My arms were designed to hold little ones. The gentle curve, warmth and soft embrace are a perfect fit. It’s God’s way of creating a space reserved for love. When I draw little ones close, it feels like an act of pure tenderness. The fresh scent of baby hands and feet is a sweet inhale of the love of God. And, when I catch the adoring eyes of a baby gazing into my own, I hear the whisper of trust.

Each memory of my own sons as babies reflects the tender affection of a new generation and the deep love of the Father. My grandson is just beginning to understand the constancy of love. My son and daughter-in-law’s hearts are growing as they share mommy and daddy love. Aunt and Uncle love add in the mix, but the greatest gift is the love of the Father.

God invites us daily to extend kindness and compassion to others. It’s not only our invitation but our way to Him. I find I lose sight of how to extend kindness and compassion to myself. God never holds back His tender affection and wants us to do the same for ourselves.

Lamentations 3 digs into a time of waiting and the burdens we carry as the feeling of devastation washes over us. The first twenty verses or so takes the reader through a period of lamenting over life. There is heartache, uncertainty, and affliction that cover Jeremiah as He calls out to God. A mantle of anguish and stress feel overwhelming, but God intervenes and Jeremiah learns of God’s new mercies (Lamentations 3:23)

The progression of suffering to God’s faithfulness that plays out in Lamentations is familiar to me. The highs and lows become a steady cadence when I allow lamenting to take over. But it all changes when the sweet safety net of God’s love infuses my soul.

When I read the words “new mercies“, my first thought is of the compassion of God. A little digging into the word “mercy” broadens the scope of God’s endless love and protection He covers us with. The Hebrew word for “mercy” is ra-cha-min and is derived from the word for “womb”. The most motherly organ in the body is one full of compassion and tenderness. It’s the place where the deepest connection between mother and baby takes place. It’s the place where God meets us when life dips, twists, and leads us on a ride we never intended getting on.

God not only gives us the gift of a new day but showers us with His tender affections. He envelops us in grace and mercy by keeping us safe in the womb of His love. New mercies bring compassion, a sense of motherly love, and protection.

Now when I lose sight of the sweet tenderness of my Father, I can pull from the deep-seated love I possess for my children and grandchildren to understand the depths the Father goes for me.

I am loved.

I am safe.

And, I am connected deeply to God who cares more for me than I will ever care for myself.

God's tender affections reach beyond our imaginings. His gift of new mercies are not just for today, but everyday. #newpost #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X

Today I hope we can join together to receive the tender affection of our Father. The connection of love that takes place in the womb is ours to have and pass onto others. It’s why we praise God with grateful hearts and why David talks about it in Psalm 139.

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
Psalm 139:13-14

Maybe, just maybe, you and I will receive the gift of new mercies knowing fully that this is not just for today, but everyday.

God’s tender affection reaches beyond our imaginings, covers us with His protection and holds us in the womb of His endless love.


Photo by on Unsplash

***Join me next week as I open the doors for Anita Ojeda as the Tell His Story featured writer. You can find her HERE.

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