If you have ever experienced change, this post is for you. If you push back against change, this post is for you. When change is not what you asked for, this post is for you. If you are learning how to transition well during change, this post is for you.

The last six months, almost seven months, have taken us on the ride of our lives. If you are like me, you are holding on just to maneuver your way into the next day. Let’s put the pandemic aside for a minute and dive deeper into change and how to transition without fighting back.

Life Transitions are Real

On a day-to-day basis, I am pivoting from one activity to the next. If we name these, we will soon discover that they are transitions. They happen so quickly that many times we don’t realize we have changed directions or moved onto the next activity.

Life transitions are the pivots that move us from one season of our life to another. Here’s an example: A few years before I retired from teaching, I was working as an Instructional Coach supporting the teachers in the classroom, rather than teaching in the classroom. A huge change was on the horizon that blindsided me and instead of finishing up as a coach, I went back into the classroom to teach. It was unexpected, an immense change in direction, and the best way to end my teaching career. There was a lot about this transition I did well and more that I could have done better.

Life transitions look like job changes, job loss, starting a family, getting sick, caring for aging parents, questioning your faith, losing a loved one, and the list goes on. Think about a life adjustment you experienced as you go through the rest of this post and learn how to transition well during change.

Transitions are not Always Bad

I chose a big transition about two and a half years ago. A message pinged into my inbox and the rest was history. It began as an invitation and a chance to consider taking over the Tell His Story linkup. Jennifer Dukes Lee left a very kind message asking me to prayerfully consider becoming the next host of her amazing linkup and community. If you’re here now, you know how I answered.

Several months ago I sent a message to Jeanne Takenaka with a big ask and a heart full of hope. I’m not sure how Jeanne felt when that message pinged into her inbox, but she said “Yes.”

The last six months and maybe even longer I knew that I needed to make a change. I’m not always a big fan of change so I slowly began to erase it from my thoughts until I couldn’t see it anymore. God was calling me to pass on the Tell His Story torch and He wouldn’t let it go until it was done.

This transition is bittersweet and next Tuesday I will wake up wondering what’s missing from my day. But I know that handing the reins to Jeanne is exactly what God wanted. Jeanne and I know each other from the Five Minute Friday community and had the pleasure of meeting each other in person at a Five Minute Friday retreat in Kansas City a few years ago. We have a lot in common and many times God is laying similar ideas on our hearts and we find we both have written on similar themes. You will find Jeanne HERE.

Ideas to Transition Well

It’s easy to transition well during change when you make the choice on your own or maybe not. You may believe that my examples of transitioning don’t come anywhere close to what you have experienced in your life and you may be right. Let’s put that aside and take a few minutes to brainstorm how we can walk into a new season with less tension, less anxiety, less push back, and more acceptance.

Pray. God knows what is on our hearts even before we utter the first word. Saying the words out loud proclaims an urgency and trust that God will answer.

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12-13

Permanence and change go hand in hand. I shared a quote on Instagram and it says, “October is a symphony of permanence and change.” I believe that when we think of change there is a both/and happening during the transition. We long for steadiness but find instead a path that leads us through change. Permanence and change go together when God is orchestrating the symphony.

Flexibility creates a better pathway to change. A friend, Cindy Lafavre Yorks, wrote on Instagram: “I find that I’m more open to change, the better I’m able to tackle what challenges.” Find her HERE.

God is always with us through the transitions of life. One of my favorite verses is Deuteronomy 31:8. “It says, The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Unwelcome change takes what was and moves it into what will be. Call upon God in challenging seasons. He will hear and answer.

What I Want You To Know

Hosting Tell His Story has been an amazing honor. Creating a space for writers to gather in community is always the right thing to do. Hearing and reading your stories each week allowed me to grow as a writer and to fall deeper in love with the Lord.

I’m not going anywhere. I love seeing your faces around here and love reading your words. I pray the friendship we have built continues.

Life transitions are the pivots that move us from one season of life to another. Let's learn together how to transition well during change and join me for an announcement. #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X

Take a few minutes right now to welcome Jeanne and head over to her place to see where you will linkup next week. Thank you for being here and I look forward to many more meetings as we stay together in community through our words.

Blessings on your week!

**The first photo was taken by my son, Nicholas. 🙂

#TellHisStory Link Up
Each week we gather here as storytellers, word weavers, and encouragers to make His name known. Our story is God’s story and this small corner of the blogging world, where we come together each Tuesday, needs you. This is a place where poetry, snapshots, prayers, and stories find a safe spot to nod in agreement that what we have to say matters.
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