Did you know God never stops teaching you? Your day is filled with reminders. Take time to stop and look. God is the breeze on a hot and humid day, the butterfly that lands on the flower you were just admiring; and the last ray of light before the day fades.

Recently, God reminded me that “help” is more than a four-letter word.

Sweet text messages, snail mail, phone calls, and friends and family checking in were God’s way of saying I see you and I know you are struggling right now.

Being Dependent is Not a Weakness

It seems like only yesterday that my sons depended on me for so many things. Reality tells a different story. My grandchildren remind me of how my sons moved from dependence to independence. I hear their voices declaring “I can do it” or saying “No” to help when I ask. I’m immediately taken back to thirty years ago.

When did I forget that it’s okay to ask for help? How did I become so controlling that letting go is not an option?

This summer has been a dance of holding on and letting go. Not knowing and a glimmer of hope. Struggling to find what’s normal and slowly regaining my footing. Lots of questions and no answers.

I had to ask for help because I was so sick. I wasn’t able to drive for a few weeks and my energy level left me weak.

I learned unequivocally that “help” is more than a four-letter word.

The other lesson I am learning is that many people want to bless another person in any way they can. You don’t have to prove your strength or toughness by saying “no.”

You and I are not weak for saying “yes.” We are seen and known when others extend the offer of help.

The message through it all is that God is still good. YES and AMEN!

How Do You Know that God is Still Good?

Two months after my symptoms began and multiple tests and procedures later, the results came back negative over and over.

God did not provide a clear-cut “Yes” this is what is going on. He placed me in a space of waiting and told me to trust Him.


Believe it or not, the Book of Jeremiah and the Psalms helped get me through. God’s truth is in His Word and He instills it in us when we spend time reading the stories God laid out for us.

In Jeremiah 33, God promises restoration to the city of Judah. Through Jeremiah, God says,

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3, NIV

God will answer us. Jeremiah continues prophesying that the people will be in a fight with the Babylonians, or in my case, against the unknown. In verse 6, Jeremiah tells the people,

‘Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. 

God is in the business of renewal and restoration. God promises answers even if it is “not yet.” He tells us multiple times it is okay to ask for help.

David cries out in multiple psalms for the Lord to hear him, rescue him, and care for him. While David pleads with God or when he laments, he balances out the requests with praise and worship.

We can do the same when our daily prayer sounds like “help.”

How Can We Say Yes to Help?

In my journey this summer, I let myself get to the point that saying “yes” was the only choice left. That’s not the best plan, but God knows my stubborn heart.

Once I began to say “yes” I felt a new freedom to ask for someone to get groceries, or to drive me to my doctors’ appointments. It was as if a switch flipped and in the releasing of my control, God put people in front of me who were ready to help.

“Help” is more than a four-letter word because it may look like:

  • a person ready to step in at the right time
  • a text message of encouragement
  • The neighbor who calls to check in
  • A bouquet delivered to your doorstep or your kids dropping off flowers just because
  • Multiple cards delivered to my mailbox

If I didn’t know it at the beginning of the summer, I know without a doubt that “help” is more than a four-letter word.

It is God’s presence magnified through the people and actions listed above.

Help is more than a four-letter word when we allow others to come alongside us in our struggles because it blesses them as well as us. When "Help" is More than a Four Letter Word Share on X

Let’s remember that God sees you and me in our joys and hardships. He understands what we are going through and never leaves our sides through it all.

We can count on God because He is good and His promises are true.

Empowering and equipping women to live life well one heart at a time!

Here is another article about asking the Lord for help. CLICK HERE.

1st photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash




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