In the year 2012, I began a journey of writing. A few words here and there and frightened hesitancy each time I was ready to hit publish. This was the path I walked before sending each post into the world. Writing for His glory was my focus and my heart for the “why” behind each and every word.
Then I immersed myself more deeply into the online world and researched how to gain the numbers that were so elusive. I joined multiple writers groups on Facebook, went to conferences, and met my writing heroes in real life. This left me energized and on what I thought was the fast track. I still believed my focus was all for His glory.
Today I am still writing. I love the process, the connections, and how God walks with me as I invite Him into my time of creating. I am learning that “Bigger” is not who I am and not where my online presence is going. It’s okay because I now know my writing is for His glory. It’s good and the words that leave this little page each week are ones that I feel God has placed His stamp of approval on.
As Christian writers, we must ask ourselves if our methods honor God and are life-giving. Share on XWriting and honoring God is what most of our hearts seek. But if we are honest, a piece of us might also believe that the only way to make a difference is to create a platform that reflects big numbers and reaches far into the world. If we are writing all for His glory, then we must ask ourselves if our methods are honorable and life-giving.

Here’s the thing, friends, we don’t need to re-create the wheel. My friend, Kate Motaung and her friend, Shannon Popkin, released the perfect book to help us understand this idea of influencing others through platform building. Their book, Influence: Building a Platform That Elevates Jesus (Not Me) is now available to purchase on Amazon. (Affiliate link)
I had the pleasure of diving into this book before it officially hit the shelves on Amazon. Kate Motaung is one of my writing heroes and she has always modeled what humility looks like as she interacts daily online. Shannon Popkin is a new–to–me writer, but after reading her words in this book, I have found a new friend.
In Influence, Kate and Shannon, carry the theme of a lifeguard platform throughout. A lifeguard sits elevated to better serve their people. Kate and Shannon write,
In the same way, as Christian writers and speakers, we make use of the platform God has given us so we can best serve those within our reach.
This book was written not as a how to guide but a ” “why to” or “why not to” resource to help Christians find biblical ways to use their gifts in service to God and others.”
I found myself nodding in agreement as I read the book. There is so much affirmation for Christian writers and speakers even in the tension of striving for a bigger platform. Kate and Shannon point us to Jesus and the call to lead others to His story and glory and not our own.
Join the Tell His Story community for a book review, giveaway, and our weekly link up. #TellHisStory #Influence @k8motaung @ShannonPopkin Share on XHere are some of my favorite quotes:
God is the Author of all, and He created this world to tell the story of Himself. And here’s a jaw-dropping reality: God writes us in to His story! Yes, the story is all about Him, but we get to play a part.
When others see the light and are drawn to God, it won’t be because you have learned the correct tactic for shedding light or because you have targeted the perfect patch of darkness. No, your role is to simply step onto the platform God has given you and to share the light, or understanding , which you have received.
Social media provides a unique mirror to our hearts. Every opportunity to post is a new opportunity for the Spirit to show us the “inside of the cup.” Every tool to measure our audience’s response offers a tool to measure our motives. Every chance to gain a follower is another chance to become a more intentional follower of Jesus.
Click HERE for more book information and to join an online book discussion beginning February 4th.
And now, check out the giveaway. One reader who comments on the blog by Sunday, January 27th, will have the chance to win a copy of Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me) and a journal. Two extra entries will be added for subscribing to marygeisen.com. 🙂
I wish I had a copy of this book for all of you. It will provide you with a new lens as you seek to grow your platform as a writer and/or speaker.


Sounds like a good read, Mary. Oh, the stack of books is threatening to topple, lol! So much good stuff out there! Blessings on your day, sweet friend!
My pile of books is also getting top heavy. But I love how we have so many choices. Blessings on your weekend!
I really loved your perspective on this book that I am really enjoying. Thank you. You also shared a link that says there’s an online discussion of the book starting Feb. 4th. I’ve purchased the book, but I can’t find the information on the online discussion. Do you have any tips on that?
Yes, just be where God has placed you.
