I had the honor of reading Jennifer Dukes Lee’s book, It’s All Under Control, and now I get to see the fruit of this book as it releases today. Each time I opened the book, my eyes were opened to new understandings about myself and the concept of control. Let me just stop right here and say, my heart is in the right place, but I needed to learn to control my control.
God is so good at providing lessons to go along with what I am learning. He is the ultimate Teacher. So as I read the chapter on “waiting”, I found myself in several situations that called for me to wait. Turns out I am not good at waiting, but God turned this around to show me, as I pray He shows you, that you have more control than you think.
[Tweet “In our busy, upside-down world, God is waiting around every corner. #TellHisStory and giveaway.”]
In our busy, upside-down world, God is waiting for us around every corner. He takes our busy and wants nothing more than to turn it into our best. All it takes is surrender. Sounds easy, right? Here’s the thing, you all can learn that you have more control than you think. Jennifer Dukes Lee wrote this book for you. Your busy can become your best! The out of control life you face each morning is steps away from something so much better. Jennifer wisely challenges us to take God off our to-do list. She says:
Let’s take God off our to-do list and hand the whole thing over to him. It’s a strategic, spiritual switcher. God, who holds all things together, can handle everything on our list, including what goes where. He is not one piece of the list; he’s the older of it. Why settle for a piece of God, when you can have the whole peace of God? p.126, It’s All Under Control
Jennifer is graciously sharing some of her words here today. She knows what it’s like to desire control in her busy life. Let’s welcome Jennifer and share her words as It’s All Under Control launches into the world today.
I want to let you in on a secret about writing Christian books. There’s a 100 percent guarantee that Jesus will get up in your face about the very topic you’re addressing. I wrote my first book about approval, so of course I struggled with wanting approval. I wrote my second book on happiness and then walked through an Eeyore-ish season in my life.
Well, I’m no dummy. That’s why I told Jesus I wanted to write a book on the topic of beaches. This was the ultimate spiritual throwdown. I was pretty sure I had brilliantly set myself up for a challenge from God: “Go forth, therefore, and determine the quality of beach sand in Maui and compare it to the beach sand in Tahiti.” Clearly, I am willing to suffer for Jesus.
But then I forgot about my beach-book idea. Instead, I wrote book on releasing control—because I needed that book. I had to release control a lot that year:
– when our oldest daughter started driving
– when our youngest daughter suffered with chronic illness
– when my mother was hospitalized for three months with a life-threatening infection, and my amputee father lived with us.
All of that happened while I was writing It’s All Under Control. During those trying months, I repeatedly found myself with my head in my hands, praying this prayer: Jesus take the wheel.
Yep, I needed the message of the book. Turns out, you needed it too.
Does it ever feel like the chaos in your life might break you? Have you ever cried so hard over your circumstances that you thought you might run yourself out of tears?
So much of life can feel out of control, and if you’re like me you end up feeling powerless. Looking back, sometimes you can see where things got off track. Other times, the trouble comes out of the blue. You did all the right things, yet the worst news came your way.
There’s so much in life that we can’t control:
Airport delays.
The tumor growing in unseen places.
The economy.
The political climate.
What people think about us.
How our kids will “turn out.”
But can I tell you a secret? We have more control than we think.
We are not powerless. Great freedom comes when we let go of what we can’t control, and rise up to take charge of what we can.
That’s why I’ve put together this list for you, “Things You Can Control.” Click here to download the print. Then frame it, tape it to your refrigerator, set it by your computer, or slip it in your journal.
Because of God at work in you, you have more power than you dared imagine.
Of course, there are so many things that we can’t control. God can handle those for you.
Click here to download and print this list, “What God Can Handle,” as a reminder that no matter what we can’t handle, God still can.
[Tweet “Jennifer Dukes Lee shares about her new book. plus a giveaway #itsallundercontrol @dukeslee”]
Jennifer Dukes Lee is the wife of an Iowa farmer, mom to two girls, and an author. She loves queso and singing too loudly to songs with great harmony. Once upon a time, she didn’t believe in Jesus. Now, He’s her CEO. Jennifer’s newest book, It’s All Under Control, and a companion Bible study, are releasing today! This is a book for every woman who is hanging on tight and trying to get each day right―yet finding that life often feels out of control and chaotic.
Adapted from It’s All under Control: A Journey of Letting Go, Hanging On, and Finding a Peace You Almost Forgot Was Possible by Jennifer Dukes Lee, releasing this fall from Tyndale House Publishers.
I’m so excited to be a part of a huge giveaway to celebrate the release of It’s All Under Control. Jennifer and her publisher, Tyndale, are giving away 50 copies of the book in celebration of its release! Enter below to win. Giveaway ends September 30. Winners will be notified by Tyndale House Publishers. Email subscribers can click here to enter.
It’s All Under Control 50 Book Giveaway

“I have to learn to control my control.” Well, if that isn’t how most of us approach it. Thanks so much for this guest post. laurensparks.net
I love having you here, Lauren! May we surrender control to the One who has all the control.
Mary, like you, it was such a delight to help this book find its way into readers’ hands. I am so thankful that we have more control than we think we do. I’m glad God invites us to engage with Him as we live. We aren’t victims led by an uncaring God. We are children loved by the God who loves us best and most. We can choose and act with this perspective.
I am joining you in gratefulness for God who controls our out of control tendencies. All we need do is turn it over to Him. We are loved by a loving God who wants nothing more than to care for us. It’s so amazing to know this. Blessed you are here, Jeanne.
