It’s one word I tell myself. Surely it won’t be that hard. I’ve climbed to the top of a volcano. One word is no big deal, right??
For those of you that choose a word for the year or the word chooses you, have you ever contemplated these thoughts? Do you believe that your word has nothing on you? We are adults and surely the idea of focusing on a word for the year is manageable. But if you are anything like me, each year God chooses a word to grow, challenge, and help me to know Him better. That’s just the way it is year after year. A new year and a new word.
Why a new word?
For at least five years, I chose a word to begin the year. In the beginning, I hopped on the “one word” bandwagon because everyone was doing it. I lost sight of the reason for choosing a word to focus on for the year. God set me straight soon thereafter. Each year a piece of who I was evolved into a clearer version of who God always knew I would be. God took my willingness to jump on the bandwagon and invited me to hold on for the ride.
After that first year, I was intentional and invitational when sitting with God waiting for a new word. Each year since then God has given me a new year and a new word. Click HERE to read about last year’s word.
My One Word – Steward
Some years there is much deliberation over what word God is setting before me. Other years I sit in denial because surely God doesn’t want to give me THAT word. This year my one word – Steward – found me. My quiet time was interrupted briefly when the word, steward, flitted across my mind. I am not even sure if I was reading, praying, or journaling at that moment. Somehow I knew that this was the word God had chosen for me.
I realized in my time of trying on the word “steward” for size that God had actually impressed this word on me throughout 2019. As quickly as it appeared I knew it was well thought out by the One who knows exactly what I need and when I need it.
1 Peter 4:10 is a beautiful invitation for us to be stewards of God’s grace.” It says:
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
I’m the person that receives grace without any problem. I am also the person who is happy to share it but not if it involves conflict first. Can anyone relate?

I want to be the person who steps out of my comfort zone and takes the first step when others are afraid. Or the person who does the inviting instead of waiting to be invited. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place. God knows me well and is more than willing to guide me in the stewardship of my gifts.
What I am learning
God never makes a mistake in choosing a focus for us for the year. He hinted at the word “steward” in 2019 and I basically ignored the whispers. God didn’t give up until I heard Him loud and clear.
Choosing a word like “steward” is God’s way of loving me but also stretching me in new ways at the dawn of this new decade.
I love the way my one word reaches into all areas of my life: physical, emotional, and spiritual but also the more practical places such as financial, using my time efficiently, and serving others well.
God loves us so much to give us a new year and a new word to grow us in ways we can only imagine. #TellHisStory #newpost #oneword2020 #steward #linkup Share on XI am praying God continues to shower His grace on all of us and in the process we share it abundantly with others. In the words of Max Lucado, “everything is God’s.“

Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash
Love this! What a great word! (You know how I am… I tend to argue with Him about the One Word He chooses for me and this year was no different… even though it’s a great word and I can easily see the warm fuzzy parts of it… I can also see the challenging, growing, dying to self parts of it, too! My OneWord for 2020 is Gather!)
I could join you in arguing over my word. God knows our hearts and still trusts us with a word for the year. That is saying something. I am praying that as you rejoice in the idea of “gathering” you see how God wants to use you in the process.
Even though I’ve chosen a different word than you (I chose Linger), it relates so much to Steward. To linger on one thing, I have to give up the possibility of doing another. It all boils down to being a good steward of my priorities. So I’ll be watching the lessons God teaches you about stewardship so I can apply them to my own life as well! Thanks, Mary.
I’ll be watching the lessons God is teaching you too. Linger certainly goes hand in hand with steward. The idea that we let go of one thing to focus on another will be a big part of what unfolds this year. May we find God in the challenges of this coming year knowing we will come out stronger on the other side.
I haven’t chosen a word but a scripture. But this is a good one.
Each of us is led by God to do what is best for us. I pray your scripture teaches you well this year.
That you take the word God gives you and dive deeply into all the learning He wants for you is inspiring. I look forward to reading where this new focus of stewardship takes you!
