my sons

Several weeks ago, God laid the word “legacy” on my heart in a moment of self-pity and despair when I was missing my mom. The word consumed my thoughts and I felt nudged to look at it more deeply. I began the process with my post here at The Weekend Brew two weeks ago-The Gift of Legacy – but as with all words, there are times when more needs to be said and questions need to be answered.

I challenged our Weekend Brew readers with several questions at the end of my post and one that stood out is, “Are we willing to live God’s Word in our lives and leave a legacy of God’s story woven with ours?” This fits in perfectly with my One Word for 2015, which is “Shine”.

I have lived many of my fifty-something years following the status quo especially when it comes to church. I have always done everything by the book — church on Sunday, praying when needed and when it was called for, and getting involved in the appropriate church activities.

But God…

To continue reading my story of grace through the nudging of my own sons and God’s word, please click here. The Weekend Brew is a weekly link up of beautiful, brave and encouraging writers. You will be blessed by their words.





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