Tis the Season…

Busyness walks hand in hand with an overwhelming feeling of never completing your to do list

Stress creeps in with a sense of urgency as the days pass by quickly

Our minds scatter thoughts faster than we can blink and cohesive ideas flee from our overtired brains

Life during the holiday season might feel much like you read above and the beginning of Silver Bells might be playing on repeat in your head…

“City sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style, In the air there’s a feeling of Christmas”

Everything around you screams “hurry up, get your shopping finished, decorate your house and feel the holiday spirit, but your heart has a conflicting message to slow down, center and prepare intentionally for the birth of Jesus.

Can we take the hustle and bustle which is sure to be present and use it in a way that it becomes our gift to Jesus this Christmas? Will we open our hearts to the soft whispers of a crying newborn in a manger, who came to save each of us? Can this Christmas become a chance to serve others and share Jesus’ name right in our own community? Can our worship become our gift to God and our local community?

Luke 2-14

This Advent I am preparing myself for Jesus’ birth by busying myself with Awaited, my church’s show of the Christmas story. As a choir member, I am blessed to use my gift of song to worship God for fifteen shows (yes, it really is that many! Actually there are 29 shows – I am doing half! :)) Our church is intentional in their mission to reach out to the local community at Christmas time in a way that provides a chance to enter church for a show and maybe hear God’s voice for the first time. This outreach is an opportunity to go ALLIN for God and send His message through song, dance, His Word and worship by sharing the message locally to thousands. In the busyness of this season, I have been given a gift from God through my part in this show. I learned the power of who God is and that He is who He says is last year when I stepped out of my comfort zone to audition for Awaited. Since then I have been blessed by this unique experience, which allows me to open my heart and hear God’s voice through the story that He wrote for the world over 2000 years ago.

I am blessed beyond words each show by the amazing Spirit that fills the church as friends, family and many others stand and worship at the end of the show. I am given more than I can possibly give in return but I pray that God’s light is always shining through. My preparation for Jesus’ birth is the honor I have to be part of my church’s mission to reach our city and share God’s story through Awaited.

[Tweet “The gift of Christmas is the one that shares God’s perfect love and light for all.”]

What will you bring the King this Christmas? Will your holiday busyness become a chance to share your gifts with others in the way of hospitality, homemade gifts, music, dance, etc.? Will your mission to make your house and gifts perfect, change and instead become a way to use your own gifts to honor God?



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