It’s just what God has me do. He basically takes my hand and pulls me along. I’m not always a willing participant at first. I’m praying I learn how to steward my life well.
Mary, this has to be one of my favorite word-of-the-year posts ever! I loved learning about how this practice plays out in your life and how God continues to use these words to grow and shape you. I’ll be looking forward to reading more of your thoughts about “steward” in the coming months!
Thank you for this sweet encouragement. I find it is much easier to let God lead the way into a new year rather than trying to make resolutions that I probably will not keep. Here’s to our one words and all God is going to do in and through us this year.
I love how God doesn’t give up on us but gently & persistently gets our full attention!
2019’s word for me was Grace, it was a magnificent & challenging year, which I’m sure we can all relate too!
It will be interesting to see what God does in your word for the year Mary!
He has already began teaching me valuable lessons with my word for 2020…. in the attached post!
Bless you,
God will never give up on us and I love how you said: “He persistently gets our full attention.” I am looking forward to reading your post about your word for this year.
What a beautiful word with such a deep meaning. I wrestled with God this year on my word. I didn’t want to let go of last year’s word. I love doing one word. It permeates into all of my goals, and it is so easy to remember.
Steward is a word that will cover all areas of my life. I am also the person that wrestles with God over my word. The best part is that He always knows best. I am praying that God shows you such grace and incredible strength as you lean into Him and your one word this year.
I’ve never heard of anyone having “steward” as their word for the year so I look forward to reading about your journey. I always love reading about how God leads people to their words and how he uses them in their lives.
I don’t know anyone with the word “steward” either. I am expecting this year to be full of challenges as well as growth. Thanks for being here.
I love how God reveals a word to you for the year, Mary. Your words here give me pause for reflection. I avoid conflict, too… And I’m intimidated by dominating personalities. So I withdraw and keep still when I should speak up. Love and blessings to you!
God loves to provide a focus for each of us as we begin a new year. It has really helped me in my relationship with God. And I love knowing I am not the only one who avoids conflict. Sending you love and hugs as we allow God to lead us this year.
Mary, “steward” is a wonderful word for walking with the Lord. It is not about tithing as first popped up in my head, but, truly, is about using our time wisely, walking with clarity, spending time in His Word, meditating on it day and night, and soooooo much more. I will be pondering this as well…for myself. Thank you.
You said it so well, Linda. Stewardship encompasses using our time wisely, walking with clarity, and spending time in God’s Word. I hope as you ponder these words more deeply God shows you how you steward your own gifts. Thanks for being here.
I’ll be linking up later today. I like the word steward. And, it’s not just about finances. It’s about everything God puts before us. My word “abundance” is not about money – it’s about life and all the riches of the Kingdom – It’s funny how we can get hung up about this word or that word – I like explaining and sharing what the word, which is given by Holy Spirit, personally means to the recipient. Well done.
It is interesting to read how God leads us to our one word for the year. Steward and abundance are both such encompassing words. If you take either at face value, you will miss the deeper meaning that God has in store for us.
I just know you will steward this “one word” well in all sorts of ways in 2020, Mary! It’s not a word we hear too often, but certainly packs a punch when lived out. My one word, as you know, is insight. It’s not all that comfortable of a word, being more of a challenge than a chance to rest. But it must be where God wants me to focus and so I will do my best to follow through! Hugs to you!
The word “steward” is one that is unusual and I know God is going to challenge me greatly this year. Insight is another great word. I am thinking God wants to really stretch us this year. I am praying we both are open to learning from all God faces us with this year.
I have been reading about gifts and talents and using them, but I had not considered that verse. Some gifts God gives us to serve others, and some gifts of God we pass on to others because we all have them, like grace. So interesting. This is expanding my brain. Not sure what my word this year is, still pondering.
1 Peter 4:10 is not a verse I would have considered at first either but it is the one that God gave me. I love that God is calling us to steward the gifts He has given us by sharing them with others. It makes me think of my younger son who has a gift for teaching the Bible. He is a preaching minister at a church and he is sharing his gift weekly with others. Let me know if you choose a word for the year.
