Photo by Roy Davis

It is always such a pleasure to introduce you to a new featured writer each month and today is no exception. Joan Davis, writes at Hope Secure. She and I met through a group called The Consilium and led several groups together for the members of that group. Joan is an encourager at heart and loves to share God and His Word. I know you will be blessed by her words today.

Here is Joan’s story, First Impression Specialist.

Several years ago I had the joy of being our church’s first receptionist. Prior to me taking the position, we didn’t have one particular person answering the phones or greeting people who came through the front door. However, as our church grew, the need to delegate some responsibilities (I’ll call them blessings) also grew.

I soon discovered that this position provided an opportunity to meet many new people, both to me and to the church. It also gave me an opportunity to serve in a way that seemed to suit my personality. I am cheerful by nature, and I’ve been told that I have a “good phone voice” (I’ve always been a bit amused by that!)  So, as I dove into this new area of service, I was filled with joy by being able to use a gift that seemed to come so easily to me.

One of the women who often called into the office used to refer to me as the “First Impression Specialist”. On Sunday mornings when I’d run into her, she’d even introduce me that way to the people we met! I actually loved the description and new “title”, but with it also came an important responsibility… whoops, I mean blessing!

Through that fun nickname and the job I held, I became acutely aware that as people called or came into the office, they weren’t just calling to find out when the services began, they were looking for Jesus. They were hoping to find the community, joy and healing that He offers. And so, as I realized this, I made a point of trying to shine His light through my words, actions and even my demeanor. I didn’t want their first impression of this house of worship to be negative. Now, I’m not perfect – far from it! I know there have been times when I have not been a good witness. However, at other times, I have been fortunate enough to be able to reach out and share His love.

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). 

That verse in Matthew reminds me of the children’s song, “This Little Light of Mine” –

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…

Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine.

The song goes on to remind us not to hide the light (Christ’s Light) nor allow the enemy to snuff it out. But rather, we are to let it shine for all to see until Christ’s return! What great advice!

And so, starting with those days, years ago as a receptionist, I learned to let my light shine. I realized then that you never know who may be watching. When trials come and we look to Jesus for strength, people will see. When we remember to reach out in love to those around us, people will see. When we stumble and fall… and then grasp God’s hand to help us up again, people will see

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine .. today, tomorrow, and until Christ's return. #TellHisStory #featuredwriter #linkup @ourhopesecure #JoanDavis #firstimpressionspecialist Share on X

How we respond to the people and situations around us is so important.  I learned that if we want to point people to Jesus, we need to become “First Impression Specialists” because our most powerful witness is in our actions. So, let us remember to show His love and His Light to the world. That way, He will shine for all to see.

Shining for Him,


Thank you for welcoming Joan and don’t forget to leave her some love. Take a minute and visit Joan at her place, Hope Secure, too.

Newsy Notes

***I’m going to go to a quarterly recap instead of monthly. It seems more manageable for me. Come back the end of June for Quarterly Musings.

***There will be no linkup or post on June 4. I will be out of town and look forward to some down time.

***Join me throughout the month of June for the one year birthday of me taking over, Tell His Story. Let’s celebrate this beautiful community. Here is the first post and linkup I shared.

***If you are a regular here, will you please share via my contact form what you like about the Tell His Story community? Thank you!

#TellHisStory Link Up
Each week we gather here as storytellers, word weavers, and encouragers to make His name known. Our story is God’s story and this small corner of the blogging world, where we come together each Tuesday, needs you. This is a place where poetry, snapshots, prayers, and stories find a safe spot to nod in agreement that what we have to say matters.
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