The intimacy of God is real. He declares, “I am your lighthouse and my light shines through the darkness in an endless pursuit of love.
God Pursues You
Fifty plus years has shown me how God relentlessly pursues me. Over and over, He draws me back into His embrace. Mistakes, poor choices, and shame cannot keep God from loving me.
Wondering why gets me nowhere. Hiding behind my loss or shame creates a space for God to shine His light a little brighter. Believing I am not enough is the place where God meets me with His sweet tenderness.
It is how the beacon of a lighthouse covers its shores to keep boaters safe. The light pursues the darkness and illuminates all in its path. It is the way the beam of truth always finds us and shows us the way (Proverbs 6:23 TPT). God does the same for me as He patiently pursues my heart and soul. His light brightens up the dark places where I run, but turning to Him is where I find home.
Peace in the Process
The gentle sweep of the lighthouse’s lamp works in rhythm with the ocean waves. The circular motion of the light matches the ebb and flow of the water. God’s desire is for peace to fill the places where the water recedes and the light passes leaving only
I grew up in a
God’s peace reaches the recesses of my being and overflows into other parts of my life. It is beyond my understanding (Phil. 4:7) but fulfilling in a way that a set of words will never be. It’s a peace that makes way for the plans God has for us and in the process of opening

As I learn more about God and work on my relationship with Him, I find signs of peace and hope where I least expect them. On the days I want to retreat away from the world, I find God is still there with me. When life is overwhelming and challenges come at me faster than I can process them, God shows me a way to slow down and breathe. Five minutes of quiet is all it takes some days. God’s peace is the gift in the perfect storm of life. When I am caught under the waves of difficulty, God reassures me with the whisper of “I am your lighthouse.”
It is beautiful, unwarranted, and tender in ways I can’t explain.
Share Your Light
Just as the lighthouse protects the boaters nearing the water’s edge, God calls me to do the same for others. As God relentlessly pursues me with His love, more opportunities open up for me to share God’s love with friends and family. I learn that when Jesus calls me to shine my light (Matthew 5:16, TPT) and not keep it hidden, He is teaching me that my gifts are unique and worth sharing.
God is our lighthouse. His light brightens the darkness and holds fast when life’s storms threaten and swirl around us. God is our Light-Keeper, Promise-Maker, and Hope-Dweller.
Because of Him, I am who I am. Because of Him, I am overflowing with love. Do you feel it too? Does your life reflect the light and love of the Father?
Because of Him, I am who I am. Because of Him, I am overflowing with love. #newpost #TellHisStory #linkup Share on XWhen we are called to shine for others, we have the capacity to brighten the way a hundredfold because of God. Maybe today is the day you and I let the constancy of the Lighthouse protect us. Maybe, you and I were meant for so much more than we ever imagined. And maybe, the time is now.

Father God,
I stand amazed that you relentlessly pursue me. Your love outlasts, outweighs, and outshines all other love. Your hope and protection