Mary, – Thank you for sharing this fantastic book. It sounds fabulous. It is so easy to get caught up in the numbers game and forget why we first started writing. I just cut back on my writing because I need more time with God. Your post reinforced I made the right decision. Blessings to you, Maree
Influence is a fantastic book. Thank you for sharing your heart and willingness to recognize you need more time with God. I love when God provides affirmation through others’ words. I pray we all continue to put God first because then the rest will follow.
“This book was written not as a how to guide but a ” “why to” or “why not to” resource.”
This sounds so refreshing. The pressure to grow bigger and bigger is not something I want to buy into. Thanks, Mary!
Bigger and better is not what I’m interested in either. I pray our words glorify God and reach the people who need to hear the message.
I have a blog, however I haven’t written anything since the summer of 2017. That’s when my husband stopped working and began the process of applying for SS disability. Taking care of him didn’t leave much time for me. He passed away almost 4 months ago and I am thinking I might start writing again soon. While I’m not interested in numbers, I would like to direct others toward having an abundant life with Jesus.
I”m sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how hard it is for you. I pray God guides you as to when and what your writing might look like. I pray your words will direct others to abundance in Christ too.
Thank you for sharing your heart about this book that sounds so good! It is so easy to get caught up in the numbers game–which is actually just another form of that old comparison trap, isn’t It? God continually reminds me that I am writing & sharing out of obedience to Him. He holds all of the pressure when I surrender & leave it in His hands. And oh, I am continually learning! Blessings & love to you!
The numbers game is definitely a comparison trap. May we continue to remember that God provides this space for us to write and the words to honor Him. So glad we are learning together, Bettie!
Thanks for the review. I have been grappling with these questions for a while and haven’t had the chance to read it yet. laurensparks.net
You’re welcome! I pray you find a chance to read the book and God leads you well on your own writing journey.
Excellent, mary. The deal is, we can’t measure our influence, so why focus on that? I’ve been tempted, but it’s not satisfying and never conclusive. Draw nigh unto God and he will do what he sees fit. And btw, you may get a HUGE platform – not up to us. Seems to be a fine line between doing stuff with all our might and letting the chips fall where they may (without spending all my time eating chips on the couch. ) (:
Love your sense of humor. It helps navigate this platform building world. I love the reminder to draw nigh unto God and He will do as He will. What a wonderful God we serve.
Mary, Thank You!! What kind, thoughtful comments. Thank you so much for sharing our book with your friends! Thankful to connect with you here. Keep shining for Jesus!
It was my pleasure to share your book. The words that you and Kate wrote are important ones as we navigate this writing world. Blessings!
This is a question I am constantly trying to check myself on. It’s a very strange place to be! I want my books to help support my family (and the families of my contributors) but I also always want to be writing them for the right reasons, and writing the things I believe God is telling me to write.
I would love to win a copy of this book.
I believe there is a fine line between writing to support our families and honoring God in the process. I hope you win the book. You will love it.
Mary, I think that is a question many of us have had to ask ourselves. This year, I have decided that I am no longer going to check my stats. I have no idea how many readers or followers I have. I will write what I feel called to write. Thank you for the book suggestion!
I can only imagine the freedom you must feel. We all should take the lead from you. I hope you get a chance to read the book. It’s a good one.
Kate’s book is on my list of things to buy! Thank you for faithfully blogging for His glory, my friend :).
You will love this book. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. Thank you for your kind words.
This looks like an excellent resource. I’ve struggled with many of these same issues. A lot of the writing advice, even from Christian publishers, seems to go against Christian principles by pushing self-promotion and striving for numbers. I was disheartened by a recent article that spelled out just what kind of numbers they were talking about in terms of followers. But I remind myself that if our writing is God’s will, He’ll bring the readers and open the doors He wants open.
I am standing with you that God will provide what we need and open doors at just the right time. I hope you have a chance to read this book. Truly worth the time and money.
This sounds like a wonderful book, Mary. I don’t know Kate, but I sense from her book and other writing that she is the real deal when it comes to all of this. I love the quote about stepping onto the platform God has given you. That’s so much more freeing than trying to strategize every last blogging move for the maximum audience return.
Kate is definitely the real deal. I am blessed to call her friend. I know you would enjoy this book and learn a lot. It is chock full of good quotes and practical ways to honor God with our writing. Thanks for being here.
