The month of December was already moving along and I told myself that I didn’t need a “word” for the year. Time was running out and many people I knew were already posting their “one word.” I was feeling that this next year would be a time of “me and God” without the customary “one word” hanging over my head.

Thinking was my first mistake and believing that God had not already chosen a word just for me was my second. God has shown His faithfulness in choosing a word for me the last five years. Why would this year be any different? But, what happens when you don’t want a word of the year?

The Mic Drop Moment

I spend time each morning hanging out with God. It is my rhythm and time to center myself for the day. On this particular morning I was in the process of writing down a list of all things I was grateful for in 2020. It was three days after Christmas and the house was not only quiet, but my soul was quiet, too.

My view from the couch was a set of twinkle lights wrapped around the mantle and gentle flames lapping the textured wood in my fireplace. I wish I could have recorded this moment for authenticity’s sake, but God doesn’t work like that. In a flash, the quiet was interrupted with one word “alignment” and as soon as I heard it the quiet was restored. If you can have a mic drop moment during your quiet time, I most certainly did.

I’m sure a look of surprise crossed my face as I was still trying my best to ignore what I had just heard. I wrote the word down in my journal, just in case.

My “just in case” moment arrived shortly after the mic drop. Boom! I knew with everything in me that God had just delivered my word, even though, I didn’t ask for it.

But I Don’t Want a Word of the Year!

I’m sure many of us have experienced times where God shows up big. I feel whiny telling you all that choosing a word of the year seemed like too much after last year’s train wreck. But, God heard my heart and still knew what was best for me.

God takes each heart cry and redeems them in the way that is best for us. He chooses the perfect timing to reveal His desires and throws the ball into our court. It quickly becomes our turn to decide what we will do next.

You may love having a word of the year. You might even be the person who hears early from God and can’t wait to share the word with everyone. Or, there might be more of you in me than you care to admit. Either scenario is okay. The third option is to not choose a word of the year at all. Good for you!

God’s choice for each of us is unique and one that fits our needs. Don’t you love how He knows us so well?

I Have a Word–Now What?

Whether I am ready or not, God knows I need to work on the alignment of my body, mind, and spirit this year. I know I need it too, even though it is hard to say out loud.

Those of us who have a word of the year move forward in different ways. My next step is to dive into God’s Word to learn what He wants to teach me about alignment. Finding the truth is an important next step.

Maybe, you spend some time trying on your word for size. You ask yourself, “What will this look like in my daily life?”

Maybe, you share your word with family or friends and ask them how they see this playing out in the new year.

Or, maybe, you pray about the new word and listen for God to reveal what is next.

As we move from January into February, let’s remember that God knows us best. He will show you how your one word will play out this year. Take time to remain alert and open to what He is teaching.

What happens when your word of the year, the one you didn't want, interrupts your quiet time as the ultimate Mic drop moment? Join me to read more. #newpost #alignment #wordoftheyear Share on X

God’s words to me are from Romans 12:1-2. May it serve as a prayer for you, too.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.





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