The fog creeps in as a thief in the night slowly enveloping the land...
Perspiring dampness covering all it touches,
A white, mistiness creating a film that overwhelms and overtakes.
Measuring its steps, the fog seeps into every pore, smothering all in its wake, 
leaving no room for life as you know it.
The heaviness of the fog's presence lures you into its depths-
Beckons you to follow into another world where light is scarce and darkness reigns.

The fog threatens to strip away your light and ability to see clearly.
The fog - intense and overpowering - beckons you to succumb.
The weight of the fog pushes you down and presses into your soul.
Reaching through the misty dampness takes strength - a strength you don't feel - 
a strength that comes from deep within 

fog in the sky2
This week - this fog - seeped into my being and wrapped itself tightly around my mind - 
beckoning me to follow

This week there were moments when life was overwhelming - my grief was strong and work 
contained events that bewildered me and left me wondering if being a 
teacher was still my calling

Friday finally came and my body ached, my heart hurt and my mind was full

The story does not end here! The fog did not win and the strength needed 
to overcome it was provided by God who stepped in and pulled me up and 
out of the mist into His arms.

God, the author of our story, steps in as our story is being written and 
gives us what we need exactly when we need it. Calling out to Him and putting words 
and our voice to our struggles, alerts God that our needs are pressing and oppressing. 
God hears and answers - lifting the fog to see Him more clearly.

God's answers for me can also be helpful for all:
  1. Do something that brings you joy! Taking a walk, reading, crafting, singing, digging into God’s Word –what does this look like for you?
  2. Take care of yourself on all levels – emotionally, physically, and spiritually. This will make you strong to fight the battles of the fog.
  3. Be real with yourself and trust your loved ones with your hurting places!
  4. Keep breathing in God’s grace – eventually you will be able to breathe out His praise!

All of these ideas help to change your focus and praying to God allows Him to enter your life, lift the fog and carry it for you.


God’s grace will radiate through us during these times of intense challenges. He will always be near and His love will sustain us. My friend Beth, at Messy Marriage, posted a devotional that hit home and beautifully addressed how God has always carried and sustained us since birth and will continue to do the same through old age using Isaiah 46:3-4. See how this verse is described by Beth here.

“Listen to me, you descendants of Jacob,
    all the remnant of the people of Israel,
you whom I have upheld since your birth,
    and have carried since you were born.
4 Even to your old age and gray hairs
    I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
    I will sustain you and I will rescue you. Isaiah 46:3-4

My prayer for all today is that when the fog threatens to become smothering we keep listening for God’s voice in our lives. May we trust that God will meet us where we are at that moment and allow Him to carry is through the struggles we are facing.

If this post has encouraged you or would be an encouragement for others, I would be honored if you would share it.

Blessings, Mary!

Linking up this year with Ann Voskamp’s 2014 Joy Dare. Find the link up at A Holy Experience. Counting blessings daily will bless you immeasurably! JoyDare #121-162

  • Digging deeper into why I write,delight in blessings in my life,a b-day dinner with a friend to prolong the celebration
  • Sunshine so bright I broke out my shades, joy in watching my students’ crazy “never get outside joy”, almost midweek
  • Forward progress in a world that tries to push you back, another day of sunshine, grade level team camaraderie
  • The sky streaked with pink, magenta and blue as the sun descended, time with my dad, a good night’s sleep
  • Valentine’s love from 25-3rd graders,snowed in but warm and snuggled under blankets,blessed&loved by my Heavenly Father
  • Beauty in the quiet stillness of morning just waking up,fresh baked chocolate chip muffins,interesting message at church
  • Morning exercise & relaxing coffee time,lunch with two precious friends-priceless,homemade dinner w/my son-such a treat
  • God blest me with a day off,time w/my dad as I drove him to an appt.,time to remember my losses&glorious new beginnings
  • A thunderstorm in February, a great beginning to the school week with 3rd graders, phone call from my firstborn
  • Lots of teaching&learning happened today,a new day blessed with God’s Word and truths,gift of 4 women and a Bible study
  • Making it through a difficult day, leaning on a friend for support, rejoicing that tomorrow is Friday
  • Morning sky brightening each day to light my way to work,weekend possibilities,Awaited cast & crew party to say thanks
  • Walking on sunshine-2.5 mile walk today,the sun infusing my foggy body with its healing rays,church&dinner with a friend
  • Sunday morning time with God, taking a nap to restore and re-energize,talking with family to reflect on struggles

Blessed by these wonderful blogs and the chance to link up:

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