It can happen to all of us. Battle scars from a worn-out life. Tear-stained pillows that mark your sleepless nights. Hands lined and gnarled from a life of hard work. A crown of gray, thinning hair where thick, brown hair used to encircle your head. Wounds from countless losses or an aching that carves out bits of your heart from a love that no longer lingers.

Wounds are wounds no matter what we call them or how we suffer through them. And this is where we begin to know ourselves in a way that reveals who we are becoming. This is how God pulls us out of the mire of life to teach us that by His wounds, we are healed.

The Wounds that Define You

I would venture to guess that if I asked you what pivotal moments changed your life, you would name them easily. If I changed the question slightly to ask you to name the wounds that define you, introspection and shame might follow. Both scenarios changed your life, but one feels easy and the other feels hard.

I posted a quote on Instagram about wounds written by Ann Voskamp a little over a week ago. It said:

Wounds are what break open the soul to plant the seeds of our growth.

And I wrote, “We are wrapped in heartache, stumbling over the hurts that cut deep and laying it all out there in a world that cares more for itself than others.”

Many of us suffer from deep wounds and the thought of even sharing them with a close loved one leaves us shaking. Maybe we experienced unkindness when trying to be vulnerable. Now we would rather hold our suffering close to our chest. Maybe someone took our shared secret and believed it was okay to “put it out there.” Whatever the reason, we all experience deep wounds that are part of our story. A good percentage of us never name our wounds to allow them to bloom into healing and growth.

Wounds can overwhelm but what if wounds produce an outpouring of growth? What happens when we let our wounds not only define us but refine us for life?

The Wounds that Heal You

Last week I challenged all of you to consider Psalm 23 as a guide for your life and not just a comfort in death. I shared some personal stories that have left deep scars in my own life. Each scenario cut deep and revolved around loss and life. My wounds are part of my story. They have refined me and healed me on my road to becoming.

Jesus did the same for us. One selfless act, in which Jesus took on the weight of the sins of the world, has led us on the path of healing. Isaiah 53:5 says it like this:

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

What if our story is only just beginning. What if the wounds that weigh us down become the wounds that heal us from the inside out. God sees us and knows the deep ache we carry deep inside us.

When we see hurt and shame, God takes the ugliness and turns it into healing and restoration.

When we feel that one more step is impossible, God provides the strength we need.

God carries the burden of our wounds. He restores the shame that says we are not worthy and plants the seed of redemption. God not only sacrificed His son, Jesus, but He believes that our wounds are not the end of our stories. God knows that by His wounds and ours, we are healed.

The Road to Becoming

The road to becoming is the road to healing. It is where we make the choice to surrender our past and look toward the future. The road is challenging in good ways when we embrace a new perspective.

When we allow God to plant His seed of redemption in the place where our wounds cut us deeply, we find hope, peace, and a second chance. God doesn’t call us to be the walking wounded. He calls us to freedom and redemption because He is the God of second, third, and fourth chances.

God promises to take your hand and gently pull you in the right direction when you veer off course. He says that you will find a peace that surpasses all understanding, and He will choose the pace that suits you and your journey of healing.

God’s patience and grace accompany every step we take. There is nothing that says we must learn the ins and outs of life in one easy step. Instead, God provides a safety net to catch us when a wrong turn plunges us off–course. Our fall is always cushioned with God’s grace, love, and strength to get back up and try again.

Wounds are wounds no matter what we call them or how we suffer through them. This is where we begin to know ourselves in a way that reveals who we are becoming. #newpost #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X

Let’s surrender our wounds to God this week. He will plant a seed of healing in their place. And, let’s pray that each seed bursts forth into a new life of empathy, compassion, acceptance, and hope.

Let’s recognize that the wounds we carry are the hope for tomorrow, the next step in our journey, and the road to loving others.

Are you willing to let go of your wounds to make room for the One you need and if so, what will this look like?


#TellHisStory Link Up
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