Wake up calls arrive earlier on the cusp of summer days. I roll over hoping that the play of light and shadows will somehow dissipate in the morning haze. Then I remember how much I love the play of light and dark as summer stretches our days into magical forays of staying up late as the lengthening of summer days begins.

I adore summer. Some of my favorite memories fill the pages of my photo albums with summer activities, time at camp, and vacations. Summer takes the best of each season and uses them to her advantage. Beautiful colors, summer storm clouds, family gatherings, and the promise of more to come.

God is our Perspective-Changer and Promise-Keeper. We can find Him in the long summer days play of light and winter’s swirling, gray clouds. It’s all a matter of what you see through your lens. Are you focused or scattered, thoughtful or disparaging, hopeful or helpless, or grateful or self-centered?

What is Your Perspective?

What’s your stance on summer? Do you love it, dislike it, or do you fall somewhere in between? It’s a matter of perspective and preference. Beauty is present in each season.

Summer is my season–the long days, catching a glimpse of the first firefly of the season, watermelon, sitting outside to read, long walks, and the chance to embrace the summer slow down. It’s what I know and love. I find I am most like myself in the summertime when I align myself with the rhythms of slowing down and breathing deep.

But no matter what your perspective is on the seasons, you will find God in each detail. He takes light and shadow and displays it in intricate patterns to create a unique setting that portrays each season. God had you and me in mind when He presented each season’s extraordinary beauty as a reflection of our love for different things.

Our differences are worthy of celebration and conversation. Our uniqueness sets us apart in physicality but brings us together when we connect emotionally and spiritually. We live in a time where perspective is not always valued and differences are not celebrated. It doesn’t just look like a preference for your favorite season.

Making the Switch from an Individual Perspective to a Broader Acceptance

If I only focus on my love for summer days and you don’t agree with this view, you either have already stopped reading or are finished following along now. If instead, I share what I love about each season, there is a good chance you will continue to track my thoughts with me. But how do we take our narrow views and opinions and broaden the scope to see beyond our likes and dislikes?

Jesus came to bring hope to the marginalized and new life for all. He stood in the gap for Gentiles and Jews and modeled love for both. Jesus never once looked at the world with a narrow perspective. He chose us all and patiently waits for each of us to choose Him in return. After Jesus spent forty days in the desert facing temptation at every turn, He preached in the synagogue on Sabbath. On one particular occasion, Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah.

Jesus brought history to life in these words:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.” (Luke 4:18-19, TPT)

Jesus declared a time of acceptance two thousand years ago. It wasn’t just for that time and place. It was for all time–yesterday, today, and tomorrow. We are called to accept all lives–black lives, brown lives, the poor and marginalized, the homeless, the motherless, the fatherless, the widows, and all who walk on this earth. The time is now.

The Time is Now

An uncertain world plays havoc on my emotions, senses, and perspective. I am the first to admit that my view starts to narrow when the world leans toward chaos. It’s my way of grabbing onto some kind of control. I’m the girl that tries to claim a deep sense of knowing as my way to seek control. I am not saying it is right and it’s hard to write these words here in this space. The good news is that I can change.

Jesus is in the hard and the holy. He sees my weaknesses and gives me the strength to overcome them. If God takes the time to do that for me, and more, just think what He will do for you.

Jesus knows your perspective and wants to grow it into a greater acceptance and love for all.

Jesus sees you when you struggle with reaching out because you either don’t know the words or are afraid of the repercussions.

It is in the light and shadow of the summer days that I pray we broaden our perspective and grow into a deeper acceptance so together we may experience freedom.

Jesus came to bring hope to the marginalized and new life for all. Jesus never once looked at the world with a narrow perspective. We shouldn't either. #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X

Closing Prayer

May God our Father himself and our Master Jesus clear the road to you! And may the Master pour on the love so it fills your lives and splashes over on everyone around you, just as it does from us to you. May you be infused with strength and purity, filled with confidence in the presence of God our Father when our Master Jesus arrives with all his followers. (1 Thessalonians 3:11-13, MSG)

I find there are so many thoughts running their course through my mind these days. I know I am just touching the surface and digging deeper is something I am working on in my quiet time. God and I need to work this out together and I know that is okay.

I pray your week is a perspective changer because of our Promise-Keeper!

***There will not be a Tell His Story linkup next week. I am taking the week off to allow for some mind and heart space as well as to help my kids move into their new house. The linkup will return on July 7. Let me know if you have any questions.

*** Thank you for being part of this community. I see you and love your heart for community. I wouldn’t be here without you. Summer is a time to step back and slow down. Please know I support you 100% if you take a week, a month, or the whole summer off. 🙂

#TellHisStory Link Up
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