I stand on the threshold with arms open wide. The first words out of my mouth are “welcome home.” My son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and their dog enter into my embrace. Not all at once, but one by one. There is no place like home and several weeks ago I was blessed to welcome home my kids after being gone for two years.

Standing on the threshold of receiving my kids back into our hometown reminded me that God promises that if you wait for it, it will come.

And then God answered: ā€œWrite this.
    Write what you see.
Write it out in big block letters
    so that it can be read on the run.
This vision-message is a witness
    pointing to whatā€™s coming.
It aches for the comingā€”it can hardly wait!
    And it doesnā€™t lie.
If it seems slow in coming, wait.
    Itā€™s on its way. It will come right on time.
Habakkuk 2:2-3 MSG

I prayed from the moment they left two years ago that God would make a way for them to come home. They only lived two hours away, but it seemed like the miles between us stretched my heart to its limit. My heart never stopped the rhythm of desiring a closer proximity. The two years went by fast in hindsight, but the space between here and there seemed endless. Waiting is like that- a space between here and there that stretches our heart muscles taut until they are shaking with anticipation and culmination.

Waiting is the space between here and there that stretches our heart muscles taut until they are shaking with anticipation and culmination. #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X

God made no mistake when he claimed this was my year to “receive.” It’s as if He declared “look at what I can do and I can’t wait to do it for you.” The deep valleys of waiting provide a limited perspective. The view looks familiar, but the heart desires more. It’s hard to see beyond the walls I surround myself with because I fall into the trap of only seeing what I want to see. My eyes deceive me into seeing a mirage of hope that I believe couldn’t possibly be for me.

I spent a year of surrendering and the growth was phenomenal. But I forgot on the other side of letting go, God needed me to slow down so He could do the work He already planned. Have you ever had the feeling of the carpet being swept out from beneath you? That is exactly what God did as I rang in the new year. He needed me in a place of humility and wanting in order to receive the goodness He had waiting.

I see you friends and waiting is flat out difficult. It picks at our energy and motivation and whittles away at the hope we long for on the other side. God took the time to teach me some hard lessons during these first six months. And honestly, there were times I was ready to give up. Like you, I am able to see glimpses of the other side of waiting. The threshold of receiving opened up the door to the goodness of God that was always there. I just needed to pause long enough to discover it for myself.

I imagine you all have your own stories of waiting. Perhaps, you are still in the middle. May I encourage you that God knows. He is waiting with you, but He is not silent in the preparations He is making in this space.

I would be honored if you shared a bit of your own story and what it is like to stand on the threshold of receiving.


Drumroll please …

***The winner of Jennifer Dukes Lee book, It’s All Under Control, is Maree Dee of Embracing the Unexpected. Please message me with your address.

The one year anniversary fun is not over. We have a talented community and three members have offered a copy of their own books to three of you. Plus, a fourth person will win a collection of Fair Trade items. Just enter the competition below. The giveaway is open for the next two weeks. Tell your friends.

Susan Shipe, who writes at Hope Heart Home, is a prolific, self-published writer who is offering one of her books, your choice, to one winner. Check out the selection HERE.

Pam Ecrement, writes at A New Lens, and she and co-author Becky Moreland, wrote Bring Me A Vision, A Story of Redeeming Hope. Click HERE to read more.

Betsy de Cruz, writes at Faith Spilling Over, and has a heart for finding ways to aide us in getting the most out of our quiet time with God. She wrote, More of God: A Distracted Woman’s Guide to More Meaningful Quiet Times. You can find more about her book, HERE.

We are still celebrating the one year anniversary of Tell His Story at marygeisen.com. Come join us for another giveaway! #TellHisStory #giveaway Share on X

Photo by HelpStay.com on Unsplash

Tell His Story One Year Anniversary
#TellHisStory Link Up
Each week we gather here as storytellers, word weavers, and encouragers to make His name known. Our story is God’s story and this small corner of the blogging world, where we come together each Tuesday, needs you. This is a place where poetry, snapshots, prayers, and stories find a safe spot to nod in agreement that what we have to say matters.
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