Are you part of the thousands of people that choose a word for the year? What does the process look like as you choose your one word? How do you know the word you come across is THE word for you?

This year as in many years in the past I began to take a look back while looking forward to the new year and my one word.

As December rolled around, I began to see a scattering of people posting their one word for 2019. I believed that while others were hearing from God, my reveal was going to be more difficult.

A few days before Christmas as I was reading and journaling, a word entered my thoughts. “Surely this isn’t my word” I shouted in my head. I spent 2018 actively working on surrendering in all parts of my life. This new word appeared as the antithesis of surrender.

For the next week, until New Year’s Eve, I found as many ways as possible to talk myself out of the word God shared with me. With my energy depleted, I surrendered to my one word on New Year’s Eve.

My one word for 2019 is RECEIVE.

Life is all about seasons – physical changes on the outside and at the same time a heart re-wiring on the inside. Sometimes the seasons involve active participation and other times they are more passive. I am making my way into a season of deep soul work. A chance to let God prune and refine me in ways that are sure to challenge, convict, and reframe me as a Daughter of the King.

I began the search for verses that spoke affirmation over this new season. Psalm 25 popped up immediately and returned several times. The Passion Translation blessed me as I heard God speaking how He desires nothing more than for me to sit next to Him this year. Verse 14 says,

There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God,
    where they sit near him and receive
    the revelation-secrets of his promises.

My call, pure and simple, is to recognize who God is in the easy, the hard, the joy, and the sorrow. Last year I embraced my identity as God’s chosen daughter. The process to claiming my identity was challenging as the enemy wormed his way into my heart as much as he could to refute the truth of who I am.

The foundation created last year is the cornerstone for the journey I am about to embark on this year. Psalm 25 points us to knowing and recognizing God in our everyday. But the second part to these words is when we recognize who we are in Christ, the path to God becomes clearer.

My struggle to recognize and accept my one word this year basically was my fight to reverse what God already planned. I told myself I was not hearing my word from God because I believed I was better than what God chose for me.

I know who always win! Do you?

My dear friend, Debbie Kitterman, graciously spent some time with me on New Year’s Eve, speaking the truth of what God was saying to me.

When I shared the word “receive” with Debbie, her first reaction was to immediately remind me of the potential and promises associated with this word. The verse that came to her mind was:

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her! Luke 1:45 NIV

I cried as I was texting Debbie my response. You, my friend, are blessed. We all are blessed. God’s promises are for you and me. His love and desire to sit with us is the gift He extends to all of us. Do you feel it and know it?

I’m fully expecting the heart work of learning how to receive to take me places I don’t want to go. The “doer” in me is still mentally fighting the thought of listening and sitting back while others are “doing”. But that’s not really the point is it?

God chose the word “receive” for me to help me deepen my understanding of Him and myself. It is not a punishment, but a time of pruning to bear more fruit. The promise of abundance is on the other side of this season. God’s promises will be fulfilled.

Many of you are sharing your one word for the year. Join me for the one word that almost wasn't! #TellHisStory Share on X

This is just the beginning. If you also feel God has chosen the wrong word or you’re not ready to accept the one He laid out for you, the words in these verses are for you. If you just need a reminder of the goodness of God, then these words are for you.

My dear children, let’s not just talk about love; let’s practice real love. This is the only way we’ll know we’re living truly, living in God’s reality. It’s also the way to shut down debilitating self-criticism, even when there is something to it. For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves. 1 John 3:18-20 MSG


Newsy Notes

It’s so good to be back and to see you all here today for the #TellHisStory linkup. Did you know that beginning next week we will have a featured writer for the Tell His Story community? Your words matter and there is room for you at the table. Will you prayerfully consider sharing your own story? This once a month opening of the doors for all is to honor God by sharing your stories and how your life is impacted by walking with God. Please let me know via the contact form on this website and all the details will be emailed to you.

Debbie Kitterman wrote The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement, which released this past August. Beginning January 19 she is offering a free online Bible study based on her book. Click HERE to sign up and join her.

#TellHisStory Link Up
Each week we gather here as storytellers, word weavers, and encouragers to make His name known. Our story is God’s story and this small corner of the blogging world, where we come together each Tuesday, needs you. This is a place where poetry, snapshots, prayers, and stories find a safe spot to nod in agreement that what we have to say matters.
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