As I began writing this post, I was listening to the song, Out of Hiding, by Steffany Gretzinger. She writes:
And now I’ll be your lighthouse
When you’re lost at sea
And I will illuminate
These words and the whole song touched me as I sat in a vulnerable place this past week. Knowing I am safe and loved was God’s gift to me through the lyrics of the song. I pray these words give you peace and an understanding that God is your safe place.
Oh, Mary … as I was reading your words, it took me back to times in the car this past spring when I was driving the hospital to visit my dad and not knowing what I would find … the peace I felt was so tangible I can’t even describe it. It was like my heart was completely still. I believe what you say with all my heart, that, “God’s peace is the gift in the perfect storm of life.” Beautiful post, my friend.
I know God never wastes the storms of life even when we end up in a place of loss of overwhelm. The gift is that He always has peace waiting for us on the other side as well as in the middle. I love knowing that you found peace as you were going through your last days with your dad. Blessings and hugs!
Mary – God’s peace is so unexplainable, yet you did a beautiful job of letting us feel it. Thank you. I agree with what you said, “God’s peace is the gift in the perfect storm of life.”
His peace never ceases to amaze me. I am praying for you right now.
What kind words to share. To even come somewhat close to describing God’s peace is only because of Him. I pray you always feel God’s peace and know it is your gift to have.
So thankful that you found peace. Your words are beautiful laurensparks.net
God’s peace is like no other. Thank you for your kind words.
Jesus is definitely my safe place Mary! Lovely post.
Bless you,
I love knowing that, Jennifer! Blessed to have you here!
This is such a beautiful image and a reasurring truth! It brought to mind Rend Collective’s song My Lighthouse, and it’s words “I will trust your promise. You will carry me safe to shore. “
I also was thinking of Rend Collective’s song “My Lighthouse” as I writing this post. Joanne was also thinking of this song. The image of God as my lighthouse is so reassuring. Thanks for being here!
Mary, what a beautiful testimony of God’s love and His constant pursuing of us. He fills us with His love and joy and then it overflows to those around us. Oh, may He keep us close and may we shine His light of love in all our doings and relationships. Your post shines brightly and exudes joy! Blessings to you! xo
Thank you, Gayl! I am so comforted in knowing that God never gives up on me. And yes, His love comes to us in abundance and we are able to share the overflow with others. I appreciate your encouragement and kind words that my post shines. Love you, friend!
Well said, Mary! So very true😊 I loved the photos as well!
Thank you, Pam! I love having you here.
Thank you for these beautiful words and images Mary. I grew up landlocked in a small Midwestern town, so when I was finally able to travel and see a majestic lighthouse on the shores of Lake Superior, I was in such awe. Thank you for reminding me of that awe today, and for seeing the way that Jesus shines His light onto those rocky shores for us! He is such a majestic light, and He does not leave us stranded in the storms.
I also grew up landlocked in the Midwest. I remember my first look at a lighthouse. For me, it was in Cape Hatteras, NC. Lighthouses have always made an impression on me and God has made an even bigger impression. He is my safe-place, Light-Keeper, and Hope-Bearer. May you feel His light shining brightly on you, Bettie.
This is so moving and beautiful, Mary. This line really grabs me – “His light brightens up the dark places where I run, but turning to Him is where I find home.” I so identify with it. Thank you, for encouraging me today and pointing us to our Light-Keeper and Hope-Bearer! Love and blessings to you!
God is my safe place, my light in the storm, but most of all, He is home. I find so much comfort in knowing that in God I will find all I need. I hope you carry those words with you this week and find your own sense of comfort in the love of God.
I love the truth that God is peace and offers real peace to me. So often that is my only focus – but I love the thought that I have the privilege (and a responsibility) to show peace to others. To be a reflection of His peace – as it overflows in me. That is convicting and powerful. Thanks for a great thought this morning!!
Grateful for your encouragement. May we know how much God loves us and believes in us and share this with others. I hope the rest of your week is wonderful.
Everything about this article was wonderful!
Thank you! I appreciate you being here.
What a beautiful and inspiring post! Thanks for sharing these thought on how we are like a lighthouse. It has blessed my heart!
Thank you for being here, Jeana! I pray you know how much God loves to show you the way and will always be there for you.
Beautifully written, Mary. I loved this line: “Mistakes, poor choices, and shame cannot keep God from loving me.” Thank goodness this is true. I struggle to empty myself of my “self” to give God’s light room to shine through me. I guess that struggle is the whole point. Glad to know we are not in the struggle alone.
There is comfort in hearing a “me too” from someone else. I also get in the way of myself and I am sure God is scratching His head wondering when I am going to “get it.” Thanks for getting it with me.
What a beautiful reminder of who God is and His love for us! I need to remember to look for that lighthouse in all things (stormy seas and blissfully calm days and everything in between!)
I will be joining you in looking for the lighthouse in all things too. God is already there waiting for us and He already knew what was going to happen even before we did. Thanks for being here.
Mary, I have never thought of myself as a lighthouse before. What a beautiful visual! I love what you said about how our Father lightens up our dark places, and when we turn to Him, we find Home. In a season where life is trying to overwhelm me, I need to remember that He is Home. Even in my dark places, His light leads me Home. Thanks for this, friend!
God is our light but He never meant for us to hide it. Instead, we have the chance to shine for Him and light the way for others we come across in our lives. I pray you find peace in this season of raising teen boys. May God’s light guide you so you may then lead your sons. Love you friend!
Needing to hear these words this morning, Mary: “When life is overwhelming and challenges come at me faster than I can process them, God shows me a way to slow down and breathe. Five minutes of quiet is all it takes some days.” I’m learning I can still experience peace even though everything isn’t perfectly solved and organized and happy. 🙂
I love how God shows up with what we need at just the right time. It is okay to let go of perfection and just be happy. God sees and knows everything.
There was a song I heard often in my teen years that I haven’t heard much since:
I thank God for the lighthouse,
I owe my life to Him.
For Jesus is the lighthouse
And from the rocks of sin
He has shown His light around me
That I might clearly see.
If it wasn’t for the lighthouse,
Tell me, where would this ship be?
This ship would be wrecked on the shores by now if not for the Lighthouse. I thank God for shining His light for me!
Thank you for sharing the words to the song you grew up with. The image of God as our Lighthouse is powerful and comforting. I am nothing without God shining His light to show me the way. Blessings!
Beautiful post, Mary. You brought to mind a song I love and it is now playing in the background as I peck my comment 🙂 I am so grateful “He is the peace in my troubled sea”.
The song .. https://youtu.be/dSn9HW5P-sA
Thank you, Joanne! Headed to listen to the song now. Thank you for always supporting me here in this space.
I love Rend Collective and I love this song.
Like you, I am a person who feels things at a very deep level. Peace sometimes seems elusive. I love the imagery of the lighthouse seeking out darkness in order to illuminate it. Thank you for this reminder that God will relentlessly pursue me with His love and peace. I could use a big dose of it right now.
Bev xx
It is comforting to know that God never stops pursuing us. From one deep feeling woman to another, may we both feel God’s love and peace deeply. Praying for you as you face another obstacle.
Good morning, Mary. What a beautiful, tangible picture you painted of Our Mighty God. Thank you for this prayer. As I observe families and kids who are broken in the community, I need to place my hope in the One who relentlessly pursues His children. May God bless the road He has laid for you today. In Christ, Julie
You have a wonderful opportunity for ministry and I pray God provides you with just the right words. Thank you for your encouragement and blessings!