It’s one word I tell myself. Surely it won’t be that hard. I’ve climbed to the top of a volcano. One word is no big deal, right??

For those of you that choose a word for the year or the word chooses you, have you ever contemplated these thoughts? Do you believe that your word has nothing on you? We are adults and surely the idea of focusing on a word for the year is manageable. But if you are anything like me, each year God chooses a word to grow, challenge, and help me to know Him better. That’s just the way it is year after year. A new year and a new word.

Why a new word?

For at least five years, I chose a word to begin the year. In the beginning, I hopped on the “one word” bandwagon because everyone was doing it. I lost sight of the reason for choosing a word to focus on for the year. God set me straight soon thereafter. Each year a piece of who I was evolved into a clearer version of who God always knew I would be. God took my willingness to jump on the bandwagon and invited me to hold on for the ride.

After that first year, I was intentional and invitational when sitting with God waiting for a new word. Each year since then God has given me a new year and a new word. Click HERE to read about last year’s word.

My One Word – Steward

Some years there is much deliberation over what word God is setting before me. Other years I sit in denial because surely God doesn’t want to give me THAT word. This year my one word – Steward – found me. My quiet time was interrupted briefly when the word, steward, flitted across my mind. I am not even sure if I was reading, praying, or journaling at that moment. Somehow I knew that this was the word God had chosen for me.

I realized in my time of trying on the word “steward” for size that God had actually impressed this word on me throughout 2019. As quickly as it appeared I knew it was well thought out by the One who knows exactly what I need and when I need it.

1 Peter 4:10 is a beautiful invitation for us to be stewards of God’s grace.” It says:

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 

I’m the person that receives grace without any problem. I am also the person who is happy to share it but not if it involves conflict first. Can anyone relate?

I want to be the person who steps out of my comfort zone and takes the first step when others are afraid. Or the person who does the inviting instead of waiting to be invited. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place. God knows me well and is more than willing to guide me in the stewardship of my gifts.

What I am learning

God never makes a mistake in choosing a focus for us for the year. He hinted at the word “steward” in 2019 and I basically ignored the whispers. God didn’t give up until I heard Him loud and clear.

Choosing a word like “steward” is God’s way of loving me but also stretching me in new ways at the dawn of this new decade.

I love the way my one word reaches into all areas of my life: physical, emotional, and spiritual but also the more practical places such as financial, using my time efficiently, and serving others well.

God loves us so much to give us a new year and a new word to grow us in ways we can only imagine. #TellHisStory #newpost #oneword2020 #steward #linkup Share on X

I am praying God continues to shower His grace on all of us and in the process we share it abundantly with others. In the words of Max Lucado, “everything is God’s.


Photo by on Unsplash

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