I blinked and school started. What seemed like only seconds was actually a month of days. I’m not sure where the time went, but I am feeling a little melancholy that summer is ending.
August is usually a month of hot summer days. This year the weather pattern switched things up to rainy and mild. Not the usual, but it’s good to live on the edge of expectation. Right?? My herbs love the rain, but my poor tomato plant is slowly dying. The flowers in the flower box are happily blooming and I’m praying I still end up with one or two peppers.
But that’s the small and God showed up big in August. It’s just all a matter of looking in the right places.
God joined me on my walks this August. Most of the time I knew He was there, but there were moments when I moved one step at a time not realizing that He was by my side. It was during the quiet that God showed me the blessing of small faith in a big world. It’s the perspective you gain when cloud watching on a summer day. Who you are looks small in comparison with the expanse of the sky filled with clouds. But then, truth hits–you are exactly where you are because God is exactly who He says He is.
[Tweet “You are exactly where you are because God is exactly who He says He is. #TellHisStory”]
And all I can do is say thank you August for the gift of long walks where God never left my side and opened my eyes to His truth.
I love these monthly posts and how you all come alongside me as I share my musings. Don’t you love getting to know each other?
August left me with beautiful memories. Here is what I am learning …
Time goes by too fast. They say time flies as you get older and I want to clarify that time goes fast no matter what age you are.
The absolute joy of spending time with family. Deep down I know this truth, but when we gather together, the truth bubbles forth and life feels just right. The deep connectedness, laughter, love, and the realization we are better together never fails to fill any empty heart–spaces.
I like summer! You heard me declare this in my June musings, but I felt the need to share it again.
I am loving …
Books, books, and more books! One of the perks of being a writer is the chance to help other authors launch their books into the world. This August I want to share three new books that either already released or will in the next two months.
The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement by Debbie Kitterman. Debbie shares,
The prophetic gift of encouragement is about making a difference and impacting individuals in a way you may never have thought possible…we literally put courage into them.
Debbie Kitterman’s book released August 21. You can get your copy on Amazon by clicking HERE, or your favorite book retailer.
Ministry of Ordinary Places by Shannan Martin. Shannan takes us on a walk of her ordinary life and calls us to pay attention right where we are. She challenges her readers to love their neighbors and invest in the people around them. Shannan’s book releases October 9, 2018. I am already nodding my head at her words and I know you will too. You can preorder HERE.
And finally, Jennifer Dukes Lee is releasing her new book and Bible study, It’s All Under Control on September 18, 2018. Can I just say I am a closet control freak and the thought that I am going to learn to surrender control has me shaking. Surrender is my word for the year and God is patiently teaching me and waiting for me to release all and not grab it back as soon as it’s gone. You can preorder Jennifer’s book HERE.
As I end these musings, I am living or maybe I should say leaning into …
God’s deep love for me. It manifests itself in the beauty I see around me, my friends and family, and the deep connection I uncovered from a group of women that I taught about Esther. As I discover who I am and my purpose, I was able to pour some of the same into these women.
And the truth that God wants you to know in the deepest core of your being, you belong to Him.
[Tweet “Join me on the blog to find out what I am learning, loving, and living. August Musings #TellHisStory”]
So … what’s going on in your part of the world?
P.S. Affiliate links are used in this post. If you purchase through my links, a small portion comes back to me. Thank you ahead of time!

I’ve been hearing good things about those books and authors so I love hearing it confirmed here. One day I hope to read all of them. Thanks for sharing, Mary. (I can’t believe it’s time for school to start either!)
All three books would be worth your time. You read much faster than me, so I imagine you will get to them. Have a wonderful,long weekend.
I love the visual you painted of your walks with God. Makes me want to spend more time with Him right now. laurensparks.net
Thank you, Lauren! I pray you find some time with God throughout your day. Blessings!
I hear what you’re saying about those long walks, Mary. My soul and body are craving them more than ever.
But not when its 99 degrees like it is today.
I love the air conditioner …
My soul and body crave long walks too. And I hear what you are saying about hot temps. Those are the days I try to get out early to walk. Praying you have a lovely long weekend.
Oh you summer girl! Enjoyed reading your musings. I’m a Fall gal so liking the ‘crispness’ in the air showing up. Thank you for sharing your readings. My readings are all fiction currently, except for the bible! And taking a university course on writing, so haven’t been blogging this past month. However, my blog friends are always in my thoughts and grateful your writings are available with just a click anytime! Thank you!
🙂 I love summer, but I also enjoy Fall. The season tends to be so short. It sounds like you have been busy. I hope the writing course has been good and I would love to know what fiction books you are reading. I am always reading one of those along with my non-fiction. Blessings!
