16, 2015 | spirituality
I don’t know where I first saw this and when I first heard it. I know within the last year these five words have been shared and have made an impact on me. My son has made “I can’t, but He can” his mantra. It is his reminder, inspiration,...
by mgeisen | May 2, 2015 | spirituality
God whispers and words reach my soul. The words come unexpectedly, but show up at just the right times. God’s whispers look like pictures, poems from students, His Word, heart stopping beauty and the gifts of friendship and family. The heart murmurs are...
by mgeisen | Apr 18, 2015 | spirituality
What do you surround yourself with each day, each hour or minute? Does life look like an ending becoming a new beginning? Do you watch as the day turns into night and the cycle of many awakes becomes many sleeps? Does the sun remind you of all the possibilities that...
by mgeisen | Apr 4, 2015 | spirituality
I imagine the path to the cross over 2000 years ago. The path of sacrifice, redemption and glory. The footsteps stirring up the dusty road, the sun’s glare casting a shadow of a cross across the path, beads of sweat dropping like pearls as dust scatters with...