“Let’s take God off our to-do list and hand the whole thing over to him. It’s a strategic, spiritual switcher. God, who holds all things together, can handle everything on our list, including what goes where. He is not one piece of the list”
Yep, this grabs my heart and causes me to pause. God is everything. He is our boat. He is our boat captain. He’s commander of the wind and the waves. He knows why we are anchored for a while. And He knows our destination once we set sail. Thank you both for pointing my eyes back to Jesus, Shepherd, Captain and friend.
Your comment is just what I needed. The reminder that God is everything reached me at just the right time. Thank you for being here and for being such a source of encouragement to me.
This is truly something I need to reflect on, Mary. I have read several reviews this week, and it’s interesting to note what quotes or parts influenced each blogger the most. I love that you include a personal note from Jennifer herself. It’s amazing how God sends her personal lessons that make her books so relevant to our own lives. Love and hugs to both of you!
Jennifer is an observer of life and a beautiful storyteller. What she does so well is write about a subject that is meaningful to so many people. She is great at connecting with others. I am blessed to have you here, Trudy!
Mary, thanks for sharing about this book! I was unable to join Jennifer’s launch team, but am so excited about her book! Such a needed topic. You’ve inspired me to start my day by turning it all over to Jesus!
This book is a great one. I hope you win a copy or if not, I hope you are able to read it. You will be glad you did. I’m still reflecting on Jennifer’s idea of controlling our control. Thanks for being here.
I’ve read or heard Elisabeth Elliot say that whenever she wrote or spoke on a topic, she was almost always tested in regard to it just before or after.
We do tend to focus on what we can’t control and what we need to leave to God, and neglect what we ARE supposed to be doing. By God’s grace we can reverse our focus, lean on Him for everything, and obey Him in every way He wants us to today.
I pray we turn to God and accept His grace in our difficult situations. I figure God wants to make sure we know our subject well so we are tested in that area. Thank you for joining in the conversation.
Mary, what a great review of this inspiring new book! The two downloads are spot on! Thanks for sharing ❤️
You’re welcome! Jennifer created the downloads and they are spot on. Blessed you stopped by, Beth!
God takes our busy and wants nothing more than to turn it into our best. Such wise and encouraging words. I’m looking forward to reading Jennifer’s book. Blessings to you Mary!
Thank you, Connie for your sweet words. I hope you have the opportunity to dig into Jennifer’s book. It has truly impacted me in a good way
So good to be back at your place again….I’ve missed being here. Looks like we’re flooding the airwaves with Jennifer’s book!! Yay! I have mellowed in my controlling ways as I’ve grown older, but I can still slip back into old habits. Jennifer’s book was a well-timed refresher course. Of course I love her stories and insights!!
Blessings friend,
Bev xo
I miss seeing you, but I know you are working hard for those kiddos in Pakistan. I think I have mellowed in my controlling ways, but then situations arise and I’m right back where I started. Jennifer has a way of drawing the reader in with her storytelling and then once she has you, she gets down to business. I need that. Thanks for being here, friend!
Mary, I totally agree with you that God will confront you (or the enemy will attack you) on the topic you’re writing about. Whether it’s for a blog post or my manuscript that I’m writing for publication next year, I’ve found that to be so true! I enjoyed your review today, and I also enjoyed Jennifer’s book. Blessings to you!
It seems that in order for us to know our subject matter better we need to live it. It has been such a blessing to be on Jennifer’s launch team. Her book came at just the right time for me.
You are too funny, Jennifer! That helps me to know what topic to write my next book on too! Lol! But all kidding aside, thank you for writing on this topic. It’s so needed in my life and, quite frankly, in the lives of my friends as well. I hope you sell this latest book of yours like there’s no tomorrow! And thank you to Mary for sharing your giveaway and wise words with us today!
Who wouldn’t want to write about living at the beach??? I found Jennifer’s book to be just like her-authentic and down to earth. She is writing about a topic – control that we all have faced in some way or another. The giveaway is sponsored by Tyndale. Thanks for being here.
Great review. No need to enter giveaway.
Great book! Glad you stopped by, Susan! I love having you here!
This is such a great book and I’m enjoying reading everyone’s thoughts on it! I love the lists of things we can control and things we need to hand to God- they’re very helpful in recognising which category things come under and it’s true that there is a lot more we have control of than we sometimes realise!
Jennifer has a great way of providing the practical along with drawing us into her stories. The lists are great printables to keep near as daily reminders. Praying today that It’s All Under Control’s message gets to all the right people. Blessings!
Truly always have control over our reactions, don’t we? And thankfully have scripture teachings to teach us what reactions and actions bring us peace and closer to our Creator. Great article! Thanks for sharing your space today with Jennifer!
My space is Jennifer’s space. She was kind enough to hand the baton to me to lead the #TellHisStory community. I am thankful for God’s Word that provides just the right words to draw us closer to Him in all situations. Good to see you today, Lynn!
I love this antidote to the grasping for control: “You have more control than you think!”
So true and so scriptural!
While I go grasping at straws in my little skirmishes here and there, God has made resurrection power available and speaks powerful words over us in expectation that we actually CAN live “soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age” by a power that is now our own! Amazing!
It helps me to know that with God we have more control than we think. I love how you shared that God has made resurrection power available. I have not heard it described like that, but I love the expression. God makes a way for all of us even when we feel overworked and overwhelmed by our busy lives. Jennifer takes us on a path to recognizing how we currently feel and moving us past that place straight into the arms of God. He is there to provide what we need to live our best lives.