Thank you for sharing this, Mary. I can identify with it so much. Years ago I was more concerned about my writings getting published than about God’s glory. More about people’s approval than about God’s favor. I went to a writing conference, and there was so much talk about platforming and numbers. It discouraged me. After that, God gave me a different perspective. To write for the audience of One. He also showed me that writing on my blog was where He wanted me. I identify with what Pam writes, too. Thank you for sharing how God led you and for being a blessing here. Love and blessings to you!
There is beautiful affirmation in this comment thread. I am blessed by this community. I didn’t realize you had gone to a writing conference. They can be very discouraging. But like me, you learned that writing for God is the best. I love my little corner of the world. I can’t imagine NOT writing. Love and blessings to you too.
Thank you, Mary, for this thoughtful post. Yes, it is all for His glory and to promote His name. Such a wonderful reminder. God bless!
You’re welcome. I pray we all understand that our words reach the ends of the earth when we use them to honor God and encourage others.
I wanted to take a quick minute to leave you a comment. I get a lot of Christian blogs and such in my inbox. Yours is one of the few that I can read quickly and feel so very blessed by. A lot of my emails get deleted quite quickly. Yours don’t. Your writing reflects his glory very well. Thank you.
Thank you for this kindness today. I have missed seeing you around but I know raising boys is a busy time of life. I pray my words continue to honor God and shine for Him. Love and hugs to you!
This is a subject I have wrestled with for years. I tentatively bought into the platform building philosophy too, but struggled greatly with the energy and focus it requires to maintain an active online presence, never mind writing as frequently as has been suggested. I’ve run from the idea since and taken comfort in being small and quiet even if I might sometimes want to extend my readership, if only to reach more people who could be helped and encouraged. I think I need to read this book! It sounds perfect for addressing a really important topic for Christian writers. Thanks for reviewing it here, Mary. x 🙂
This book is a beautiful perspective-changer on platform building for the world vs. the kingdom. It helps to hear a bit of your journey as a writer because then I know I am not alone. Being small is okay. God called me to write and that is what I am doing. If there is to be more, He will show me the way. Always a blessing to have you along for the ride sweet friend.
Hi Mary, I have this book on TBR list and did receive a taste of it from Kate’s newsletter. I’m at a cross-roads so to speak with my on-line presence, not sure how to proceed! I want it to be authentic and real but yet get the message out that God wants me so others hear and see. I started to lose heart due to certain life circumstances. I thank God for Kate and Shannon’s bravery to write and help others who may be struggling with platform worldly ideals that get loud in our minds!
I’m glad you are following Kate. She has many nuggets to share in her emails. I’m wondering how I can pray for you as you face this cross-roads and decide what to do. Please let me know. And I am in agreement with you that we are blessed to have two brave souls share a different perspective to sharing our words. Blessings and hugs, Lynn!
This book looks like just what the Dr. ordered 😉 It is such a difficult balance in this writing world, and I look forward to reading more!
I subscribed too!
What a timely message for the beginning of the year as we all examine our writing goals!
Thanks for sharing Kate’s analogy of the lifeguard chair because it really spoke to me.
My whole aim of writing Jerralea’s Journey is to show others I find Him along each step of the way. Good to be reminded of that!
The timing of this book launching out into the world is perfect. I pray you continue to find God in every step of you writing journey. Blessings!
This looks good, something I have thought about much as I try to write.
It’s a great book. I hope you get a chance to read it.
Ok… I’m getting inspired to write again! I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I’ve been on a two year “lull”! I guess God has simply been teaching me over the past two years, but now is the time to share what He’s been teaching! I love how you share Kate and Shannon’s words that we are part of the story God is writing! We all play a part in His plan! The funny thing is, we don’t always know what that part is! What is important is to allow Him to use us and to be the light that draws others to Him! And, when we follow Him, we can be confident that HIS efforts will always bear fruit!
I can’t wait for you to write again. But I am praying you let God determine the perfect time. You speak such truth when you say it is important to allow God to use us to be His light for others. Love having you here, friend!
Amen! Amen, Mary! It sounds like this book nails what I sense the Lord has been teaching me since I began my website in 2015. Over and over again I sensed the Lord nudging me that I was not to pay attention to the numbers and that sometimes something He led me to write might be for just one person. My responsibility was to write as and what He led. Now at the beginning of 2019 I am convinced that is true. Thanks for this!