Dear Mary,
Oh, I can so relate to this: “God took my willingness to jump on the bandwagon and invited me to hold on for the ride.” Every year that I have allowed Him to speak a new #Oneword for me, I have found that wild ride also. But it’s such a good wild ride, isn’t it? I am eager to hear more about your word “steward” for this year. And, I’m soon to be sharing the word that He has been whispering to me as well. May we continue to listen and follow after Him.
We have similar experiences when it comes to our willingness to say “yes” to God. The ride is challenging but worth it in the end. I’m excited to hear what word God has chosen for you this year.
The image at the top of your post caught my eye as it’s one of mine from Unsplash. Thanks for using it. Your word of the year can be a weighty and challenging one but surely it will be one of learning and growing. Be blessed as you journey with it.
Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos on Unsplash. Yours are some of my favorites. I am believing God will teach me well even though this year may be challenging. Thank you for your kind words.
This here is so true >>> “God never makes a mistake in choosing a focus for us for the year.” He grows us in areas we would probably not stretch ourselves and it is always for our good. I am looking forward to reading all you experience as the word “steward” unfolds in your life this year!
God has a way of leading us in the ways we should go if we only pause and listen for His voice. I am excited about all God is going to do with the word “steward” this year.
I love how stewardship reminds us that all we are and have are God’s, to be used for Him by His grace. Our ladies Bible study was just discussing the parable of the talents and brought up the fact that the one with three talents didn’t have to try to do everything the one with five talents did: we each just need to seek to do what God wants with what He has given us.
You described stewardship beautifully. Thank you for sharing the story of the talents. God created us uniquely and it is important that we seek to share our gifts as God desires. It sounds like you have a wonderful women’s Bible study.
God loves us too much to let us ignore His wise and tender whispers, yes!
Oh to become more discerning and obedient when He’s saying, ‘this is the way, walk ye in it.’
Mary, “steward” is a beautiful word. God chose it for you for good reasons, I am sure. I chose a word this year for only the second time. Actually, my word chose me in November. This year I am going to think about humility. I am excited to read about the ways God chooses you to be a steward of His creation.
Steward is a beautiful word. I expect to be challenged this year in a good way. I am praying that the word “humility” grows and challenges you in good ways too.
Steward is such an exciting word even with all its connotations of sober responsibility.
And I love the way you talked about trying it on. I can’t wait to see how it fits!
There is huge responsibility associated with the word “steward” but God feels I am ready. I love that you brought up how I am trying the word on for size. God has been pointing me to the word “steward” since last year so I need to try it on and learn how it fits in my life. Thanks for being here.
Mary, I love how you talked about how out of His love for us God chooses the word He knows is the best fit for us. I always seek Him to know what word He has for me in the year. I’ve been amazed at how He works through that word each year, weaving it into my life throughout my days.
Steward is a lovely word. I look forward to reading more about how he works it into and through you this year!
I believe it is just another way that God shows us not only how much He loves us, but also how well He knows us and what we need. God loves to help us focus on a word so He can do some in-depth work in that area. I’m excited to see what God is going to do. I am praying for you as you seek to be more present this year.
I love your word, Mary. Steward is a beautiful concept. We’ve been given so much, and He calls us to steward our gifts and use them for His kingdom. Blessings on you, my faithful friend!
Thank you, Betsy! I imagine this year will be challenging but in good ways. I am joining you in praise for all of my many blessings. May God steer me toward using them well to shine His light toward others.
2019 was the first year I chose a word for the year; actually, I didn’t choose it, it came to me and I went with it. No different than this year’s word which came to me; Audacity. The Bible verse that goes along with it happens to be one of my favorite verses; Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be bold and courageous. Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated) for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Amen!
Joshua 1:9 is one of my favorite verses too. And your word is a good one. I don’t hear the word “audacity” very often. May your year be filled with the courageous faith that only comes from God.