In the year 2012, I began a journey of writing. A few words here and there and frightened hesitancy each time I was ready to hit publish. This was the path I walked before sending each post into the world. Writing for His glory was my focus and my heart for the “why” behind each and every word.

Then I immersed myself more deeply into the online world and researched how to gain the numbers that were so elusive. I joined multiple writers groups on Facebook, went to conferences, and met my writing heroes in real life. This left me energized and on what I thought was the fast track. I still believed my focus was all for His glory.

Today I am still writing. I love the process, the connections, and how God walks with me as I invite Him into my time of creating. I am learning that “Bigger” is not who I am and not where my online presence is going. It’s okay because I now know my writing is for His glory. It’s good and the words that leave this little page each week are ones that I feel God has placed His stamp of approval on.

As Christian writers, we must ask ourselves if our methods honor God and are life-giving. Share on X

Writing and honoring God is what most of our hearts seek. But if we are honest, a piece of us might also believe that the only way to make a difference is to create a platform that reflects big numbers and reaches far into the world. If we are writing all for His glory, then we must ask ourselves if our methods are honorable and life-giving.

Here’s the thing, friends, we don’t need to re-create the wheel. My friend, Kate Motaung and her friend, Shannon Popkin, released the perfect book to help us understand this idea of influencing others through platform building. Their book, Influence: Building a Platform That Elevates Jesus (Not Me) is now available to purchase on Amazon. (Affiliate link)

I had the pleasure of diving into this book before it officially hit the shelves on Amazon. Kate Motaung is one of my writing heroes and she has always modeled what humility looks like as she interacts daily online. Shannon Popkin is a new–to–me writer, but after reading her words in this book, I have found a new friend.

In Influence, Kate and Shannon, carry the theme of a lifeguard platform throughout. A lifeguard sits elevated to better serve their people. Kate and Shannon write,

In the same way, as Christian writers and speakers, we make use of the platform God has given us so we can best serve those within our reach. 

This book was written not as a how to guide but a ” “why to” or “why not to” resource to help Christians find biblical ways to use their gifts in service to God and others.”

I found myself nodding in agreement as I read the book. There is so much affirmation for Christian writers and speakers even in the tension of striving for a bigger platform. Kate and Shannon point us to Jesus and the call to lead others to His story and glory and not our own.

Join the Tell His Story community for a book review, giveaway, and our weekly link up. #TellHisStory #Influence @k8motaung @ShannonPopkin Share on X

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

God is the Author of all, and He created this world to tell the story of Himself. And here’s a jaw-dropping reality: God writes us in to His story! Yes, the story is all about Him, but we get to play a part.

When others see the light and are drawn to God, it won’t be because you have learned the correct tactic for shedding light or because you have targeted the perfect patch of darkness. No, your role is to simply step onto the platform God has given you and to share the light, or understanding , which you have received.

Social media provides a unique mirror to our hearts. Every opportunity to post is a new opportunity for the Spirit to show us the “inside of the cup.” Every tool to measure our audience’s response offers a tool to measure our motives. Every chance to gain a follower is another chance to become a more intentional follower of Jesus.

Click HERE for more book information and to join an online book discussion beginning February 4th.

And now, check out the giveaway. One reader who comments on the blog by Sunday, January 27th, will have the chance to win a copy of Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me) and a journal. Two extra entries will be added for subscribing to 🙂

I wish I had a copy of this book for all of you. It will provide you with a new lens as you seek to grow your platform as a writer and/or speaker.


#TellHisStory Link Up
Each week we gather here as storytellers, word weavers, and encouragers to make His name known. Our story is God’s story and this small corner of the blogging world, where we come together each Tuesday, needs you. This is a place where poetry, snapshots, prayers, and stories find a safe spot to nod in agreement that what we have to say matters.
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Photo by Mel on Unsplash




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