You’re welcome! God knows best and I know He has asked the same of me- write for Him and anything else meant to be will follow. There is freedom when we let God lead the way. I hope you get a chance to read this book. It is a great perspective-changer.
This sounds like a great book. 🙂 I just try to do my own thing and stop following trends, number of times to post a day, etc. and God continues to reward my obedience to Him. It’s way slower of a growth process than if I did all the ‘must” dos every day, but I feel pretty ok with it and happy that I’m not letting things define me that don’t really mean a thing in the long run! It’s hard to fight against the world though, isn’t it? Thank you for this reminder to keep my eyes focused on HIM. YOU GO GIRL! xoxo
Your comment makes me happy. God’s timing is never what we think it should be, but it is always exactly right, isn’t it? There was a period of time when I was caught up in all the wrong things, but since then I have stepped back to allow God do what He does best. Your attitude is the one I want everyday. Most days I’m there but not always. I’m going to say the same thing to you “You Go Girl”.
This looks like such a thought-provoking book. Thanks for sharing, Mary. I love what Kate has done with the Five Minute Friday community. I think you are part of that, right Mary? Such a great community with powerful lessons. (And yes, the numbers game can be a trap!)
I am an honorary member of Five Minute Friday at this point. I love that community and Kate. She is the real deal. I pray each time I hit publish that my words encourage and honor God. May we all know the only number that counts is God.
Such an important topic! This sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing and hosting Mary!
It is an important topic and one that can make me crazy to learn how to balance this. But God is gracious to remind me that writing for Him is what it’s all about.
I’ve been doing alot of thinking about this in recent days.
Bigger is not necessarily better … and I’m thinking that bigger and being well known and claiming huge numbers could most likely lead most of us to a place we never wanted to go to in the first place.
Your thoughts prompt more of my own, Mary. As always.
I appreciate your comment. I believe Bigger would lead me down the wrong path. The hardest part for me is spending time on social media and seeing how others are presenting themselves and/or how big their numbers are. I’ve always admired you for being your own person by writing and not worrying about all the social media outlets. Thank you for leading the way in that area.
I have just finished reading this book too and I agree, it is so helpful! It is important to take a step back and consider why we do what we do and to keep our focus on glorifying God and not ourselves. I loved reading your review and your reflections on your own writing journey. I will be posting about it next week. You can leave me out of the giveaway as postage to the UK is expensive, plus I have read the book so I would like someone else to get the chance!
I’m so glad you had a chance to read the book. Kate and Shannon have such a welcoming stye of writing and the truth they shared in Influence is nothing new, but a beautiful way for us to focus our writing. I look forward to reading your review next week. 🙂
Mary, this sounds like a great, perspective-shifting book! I admit, I sometimes grapple with the numbers. I’m much better than I used to be, but there are those weak moments . . .
The quote about God writing us into His story really stopped me. I never thought about things quite that way before!
I am going to have to get this book. 🙂
This is a book you’ll want to read, Jeanne! It was filed with one affirmation after another of how writing can and should be a source of honoring God.
The quote about God writing us into His story stopped me too. He chose us first. That is something I need to be reminded of often. Thanks for being here.
That imagery of what’s “inside the cup” is riveting. I have so much ambivalence about social media and struggle to see it as a tool (and not a straight jacket!). Another helpful image is the lifeguard chair. Having raised a couple of lifeguards, I love the idea that my platform–no matter what size–is for the good of others. A writer can be one of the “helpers” Mr. Rogers talks about.
It is one of the best images I have heard in regards to how the Spirit works with us to reveal the “inside of the cup.” I’m praying you don’t have any straight jacket moments! 😉 There is a fine line of balance between how we honor God and present ourselves on social media. I’ll admit there are days I wish it would just go away. You are definitely a “helper” in the writing world, Michele.
Mary, this sounds like a book I need to read as I truly struggle with the use of social media. Thank you for this lovely review and the quotes as it is now on my “to-read” list, as in my next read 🙂
I’m with you! I struggle with social media and every time I think I have developed a good rhythm, I doubt myself. God does not make things that hard. I hope you have a chance to read this book. It felt like a deep exhale to me.