I remember the first nudge, the quickening of my spirit followed by an intake of breath. It was a time when life was overtaking me and catching my breath was hurried at best. A seed was planted that day as I realized that life did not need to feel overwhelming on a daily basis. Slowing down was possible and stepping back from busyness was not just a saying but a choice.

The Advent season was drawing near and this was my first step into Advent living. I always celebrated the season of Advent with my family and the church since I could remember, but this year was the first time I accepted the invitation to Advent living.

I found the prospect of the upcoming holiday season was not as daunting when I chose to add margin to the family traditions. Joy blossomed when I focused on what was most important to me in that season. A renewal of hope and the discovery of the person of Jesus led me to a new take on how to wait well in the wilderness.

What is God’s Invitation?

God always has an open invitation available for us to follow Him. It is free and full of the gift of grace when we say “yes”. God also invites us to walk through every chapter of our lives. The good, the hard, the challenging, the grief-filled, and joyful chapters as Advent people.

When I began the journey to diving deeper into the season of Advent, I began with the beginning of story. God’s creation of the world is where light met dark and hope sprung forth for the first time. My own story mirrored God’s story of new life. My journey through the wilderness didn’t end there.

When we walk into God’s story, we accept the greatest gift of all–salvation. We can choose to remain stuck or we can choose Jesus. We can walk with our heads down or lift our eyes to see what the Father has created for us.

This Advent we are walking into story. The binding of God’s story with our own. The unfolding of God’s grace-gift and the receiving of this beautiful gift as our own. For it is with and by grace that we will find our own way along the path of our lives. Advent marks our own arrival into God’s story. I pray you remember that pivotal moment—the time when Jesus entered your heart, and you said “yes” to the Savior of the world.

The Advent Narrative

So, what’s next in this journey to Advent living? Join me at Janis Van Keuren’s place to read the rest of the post. Click HERE to read the rest of the post.

This Advent we are walking into story. The binding of God's story with our own. Join me to learn about my journey to Advent living. #newpost #TheAdventNarrative #Adventliving Share on X

New Resource for Advent Living

Have you checked out my new book yet? The Advent Narrative” The Life You Didn’t Know You Were Already Living is available on Amazon. Click HERE.

Here’s what people are saying:

I love the author’s many themes that draw me into the Advent Season but also help me recognize that it’s my whole life long. We are living in the in-between – in process – while we wait from the time we entered into God’s story – until we see Him face-to-face. I appreciated the author’s snippets of her own advent narrative, and the truth that waiting includes preparation as well as wilderness. And that it’s in the wilderness that we learn and know God best of all. She writes: “Wilderness living is when we hurt and find that God has been with us all along.” A great comfort which Advent is all about. Another theme is one we can all relate to: WAITING!

Are we there yet is better rephrased: “Are we willing to continue the journey no matter what the cost?” Jesus was willing, and that made all the difference. A great year-round “Christmas” book! ~ Sue Moore Donaldson

The season of Advent is the time leading up to my most favorite time of year, the birth of Jesus. If II am honest I’ve never truly taken the time to slow down and reflect on the journey to get to the manger. It’s so easy to allow our hearts to be distracted by the never ending to do list. This book did a beautiful job of teaching me to slow down and appreciate the Advent season so that I may truly enjoy the JOY that Jesus brings to the holiday season. I believe The Advent Narrative is an invitation to each of us to allow Jesus to shine through us all not just during the Advent season but all year long as we prepare for His return with a hopeful heart.

This book has taught me that when we make room for God, there is space for grace, love, and peace. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Mary Geisen, for being a hope peddler in a fallen world.

~Michelle Teppe

Lots of love and Happy Thanksgiving!




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