What if …

I read a book, take a walk, sing a song, update my status, write a book, hold my grandson, teach, or just dream of what is next? Or instead of dreaming, I begin supposing all the worst case scenarios? Have you ever done that before?

In the dreaming and supposing, I lose sight of what is right in front of me. I can list my “what ifs” all day long, but am I wishing away my life in the process?

If I live in the “what if”, I lose sight of the “what now”.

Life has become incredibly full in the last few months. Baby Jack pushed his way into the world and flipped my heart on its side. Mimi love is so sweet and one that fills my heart to overflowing. In the same space of welcoming a grandson, I am blessed to open my arms wide to receive the gift of another daughter-in-law. God is writing such a beautiful story for my son, Nicholas and soon-to-be wife, Alli. The third blessing is that my son, Daniel, wife Kayla, Baby Jack, and their dog, Belle are moving back home.

And even with each gift God provides, I find myself at times living in the “what if” forgetting that God has amazing goodness for me in the here and now. I recently spent a week, half at my son and DIL’s house and half here soaking in the present and not worrying about what’s next. There were no “what ifs” only “what now” and it was glorious.

It is a simple lesson to practice. Enjoying what is right in front of you provides the space for presence over possibilities. Taking time to soak in the gift of family time, reading a good book, writing, cooking, or whatever activity brings you joy creates contentment. Recognizing that when you wish life away with a “what if” your focus becomes scattered and your dreams are just that–dreams!

I love the call in Ephesians 5 to live our lives well.

So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes. And don’t live foolishly for then you will have discernment to fully understand God’s will. Ephesians 5:15-17

The challenge to live life for God’s purpose and not my own agenda is one I pray I live out daily. My purpose looks like what I desire when I turn my eyes away from who God created me to be. He calls me to love Him and others. It is straightforward and when I accomplish this on any given day, I honor the One who chose me for this specific time and place.

A week of living in the “what now” uncovered what it looks like when I lay down my phone, focus on what is right in front of me and experience how time has a way of moving more slowly. It’s a gift like none other because presence was the only item on the agenda. God opened my eyes to seeing again how family is my everything and time well-spent produces more fruit than running around trying to tick off a “to do” list.

I wonder what it would look like for you and I to let go of the “what if” knowing that the “what now” will yield such abundance. How could we focus on God’s agenda and still do “the next right thing in love”? (Emily P. Freeman) What would it take to slow down to savor what is right in front of you?

Let’s take some time this week to answer these questions. I’m up for the challenge to enjoy presence over possibilities. This week is wedding week, but in the busyness of last minute details, all I really need to do is embrace the joy and story of restoration that is unfolding before me.

If I live in the "What If", I lose sight of the "What Now". #presenceoverpossibilities #TellHisStory Share on X

Let me leave you with these final words.

Instead of imagining the “what if” look for and grab the rhythm of the day.

And “Be where your feet are.” Bob Goff (from his new Dream Big Podcast)

Walk slowly, intentionally, and be where your feet are this week!

I have the pleasure of introducing you to another featured writer next week. Joan Davis writes at Hope Secure and she and I have “known” each other for a number of years. Join us next week as Joan shares her words with us.

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