Sabbath Offerings ~ Favorite

Sabbath Offerings ~ Favorite

I turned off the highway lost in my thoughts about Bible study that evening. As I continued on, I left the comfort of a well-lit four lane road to a two lane road. Darkness emerged and surrounded me. I glanced in my rear view mirror to catch any headlights following...
Five Minute Friday ~ Happy

Five Minute Friday ~ Happy

There is a party going on. Two years of celebrating a beautiful place to gather each week and love on each other. This week I popped in after being absent for months. This community opens its arms and says “welcome back”. This is Five Minute Friday and the...
Sabbath Offerings ~ Delight

Sabbath Offerings ~ Delight

A whisper flitted in as I was reading God’s word the other morning. Words that spoke volumes to me of worth, love, and a deep sense of caring. Words that I have read many times before, but at this moment they soothed my anxious heart and calmed my uncertainties....

A Closet Eater’s Diet

Oh my word, friends, I really did not want to write this post. NO-I mean – I really tried digging in my heels and said “no way”, but God always has the last word. This is not my usual post-there are no poetic words just the plain hard truth. A punch...

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