“God joined me on my walks this August. Most of the time I knew He was there, but there were moments when I moved one step at a time not realizing that He was by my side.”
Mary, I appreciate your honesty here. I want to recognize God’s presence every moment of every day. Even though it’s true that I intentionally walk with Him and enjoy His presence, without realizing it I become distracted. I’m grateful our Father knows us so well and He gently calls us back to His presence.
Thank you, Mary, for your monthly musings. Thank you for sponsoring the link up. Thank you for being you!
It’s easy for me to get distracted. I get in the way of myself and then there isn’t the space for God. I’m grateful for you and the blessing you add to this community. I am also grateful for a patient and loving God. Have a wonderful long weekend.
I felt a wonderful breath of fresh air as I read this post tonight. Thank you for sharing your August with us. I’m looking forward to the coming fall season, my favorite time of the year! Blessings!
Thank you, Connie! It brings me joy to write about what’s going on in my life. Even though I am a summer girl, I love Fall too. Here’s to a joyous long weekend.
Oh yes, time does move too fast! Even though I am hoping for a family gathering this weekend, knowing it is Labor Day, it still doesn’t seem possible that we are at the end of August. Thank you for sharing beautiful thoughts from your walks, and the photos to take us there too. I am always encouraged here with you! Blessings!
You are such an encourager to me. Your words and sweet comments bring such life to this community. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you have family gathering this weekend and that it brings you joy.
Thanks for this update on how your summer, especially August, went, Mary! I love the family pic! And to answer your question to me on Twitter, I’m doing well! I love this time of year–heading into fall and getting back into the swing of small groups with my church family. That always lifts my mood! Hugs to you!
You are welcome! I love the family picture but there were many who were not present so it’s not everyone. I am glad to hear you are doing well. I pray that as we move into Fall you find a sense of peace in all that is happening in your life.
Ahhh, Mary. Reading this post is like breathing in fresh mountain air. So refreshing. I love reading your quiet truths, and the books you’re reading about.
In my world, school has just begun for my sophomore and eighth grader. I’m still waiting for things to calm down so I can catch my breath. Not sure when that will happen! And I’m learning how to pray more intentionally.
Fresh mountain air sounds delightful. I’m a work-in-progress and God patiently teaches me even when it seems to be the same lesson over and over again. I bet it is hard to believe that you have two boys that are becoming men. I pray that your busy slows down and you enjoy the time with your family in a renewed way.
Not only do I get to help launch Jennifer’s book, but I’m a closet (ok, my family would probably there’s no ‘closet’ involved) control freak, too! I’m learning so much about myself and where I need to let Jesus work in my life.
Welcome to the club! Everything time I think I am not too controlling, I realize that is so not true. I do know I can hide my control issues well so you might not notice, but eventually you’ll find me out. I’m praying that as I continue to surrender that it sticks this time. Thank you for being honest!! We can do this!
I love your monthly recap, Mary, and I appreciate so many of the same things as you- long walks, good times with family, and books! I agree, time feels like it’s moving very quickly!
Thanks, Lesley! Sounds like we would have fun together. I would adore taking a long walk with you. I hope your August was every you imagined and that September is even better.
Love your monthly musings! I have melancholy about summer ending too. Having a Labor Day birthday is nice as it at least means summer lasts a tad longer. But at the beginning of summer, it seems so far away and now it’s almost here! I love all the veggies people have been sharing with me.
Thank you! Looking back is fun and writing about what God is teaching me reminds me of why I am doing this. I’m sure you’re excited about your upcoming birthday. Hope you enjoy your long birthday weekend! Thank you for being here!
I’m due for a “quarterly report,” perhaps end of September. This has been a very hard and emotional summer. Can’t get past July 24th. Our hearts still hurt. xo
You are only due for whatever is best for you right now. When life hits us hard, sometimes we need to step back and remember what makes us tick. Praying for you as you continue to grieve your fur baby. Love you friend!
Love these monthly musings–they keep me up to date on what you’re doing, and they also serve as a warning to me that YES! The month is now ending and a new month is about to begin. Like you, I am in awe that summer vacation is over. Our college boy texted us a picture of his breakfast this morning from his home away from home, and the youngest is taking some dual enrollment classes at the community college, so orientation is tonight. Even so, I’m stubbornly clinging to the calendar evidence that fall does not begin until 2/3 of the way through September.
Summering on . . .
I am holding onto the official date that fall actually starts, but the beginning of the school year has always signaled the end of summer for me. I know it’s because of the all the years of teaching. I keep wondering what emotions you are feeling as you watch your last son preparing to fly the coop soon. No matter how many kids we have it doesn’t get easier. Thank you for joining me in this look back at August.