Flashbacks of memories assailed my thoughts as I sat down to write this post.

  • My dad shuffling his feet with his walker slowly scooting before him and his physical therapist walking behind him.
  • My mom “holding court” one Christmas in the T.V. room as family members were invited in one by one.
  • The birth of each of my sons and the sacredness of each moment.
  • Flashes of holy matrimony and devastating breakups.
  • Holding baby Jack in my arms for the first time.

Each memory marked a specific time and place and preceded life-changing events. Each flashback was a touchstone to leading me deeper into living a Psalm 23 life. My pocketful of memories has a way of either growing me into a better version of myself or pulling me farther away from who God created me to be. I am one of the lucky ones. God has pulled me in closer to Him time and time again.

Today I am extending an invitation for you to walk through the verses of Psalm 23 with me. Perhaps you will also be pulled in closer by a God who will never give up on you and calls you His “favorite.”

The Six Verses of Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
     He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
     he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.
 Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
 You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
    forever. (Psalm 23)

These six verses have impacted my life greatly. When I need to recall verses to get me through a difficult time, these are the ones that I remember and repeat over and over. Psalm 23 has been a part of my life since I was a young girl.

Emily P. Freeman recently shared these words from an episode of The Next Right Thing:

The six verses in Psalm 23 do more than comfort us in death, they guide us in life. And if we’re paying attention, these six lines can teach us how to walk into every room every day of our lives.

It is powerful and affirming to know that God’s word is alive today just as much as when it was originally written.

How do we live the Word of God?

Throughout Emily’s podcast she asks some pointed questions that lead us back to Psalm 23. It was these questions that allowed me to pause and reflect how I am living a Psalm 23 life.

Think about this:

God is our provider, soul-filler, protector, and safe place. He is always with us and showers us with love and goodness. There is nothing our God won’t do for us.

Four years ago I watched my dad work harder than he ever had. He endured more pain at the promise of healing and walking with more ease after a broken hip. My dad rarely complained but when it was time to slow down for good, I wondered who would be my safe place and protector when he was gone. The promises in Psalm 23 provides the answers that I struggled to accept initially. Thank goodness God doesn’t give up on us.

Fourteen years ago, my marriage fell apart and my hope in the power of love went through a major overhaul. God has shown me in multiple ways that love is everywhere. A little over a year ago, God took the idea of love to a whole new level when I became a “Mimi.” It was one more way that God took my face between His hands, pulled me in close, and whispered, “This is love. The love I give and the love that is yours to share.”

Finally, my mom took one last day before slipping home to Jesus to pull her children and grandchildren close. It was a sacred time of leaning in to hear what was important and to let them know in her own way how much she loved each of them. I have never experienced anything quite like this before. My heart shattered when my mom passed away. She understood me and I knew she loved me. I needed the comfort of my Shepherd and the knowledge that He would restore my soul more than ever.

Living a Psalm 23 life is accepting God’s invitation to walk with Him in faith through the hard and the beautiful parts of life.

The Invitation

God invites us to know Him better and to hold onto Psalm 23 promises in the moments that cause our hearts to seize up in fear or overflow with all of the Lord’s goodness. I feel the call now more than ever to turn to my Shepherd not only for the comfort but for the faith that He is walking with me.

Living a Psalm 23 life is possible in our present circumstances, and our ordinary, day-to-day routines. It is also part of the big life events that change who you are down to the core of your being. I tend to rely on Psalm 23 when life leans toward the difficult. But I don’t just need God in those heart-shattering moments. I need God every day.

God’s invitation for each of us is one of peace, hope, goodness, and protection all the days of our lives. This invitation is hard to refuse.

I feel the call now more than ever to turn to my Shepherd not only for the comfort but for the faith that He is walking with me. This is how we live a Psalm 23 life. #newpost #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X

What would your life look like if Psalm 23 was the foundation not just for comfort in death, but as a guide for your life? Which part of Psalm 23 speaks most clearly to your current life situation?

Blessings on your week!

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