Do you remember the childhood secrets you promised to keep? The secret was sealed with a pinky swear, and that’s all it took. Or when just keeping your word was good enough? In eighth grade, my best girlfriends promised not to reveal a surprise slumber party for my 14th birthday. It was easy for them to keep the promise because the look on my face when I arrived was worth it to them. The beauty of a promise is the joy and trust it produces on the other side.

Looking back, I see how childhood promises were much easier to keep. I trusted my friends with an innocence that was harder to maintain as I grew into adulthood. I expected promises to be honored as I grew up and didn’t know any different. Life has a way of throwing us curve balls that can crush childhood innocence.

The biggest promise I ever made was to “love and cherish, till death do us part.” I believed every word and stood before friends and family declaring the words as a sign of commitment to my husband. Twenty-one years later, life got in the way. My beliefs turned upside-down and all I held dear seemed to crumble before me.

Broken promises are a sign that our heart is not aligned with God’s heart.

I always believed my marriage was centered on God, but learned that going to church weekly did not constitute a true relationship with God. It took my own broken relationship to see how God desires our focus to center on Him daily–not just when we remember or feel like it.

A promise is not a promise unless we follow through completely.

The beauty of a promise is the joy and trust it produces on the other side. #thepromise #thedentedfender @thedentedfender Share on X

Today, I am making a list of broken promises I have experienced in my life, and on the other side of the page, a list of fulfilled promises. Come join me at The Dented Fender to learn more.

Many blessings,




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